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joined Mar 4, 2017

Yeah there's a foiled rape attempt, but there's also you know actual rape.

That teacher raped her.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I am loving this!

Wicked Spot discussion 07 Dec 21:13
joined Mar 4, 2017

Maybe this Hanako isn't 100% human either and belongs to a race that is the witches' natural enemy.


I think she is human, but a special kind of human. She is the descendent of witch hunters. Humans that over thousands of years refined a natural ability to hunt witches. Strength to compete with them. The ability to see them. Her rage at being called a witch is her witch-hunter instincts being triggered.

They are the ones that originally pushed the witches into hiding, hunting them to near extinction. However, the witches have successfully been in hiding so long that most have even forgot witch hunters were a thing. Witch hunters themselves forgot they were a thing.

Now it's a witchXwitchhunter love story!

Clumsy Call discussion 06 Nov 11:49
joined Mar 4, 2017

Not sure why this has the "wholesome" tag. This is pretty clearly sexual harassment.

joined Mar 4, 2017


Do they not have sleep doctors there???

joined Mar 4, 2017

I dunno about idiot couple. One of them is very aware of the situation and pushing it to their advantage while the other is NOT.

Frostbite discussion 21 Jul 19:25
joined Mar 4, 2017

Oh shit this is intense.

joined Mar 4, 2017

How does that work? Does she hate it or is she just apathetic?

Yeah... that's the thing. It doesn't work.

She cares for her, but she doesn't love her. It's an entirely doomed one sided relationship. Areo Ace people can deeply care about and love people, but they can't ever be IN love with them. That's the aromantic part of aro-ace.

Functionally, she might as well be straight.

joined Mar 4, 2017

The term groomer gets thrown around a lot in places that don't belong, but Jesus fucking Christ holy shit. This is some really groomer ass behavior.

I thought this was a prequel to but the characters have different names.

And now I can never read that one shot again.

joined Mar 4, 2017

The term groomer gets thrown around a lot in places that don't belong, but Jesus fucking Christ holy shit. This is some really groomer ass behavior.

I thought this was a prequel to but the characters have different names.

And now I can never read that one shot again.

joined Mar 4, 2017

The term groomer gets thrown around a lot in places that don't belong, but Jesus fucking Christ holy shit. This is some really groomer ass behavior.

I thought this was a prequel to but the characters have different names.

And now I can never read that one shot again.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Neeeeeeeed updaaaate!

joined Mar 4, 2017

On another note: shouldn't this have the abandonment issues tag? I feel like most of the conflict is at least partly driven by Yuna's low self-esteem and fear of ending up alone.

That, but she may actually feel genuine abandonment issues after her parents basically disowned her for the "crime" of wanting to further her education. She really got done dirty by them in that regard.

joined Mar 4, 2017

She really needed that rest and her body finally let her.

That's how I understood it as well, yes.

Okay I get it now yeah. She was under so much stress on her body was finally able to reset. Which is why she was able to catch up on all the needed rest. :)

joined Mar 4, 2017

I don't really see this as sad, more incomplete.

I don't see any evidence she killed herself. But it's possible she might have left her. Way I figure what actually happens is she gets back from her work trip finds her girlfriend has left her. They both discovered that they've been hurting each other and promised to be more honest and communicate with each other.

Like I said not a sad ending just incomplete.

joined Mar 4, 2017

i dont really get it, tbh

it’s quite simple! just another women falling for a straight women and she gets married

Who said she was marrying a man? ;)

last edited at Feb 25, 2024 5:57PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

I really love this pseudo parent-child relationship they have. I get the feeling that something's up between the kid and her mother. I know her living alone has to do with her being a magic girl, but her being 10 she is likely still very, very attached to her mother and Fuji is likely helping fill that hole in her heart.

joined Mar 4, 2017

The series really should be called "Hime-Chan needs a therapist and medication"

joined Mar 4, 2017

Okay. No choice. Time to murder-suicide Otome.

joined Mar 4, 2017

That was nice. I really liked this story.

And screw anyone who was upset they didn't get together. One is an ADUKT and the other is a CHILD.

A child that is undergoing pretty significant psychological distress and in desperate need of an adult in her life that loves and accepts her.

Honestly, to anyone HOPING to see that shit, cry more.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I'm starting to wonder if we're going to follow these characters until they come out to their friends/parents, get married, have kids, grow old, and die.

joined Mar 4, 2017

It's kind of sad the author hasn't considered just having the main character dress like a guy while still physically being female. He doesn't need to wear a bra, he can just wear a binder. His hair gets long he can just cut it and style it like a guy.

It also would probably be better if they just fucking broke up. It's high school. He'll probably find someone better in college or whatever.

Meanwhile she can actually go out and seek a out a girlfriend who's pre-transition. Someone who is 100% fine with eventually turning into a girl.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Should this be tagged “age gap”?

Not unless it turns yuri at some point.

Oh god. Nothing would ruin this more for me.

She's fucking TEN YEARS OLD. The other one is fucking THIRTY. That would be so fucking disgusting. Just gross.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Oh God being transported into a public Bank wearing a fucking little kids costume Jesus Christ. I feel so bad for this woman.

By the way if she's 30 and the other one is only 10, she's old enough to be her mother. Maybe she is and she forgot?

If she got kicked out at 10 live with her dad anymore maybe she decided to live near her mother sought her out. They both might have a hereditary talent for magical stuff, which is why both of then we're chosen for their respective rules.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I like the original ending better where it wasn't implied she might be partially draining her for money.