Forum › Posts by DridyEXE

joined Jan 21, 2020

Yea i dunno im not a huge fan of the short-haired girl. I get they were going for the cute kinda possessive but her actively sabotaging her friends social life is too toxic for my taste.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I really dont think theyd kill kon off like that but i really hope they dont pull a fuckin time skip where she disappears for a while, i hate those with a passion

joined Jan 21, 2020

i truly loved the whole princess theme throughout the story. when emi "lost" her scrunchie like cinderella her glass shoe i got emotional. and kaori on her knees holding her hand telling her she needs her.... man, that's art

i didnt quite like the ambiguous ending but oh well

Yea i really like this story overall, but id love a sequel thats abit more explicit about their relationship (basically just gimme a kiss at least cmon)

joined Jan 21, 2020

I mean it most likely doesnt mean anything but why tf would you end 2 chapter in a row with some dream line. Like cmon man

joined Jan 21, 2020

Honestly its the facial expressions that make this one for me. I like how happy they look throughout the whole thing.

joined Jan 21, 2020

What are you on? She didn't kiss that guy.

She probably dated him, but like Japanese teens date: holding hands is as far as it goes at that age.

Ah yea misremembered that page but same idea anyways.
Also im gonna go ahead and say that the idea that japanese teens dont kiss is absolutely wild lmao

last edited at Feb 24, 2024 2:47PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Yea im not gonna lie im not huge on this. As someone said, it feels like the "perfect" girl is already into the MC (im gonna guess the guy she was kissing in the flashback was the MCs crush or something) so this is probably gonna go in a similar direction as "girl who insists its impossible" except with a nastier tone and worse artstyle.
Although i just dont generally enjoy watching ppl get toyed around with mentally so im just not really the target audience for this one.

last edited at Feb 24, 2024 1:54PM

joined Jan 21, 2020


Aah its tagged subtext, thats why i couldnt find it. Thanks abunch

joined Jan 21, 2020

Looking for this oneshot i read some time back, its about 2 girls in school, they mightve been competing at the start, but one of them has an abusive family and gets beaten up, by the end she kinda joins the other girls family and the mom teases them about their relationship.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I was getting emotional until I saw the ugly cryying, lmao, so cute-
You can do it, you can win at Smash... just not the videogame-

For me its the opposite, the last 3 panels are the ones that make me emotional, especially the "ive been waiting for her all this time"

joined Jan 21, 2020

Ngl im kinda over seeing this "im gonna bear the curse for you" shit again. Id appretiate some series going into living and doing well for others for once rather than just always suffering for them

last edited at Jan 7, 2024 9:13PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Gotta say i really like the scenery shots in this manga

joined Jan 21, 2020

Damn Furuka yeeted that girl so high she fell for her hard

last edited at Dec 7, 2023 6:40PM

Love Bullet discussion 07 Dec 08:36
joined Jan 21, 2020

I'm probably wrong, but this chapter has me wondering if perhaps Koharu is in a coma and the premise of the story is Koharu doing well as a Cupid so she can wake up and be with Aki. I normally hate coma theories but this chapter just got me wondering.

Isn't that wishful thinking that the two will get together in the end?

Remember that it apparently took her 6 years to even become a cupid

Its wishful thinking cuz i damn well wish that would happen, these poor girls deserve it :((

joined Jan 21, 2020

I really hope this isnt gonna try to pull a "maybe they had a point all along, killing (or trying to) all those misbehaving kids" lmao

joined Jan 21, 2020

I'm not here to start a debate club with you, I'm just saying for all your going on about quality of writing (which is a pretty subjective thing to begin with), I haven't really seen any arguments for that other than "i don't enjoy how she's written, therefore it's bad writing" while there's at least some tangible evidence to the contrary like the manga's continuing serialization.

How is it that youre (correctly) pointing out that quality of writing is a subjective thing and thus different reads and evaluations of a series are valid, and then in the same post go "but actually i dont like ur opinion so its wrong/biased"
People have been and will keep sharing their opinions on this manga, wether positive or negative and noone has any duty to appeal to some imagined form of "objectivity" for you to like their criticism. If you think these opinions are dumb then nothing is stopping you from not interacting with them, as many are already doing.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Some people really went from complaining about Shiho not apologizing (even going as far as to claim that she wouldn't do it) to complaining about the way she apologized.

Yup, mainly because the person i wanted Shiho to apologize to the most was Aki, not Yori, and that still has not happened, although id love for that to change

last edited at Nov 19, 2023 11:06AM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Well we got an apology, except it was to Yori and not to Aki, who is absolutely the one most deserving of one. Honestly, the fact that up until now, not even in her inner thoughts have we seen shiho feel any remorse for what shes put aki through (nevermind a voiced apology) makes their romantic development pretty off-putting.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Lmao this fuckin manga tackles heavy problems with about the same grace an unattended child tackles a stack of dishes with

last edited at Oct 25, 2023 8:49PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Caku posted:

I feel like there's a line between teasing someone and being emotionally manipulative, and Ami's certainly crossing that. I don't get the idea of wanting to see your partner emotionally distraught, it just feels like being an ass to someone who cares about you deeply. Is this just some weird Japanese cultural thing where borderline abusive relationships are normalized or what?

Manga are made by Japanese people for Japanese people.

Deal with it.

Ive seen this take against criticism a fair few times now and it has not gotten any less unhinged lol

joined Jan 21, 2020

It actually still blows my mind that the author didnt even make shiho apologise.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I swear, why are manga artists so terrible at having characters face consequences or even apologise. I cannot count the ammount of times ive seen ppl pull some insane shit and then just say "but i meant well" and every1 goes yea thats fair moving on. (shoutout to Whispering you a love song for peak levels of that shit). Like really you couldnt even make her friend fuckin apologize once for the shit shes put the mc through ??

joined Jan 21, 2020

I swear, why are manga artists so terrible at having characters face consequences or even apologise. I cannot count the ammount of times ive seen ppl pull some insane shit and then just say "but i meant well" and every1 goes yea thats fair moving on. (shoutout to Whispering you a love song for peak levels of that shit). Like really you couldnt even make her friend fuckin apologize once for the shit shes put the mc through ??

joined Jan 21, 2020

Gotta say, the little sister manipulating her parents to dislike their daughter was abit much and made this chapter somewhat jarring.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Aaand we indeed didnt get a Shiho apology and theyve gone straight to being a "soontobe" couple. What a massive yikes, though i cant say im surprised.