Forum › Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! discussion

joined Jul 15, 2016

the teacher prob thinks theyre into some kinky ass shit

Would she be wrong, though?
joined Oct 3, 2021

Oh goddammit all, Yvonne, couldn't you have told a little white lie? You know, to put your teacher at ease?

I think this is Yvonne asking Yuna for help because she wants someone to stop her, even if it doesn't help.
The angst seems to be continuing

Considering the fact that she's a magical teacher, she might even (hopefully) be able to help her deal with the villainess system in the future. It would be awesome for the girls to have one knowledgeable adult they can confide in.

joined Oct 20, 2017

This is basically the Patrick Star's wallet meme

joined Mar 25, 2020

yuna_sensei.exe has stopped working

joined Apr 24, 2022

the teacher prob thinks theyre into some kinky ass shit

Would she be wrong, though?

probably not

joined Apr 28, 2022

ooo who was the adult looking Elsa in that dream!? THE PLOT THICKENS!

joined Mar 25, 2021

Ayo what?

Are they gonna pull an executioner and make Elsa a time traveller but she isn't aware of it?

joined Jan 14, 2020

"Why would the girl who likes me be flushed as I lean in close to adjust her clothing?"

joined Jan 1, 2019

So wait is the villainess system from the future? I guess that's one way to melt a tsundere...

joined May 1, 2015

Elsa gets all red when Yvonne buttons up her blouse and fixes her ribbon.
Imagine what would happen when Yvonne takes her (Elsa's) clothes off.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Oh wow, so were' going there huh ? oooh... welp, I mean... alright

joined Oct 3, 2016

Y'all! The mood whiplash is real!

joined Oct 30, 2021

Oh no time travel again no

joined May 22, 2022

Ayo what?

Are they gonna pull an executioner and make Elsa a time traveller but she isn't aware of it?

Lol yeah, that gave me executioner vibes! Didn't know that time travel and yuri would be one of my favorite pairs until I watched that anime. If this goes a similar route I wouldn't mind, but I feel that this is still going in a unique direction given everything that has happened so far.

And I still hope they somehow address what happened to Elsa just a while ago since it still stings a bit for me.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Okay... endgame Elsa from a parallel save file or New Game +. Assuming that older Elsa is a regressor trying to save Yvonne, then there's a good chance the fake Yvonne seen in the Villainess System regressed as well.

Looks like Yvonne already was fated to suffer when she was young. If the little girl witch-Elsa wanted to protect in the past and future is truly the same person as the sadist Yvonne from another storyline, it raises the question why she stayed gentle rather than became a psychopath in this lifetime. Her memories of being a commoner on Earth also make time travel even more confusing.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Something is definitely sus about Yvonne in the second half of this chapter. It's as if she has temporarily entirely forgotten about her sword of Damocles (the VS). I mean, it's a nice change of pace, but I cannot imagine how it can last.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Vonnie got a new nickname and fan. :D

joined Oct 22, 2021

Evie’s half-turned winking face on page 1, uh, sure is something…

joined Mar 23, 2022

Damnn I like her new nickname, I remember bonnie from adventure time. Also lewd hand holding alert!! Also * le gasp* plot twist elsa from the future spotted.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Lucky she wasn't in bully mode or it might have been wind of the ass crack.

joined Aug 17, 2019

Suddenly time travel shenanigans...

joined Apr 27, 2014

Yaaay, I loved this so much! thanks for the info to buy the author/s a ko-fi!!!

joined Dec 27, 2021

There are some not-so-obvious hints in the previous chapters that elsa and Yvonne should have met during their childhood.
Like Garth said, he seems to have seen Elsa before
Lying in Yvonne's lap while she slept, Elsa felt a scent that brought her back to her childhood
I suspect this part will appear in the near future if time travel exist

joined Apr 24, 2022

just the entire page 5 of this chapter is a masterpiece. It could be put up in a museum and everyone there upon seeing it would immediately cry despite the fact that it was not a sad page. Beautiful I am telling my family now.

joined Apr 24, 2022

also damn it seems way more like there's gonna be a lot of lore up in here. I won't make any prediction for now though I can't wait.

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