Forum › Hino-san no Baka discussion

joined Jul 31, 2019

Teasing: The Manga does one more tease and everyone knows it but still wants to fall for it

joined Aug 29, 2019

I know we're probably being faked out, but for now I want to cling to hope and celebrate!

Also while I did mention how adorably disappointed Koguma looked last chapter, she definitely one-upped herself in this chapter.

last edited at Dec 27, 2021 8:02AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeah, with how much this manga loves the bait and switch I'm sure she just took a big bite out of a Dagwood sandwich instead.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I came here for the kyas and screeches, and was not disappointed.

  • Like Koguma, we all know the f*cking drill—Hino and the author are both tricksters extraordinaire, and whatever the [whatever] looks or sounds like, if we want it, it’s probably not it. And yet here we all are (including me), kyaing and screeching.

  • Koguma is waaaay beyond thirsty—the thirst is palpably coming off her in waves.

  • I love/hate the chapters where author-sama pranks us into the usual position of Koguma, alternately thinking “this has got to be progress/there’s nothing this series can’t walk back/this has got to be progress/there’s nothing this series can’t walk back/this has got to be progress/there’s nothing . . .”, etc., until we all just BSOD.

joined Feb 17, 2013

@runrin No way thats a forhead kiss- their jaws are level- positions and angles are all totally wrong. Their faces are also so close their lips must be touching imo.

Ofcourse they can claim otherwise but the art wouldnt support it. Imo she HAS kissed her on the lips. So unless we are gonna get MAJOR major progress, I'm assuming Koguma is actually asleep so doesn't know.
But even then- having kissed her now is surely something Hino will have to face and think on.

last edited at Dec 27, 2021 8:55AM

joined May 28, 2021

I'm now 180% on board the idea that our little bear is completely into Hino and very much looking forward to all the skinship/mild lewdness that keeps happening . Also kyaaaaaaaaa that last pannel :O :O

joined Jul 9, 2020

Koguma: "No!"

Koguma's subconscious: "Yes."

joined Sep 5, 2019

200% going to be Hino pressing their foreheads together to check if koguma got a fever

joined Mar 14, 2016

"Ravish me"


Sasameki Koto 2: Electric Boogaloo

joined Feb 17, 2013

^^ Hopefully not though that would at least fit the art. I don't see why she would have call to check though- I know she got wet but she has displayed no signs of being ill.

I still think it was a kiss.

last edited at Dec 27, 2021 9:30AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

we all want the kiss and for her to wake up and react to the kiss... but then we all remember this is Tarou-sensei the trickster so it probably won't be that ;___:

joined Jul 9, 2020

we all want the kiss and for her to wake up and react to the kiss... but then we all remember this is Tarou-sensei the trickster so it probably won't be that ;___:

Wouldn't it be a great trick to condition us to expect a fake-out, only to subvert the expectation by actually going through with it?

joined Dec 20, 2018

I still think it was a kiss.

Beyond the usual tricks of this manga, the last time this happened taught us that Hino would not abuse Koguma's trust like that.

Then again, though, we didn't have a cliffhanger that time...

joined Nov 22, 2021

200% going to be Hino pressing their foreheads together to check if koguma got a fever

I think you’re right - Koguma’s cheeks are flushed through the whole chapter, even when she’s not embarrassed. And her behavior in this chapter is definitely “feverish”.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Koguma is all but demanding that Hino do lewd things to her at this point

joined Aug 29, 2019

Is it just me or has Hino-san become the title on Dynasty that currently gets the most community engagement in terms of forum posts and involvement per chapter?
Sure, it's been going for a few years and has 92 chapters now, but 3600+ posts in the thread is nothing to sneeze at. Not even Futaribeya or Hana ni Arashi have as many posts, though then again Bloom into You has more than twice as many :D The power of having an anime adaptation I guess?

joined Mar 4, 2018

While everyone (pretty much) likes a toss in the sheets, getting your hair combed and dried is luxurious.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Brain: it's bait
Heart: Hino is actually kissing her

Even if it's a fakeout, at least we had so.much else in this chapter:
-big tshirt cute Koguma
-"Do anything you want" / bed push
-Adorable hair drying and head patting

last edited at Dec 27, 2021 11:30AM

joined May 20, 2013

Alternative guess: the last panel was from Koguma's dream, since she's sleeping

joined Aug 29, 2019

Regardless of which fakeout it's gonna be, it'll be frustrating in the best way possible.
"We knew you were going to trick us, and we were absolutely prepared for it, but we're still mad about it! We also know you'll do it again! Now give us more!"

joined Jul 29, 2017

Is it just me or has Hino-san become the title on Dynasty that currently gets the most community engagement in terms of forum posts and involvement per chapter?
Sure, it's been going for a few years and has 92 chapters now, but 3600+ posts in the thread is nothing to sneeze at. Not even Futaribeya or Hana ni Arashi have as many posts, though then again Bloom into You has more than twice as many :D The power of having an anime adaptation I guess?

YagaKimi had tons of posts long before the anime was a thing. Long-runners are almost by definition popular, and those get a lot of posts. Series that attract the different combinations of post types of course get the most, like:

  • Approval/disapproval posts: “So cute!”/“This sucks!”

  • Plot predictions: “The ex will come back!”/“MC will confess in the onsen chapter!”

  • Plot theories: “They’re really twins!”/“That cough means the MC has an incurable disease!”

  • Shipping wars/off-brand ships: “SejuxSumin 4evah!”/“Sayaka is best girl!”

  • Critical debates/Interpretive readings: “You call it slow, I call it nuanced!”/“Anyone notice the two dozen shots of the various characters’ shoes?”

  • Tagging wars: “Subtext!”/“Yuri!”/“Subtext!/“Yuri!” (Lather, rinse, repeat).

  • Morality debates/real-life lessons: “Can head patting be sexual assault?”/“Is thirteen months an age gap?”/“Here’s how this relates to my experience.”

  • Comparisons with other series/anime adaptation(s).

  • Out-of-text issues: publisher behavior/how to access and pay for the online official version/mangaka career discussions, etc.

My impression is that the bulk of the posts for this series are “approvals” and “predictions,” meaning the total is a lot of posts for a series without many complex plot points/mysteries or very much actual controversy among the readers.

joined Feb 1, 2021

My impression is that the bulk of the posts for this series are “approvals” and “predictions,” meaning the total is a lot of posts for a series without many complex plot points/mysteries or very much actual controversy among the readers.

Sounds like it's time for my long-awaited 1,500-word essay on how Hino-san is actually a werewolf who ate her parents

joined Jul 29, 2017

My impression is that the bulk of the posts for this series are “approvals” and “predictions,” meaning the total is a lot of posts for a series without many complex plot points/mysteries or very much actual controversy among the readers.

Sounds like it's time for my long-awaited 1,500-word essay on how Hino-san is actually a werewolf who ate her parents

That certainly would explain certain elements of the story, but might well open up a number of new questions.

Like: Hoo'd win--werewolf or little bear?

joined Aug 29, 2019

It is indeed almost eerily peaceful in this thread, considering how much traffic it has.

Then again, it's not a drama-series, so "Morality debates" (though I think there was some of it much earlier) and most "Critical debates"/"Interpretive readings"/"Plot theories" (aside from maybe Hino's family situation) seem to be off the table.
"Shipping wars" is kinda out because there's, like, four characters in total that I can think of, two of which are a "designated couple" and shipping Omichi with either of them or, even better, Kogumom hasn't really occurred to anyone. Those two also haven't met during the series I think. :D
We do have a lot of "Plot predictions", which basically revolve around how Tarou-sensei is gonna pull the rug out from under us this time—fun times—and basically voicing our sorta-masochism in that.
While there have been some mild discussions, no "Tagging wars" have broken out.
There have been "Comparisons with other series", but no discussions really ever evolved around those.
Extratextual stuff (like this) also hasn't been all that plentiful.

It's as you say: "Approval" and "Prediction" mixed with "y u do this to us" and "just get married already" make up the bulk of it, and I think that's beautiful.

PS: I wasn't here before YagaKimi's anime adaptation finished, and I probably wouldn't be if it hadn't happened.

joined May 12, 2019

What if Koguma had a dream about kissing Hino and then woke up from being kissed by her

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