^Thank you: we got two classic girls going at it and everyone has their anorak on....
Your honor, I'd like to label this witness as hostile.
^That's pretty clever.
^A better question is why y'all have emotional responses with strangers online.
Top of the top!
The receiver looks angry!
In my humble opinion, the best part of the last two chapters is the fact that 'THE KISS' didn't turn into a GRS-esque muppet-makeout session well, it should
In my humble opinion, the best part of the last two chapters is the fact that 'THE KISS' didn't turn into a GRS-esque muppet-makeout session
well, it should
Agreed. The prom should hear the rutting at last as they writhe on the PA button.
Houston, Tranquility Base: the Eagle has landed! I genuinely did not think it would.
So sad when she said she gave her "true heart." Our sins will always catch us in the end.
Leg stretching, eh?
She is so cute it hurts.
Flat is justice.
Aww, that gal was so cute with her Nessie doll.
More OL yuri!
Hinoka might be the most attractively drawn cartoon ever.
Vexing: A rare word to hear any more. Hopefully they'll smooch now; otherwise, I am going to play in traffic.
Poor gal.
The skeeters done got 'er, Pa.
^Gross. Anyhew, hopefully the Emperor will enact a purge now.
Only doing it once? What's the point?!
I love the club member's freckles!
She's spotted that hand on her can. Ha!
^They're inanimate objects. It'll be okay.