Forum › That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch discussion

joined Nov 27, 2017

Lin luxi, you're lucky that girl doesn't try to strip you naked where you stand, she's understandably desperate. Cut her all the slack.

joined Mar 12, 2022

We should just ignore that one person with 50 alt accounts

joined Jun 12, 2014

I'm surprised Dynasty of all places would have people who talk down so much about sexually active women

Tontong's mom was very practical about the whole thing imo. I feel like allowing a bit of distance can be healthy at times and delaying the relationship a short time until strict mom's threats have fewer teeth and they have education stuff in order just seems like good planning

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm surprised Dynasty of all places would have people who talk down so much about sexually active women.

It’s really just a few random trolls—another one just showed up in the My Mom’s a Superstar forum with pretty much the same misogynist nonsense.

joined Jun 12, 2014

I'm surprised Dynasty of all places would have people who talk down so much about sexually active women.

It’s really just a few random trolls—another one just showed up in the My Mom’s a Superstar forum with pretty much the same misogynist nonsense.

I figured
This is definitey not a community I get misogynist vibes from

Also, that sort of nonsense is not known for it's variety lol
Pretty one track people

joined Dec 17, 2021

Fingers crossed for Tong Tong doing well in her exam, buy even if she doesn't, I hope they can't still be together, somehow.

joined Mar 28, 2022

I admire Tongtong's diligence. Going that far for someone else as a teenager seems pretty amazing to me. Then again, I guess you could say it's 'just' studying lol.

joined Mar 17, 2022

They sped through that didn't they?

I feel bad for tongtong and xiao lu though, having to spend 400 days "broken up" is a lot of time when you're in love with someone, no matter how old you are.

I hope they both do amazing and get to be happy together.

joined Aug 12, 2021

a timeskip, well I suppose they'd want us to see the part where they live happily ever after rather than the part where they can't be together so I won't complain.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I hope there's happiness for them soon!

a timeskip, well I suppose they'd want us to see the part where they live happily ever after rather than the part where they can't be together so I won't complain.

Without the time skip it would have been something like 30 chapters or more of them studying alone and being miserable, that doesn't sound like a good time imo haha

joined Nov 12, 2020

Rules of nature dictate that there will be blood when standing here.

The ultimate showdown between two tiger moms is about to begin!

I thirst for the great battle,bring it forth!

And Asian mothers are typically tigers,whether they're strict or not,because they will bring down the world of hurt of ANY pity fool who dares threaten their offspring.

They also do make sure their little ones know rules when need be.

joined Dec 23, 2020


Also make sure you have your victory trip planned. XD

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

So true, Anri or bust

joined May 20, 2013

What a bittersweet timeskip

joined Oct 14, 2014

I bet the timeskip was just so the author can shove them in college so they can have sex LOL

joined Jul 18, 2017

I bet the timeskip was just so the author can shove them in college so they can have sex LOL

based and legalpilled

joined Apr 14, 2020

Lesgooooooooo Pass the testtt and have intimate handholding

joined Jan 21, 2020

Tbh if we dont get to see them get it on ill be pissed. In general i hope this is one of those series that keeps going into the relationship rather than ending soon after it starts.

joined Feb 19, 2022

wait, am i missing something? 400 days is well over an entire year, chinese testing period is that long to have the relevance and countdown written on the blackboard? or was that embellished to show the time gap? that seems terrifying to me as an american. i know studying here is far lacking compared to asia and that the entire senior year is basically devoted to it, but 400 days is OVER a year.

edit: i also remember reading in this thread a while back that the final chapter should be fast approaching? am i remembering that correctly? i've read backwards a couple of pages on the forum and cant see anything posted of that nature and am starting to wonder (hope) i hallucinated that or something

last edited at Apr 1, 2022 4:14AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

And so ..400 days went by in the blink of an eye. The end is nigh..

joined Oct 20, 2017

Kind of depressing tbh. But what do I know

joined Mar 23, 2022

Road to skinship once again letssss goo tongtong letsss gooooo!!!

joined Jun 22, 2018

Surprised to see people be so harsh on TongTong's mom (or well, not really). I mean, she's practically oozing with love and affection for her daughter, even if she's a bit of a scatterbrain and really bad at this "let me just talk to this woman"-thing. She's doing her best, and that's what matters, I think.
And there's nothing wrong with her seeing men at her own pace, anyway. I found it pretty refreshing to see.
I'd take her over Li's mom any day.
joined Oct 3, 2021

My first thought was to say ''There's no way they would wait 400 days!''. But then again, I've been and still am going through something similar since 2019...

joined Feb 11, 2022

Oh no, she died!

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