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joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh yes!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hm, not my thing either. I read the first three pages to evaluate the toxicity for my own, but got bored by the tropes and kind of soulless art. I guess if you are into the drama and strict roles that characters fit into, maybe this is not all that bad.

joined Mar 22, 2013

I didn't expect this comic to be so sweet. It's adorable!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

yes, sequel please

joined Mar 22, 2013

This one never gets old. It's such a beautiful coming of age story. Where two girls figure out their own issues while falling in love. And all in such a wholehearted way. I also love the relationship between Mari and Ran. Mari is such a cool character. She is coming on so strong all the time, but essentially she is very soft on the inside. God, it's all so wholesome!!

last edited at Nov 28, 2024 1:12AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Also I like slow burns a lot. But I'm with Johnb. There's always this fear that you get invested over years and then the ending is just crap. I like slow burns if they reach a point where the characters get together and maybe the story even goes on. And show the couple in their earned relationship. HEA is so yesterday, too. I want to see the relationship that the couple (and me the reader) earned. And so there always is the fear of the series ending abruptly and ambigously like so many other series did. -.-

joined Mar 22, 2013

This comment section is gold. As is this beautiful fanart

joined Mar 22, 2013

Aww, why does this not have the wholesome tag?

joined Mar 22, 2013

It's cute that the villainess obviously is a smol maiden at heart, but I can't stand these teases anymore meh. Because usually they just lead to nothing -.-

joined Mar 22, 2013

Damn, lol. I love gay humour

joined Mar 22, 2013

King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizzard!!! WTF I''ve been listening to them so much this week lol

Wholesome discussion 10 Jun 07:35
joined Mar 22, 2013

This tag is too powerful!!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

This healed my soul too!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hehe, i love Mian's friend. At the beginning I thought she might be a threat to Haegu, but she's a cinnamon roll for Haegu, isn't she. A murderous one, but a cinnamon roll.

Also Haegu is in trouble now, isn't she? After drinking with Mina Park xDD

joined Mar 22, 2013

somebody remove that thing from her back!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

I am so in love with the characters and story. It just feels... cozy, man.

joined Mar 22, 2013

God, what a cute artstyle!!!

joined Mar 22, 2013

I recently binged this and I must say Morinaga Milk has grown a lot with her writing. The first story I read and loved by her was obviously Girlfriends. I was a young adult then. And I just love how this manga is so mature, when I have grown older now too and appreciate exactly this kind of story more. There's so much psychological tension, but the couple life is so sweet. I also love how it is such a "normal" yuri story. Like they are a couple and who cares that it's two women. I enjoy that the drama is not at all about the yuri, but about the character's feelings. This comic is just a really nice couple life drama story.

last edited at May 27, 2024 5:16AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

Well, come on then, drop the name.

Sure! It's called "The Witch" but I'll also recommend "Dom and Mor," and "Love and Be Loved." All girls love. I've got loads more but those three are absolutely fantastic, just suffering from needing more marketing.

That's true. It can be so hard for some good Webtoons to be seen by a larger audience. I found "The Witch" just by coincidence in the recently updated and I am soooo glad I did!! Dom and Mor is also awesome, yes! Didn't know the third one, so thanks for the recommendation!!
I really like a lot of the "smaller" GL webtoons, they are usually very unique works.
Btw, if I am allowed to do some shameless self-advertising, I have a webtoon of my own. It is super small and I am still learning, it's called: Not her Again sorry for the offtopic, lol.

last edited at May 27, 2024 5:07AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I kind of hate NTR, but I love Sal Jiang, so... still a great chapter. I still think... if the blonde had just asked out the other girl from the beginning instead of stealing all her guys, we could have avoided all this, lol.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

last edited at May 10, 2024 5:16PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yes! I am also super scared that the guy Banwoo will be the one to kill her. Because he has been given a lot of importance somehow, I am having a bad feeling about it. And he won't stop his intention of killing Haegu. He is dead set on it. So it will be either him or her. I am scared that it will end with Haegu dead, having received her proper "punisment". Because she is messed up badly. Will she really have a chance at a happy ending with all she did? Then again, Mian and her worked through so much. They are at such a good point atm. I'm at chapter 123, where they finally work together without any secrets. I am just scared of the "moral of the story".

The Comic has been awesome from start to finish so far, I love all the progress they made. There were some really cute and heartfelt moments... And holy hell. When Haegu's Backstory was explained. Her training... her hitman "family". That was an intense scene. It shows how she became such a monster.

About the color thingy I also thought red was violence and brutal anger, while blue was coldness, brutal emotionlessness. And purple was actually something positive, tenderness and understanding between the two. I think it only ever appeared when they were friendly toward each other?

But about the hitman/corporate/revenge plot I am super confused. I always forget the names and ppl. Who killed who and why and who paid who to do what...????

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yeah, It is working for me too again!! Thank you so much.

last edited at May 6, 2024 10:13AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I am totally surprised why there aren't more images on this site of this (Robin using her powers on Nami). But then again, why would she miss out on the fun. When she could be touching Nami herself.

joined Mar 22, 2013

The post timeskip designs are actually awesome when done like this. OMG it looks so nice?