So the vampire is a 400 year old virgin who has never drank blood before. How has she survived up until this point?
Maybe she means that she has never bit anyone to death before? Like, in D&D and Nasuverse, you don't turn into a vampire's servant (spawn or ghoul) unless you actually die from the bite and come back (she also says "awaken").
Blood bags maybe? Or maybe vampires don't have to eat in this world?
Blood bags have only been invented 200 years ago, so she would have still had to survive half of her undeath without them.
T this rate, I'm guessing it's going to turn out the girl isn't actually hypnotized and is just going along with the role play, which actually wouldn't be out of character for how she's acted so far
There is no way she wouldn't notice the puncture wounds on her neck, so she probably understands that this vampire is a real deal. But the vampire is hot, so she probably doesn't care. :-)