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joined Jul 9, 2020

Slenderman? Not a shock. Shark tooth gyaru? Surprising. This series sure keeps me on my toes...

joined Jul 9, 2020

Nagisa may be unused to drama of any kind. These are teenagers. Could have been going "??? DOES NOT COMPUTE, OUT OF CHEESE ERROR" at what Glasses was doing.

I appreciate the Discworld reference. Hex is great.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Mashiro being anxious and Nagisa being upset over dishonesty are in character, but... This whole bout of drama is still an idiot plot.

Having glasses girl give Mashiro shit right in front of Nagisa is a huge writing fumble, because it's forcing Nagisa to act like an oblivious moron. If the confrontation happened somewhere else, then there could've been a more plausible miscommunication between the two. But this?

Nagisa has all of the information - irrefutable, because it happened right in front of her eyes - that Mashiro has every right to ask her to stop hanging out with glasses. The girl that just tore into her over a load of bullshit.

Combine that with this chapter having a whopping three new pages of new-ish material and the rest being rehashed and, well, this is very frustrating...

joined Jul 9, 2020

Shot in the dark: Teach is a hive mind sort of monster, sending out a new drone to replace the missing one.

This prediction is pretty much purely because I'm watching a Rimworld video about self-cloning bug people, so... Don't take it too seriously. (I do think he's some type of monster, though.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

I get the impression the last page isn't literally happening, but is instead how she feels.

...If that is indeed literally happening, then those kids need a practical lesson on the definition of defenestration.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Does this actually count as aro? Seems like there's at least some flavor of ro in there lol

Aro/Ace tag description reads "For stories in which at least one primary character identifies along the asexual or aromantic spectrums." It's an 'aro and/or ace' tag, not an 'aro and ace' tag, basically.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Social anxiety is worst random encounter result.

joined Jul 9, 2020

I like the 'alone in my shell' bit that gets a callback with two yolks in an egg at the end.

Page 17 stings. I've had relationships end because my partner wanted sex and I didn't. Not even that I told them no; even after considering doing it to make them happy, just my lack of interest was enough for them to break up with me.

Awe~ love this as someone on the aro/ace spectrum, It sucks, but just about every time we get representation in the media it's the "completely uninterested in any relationship" type which isn't always true so this is a nice change

Agreed. I'm ace, but not aro. (The concept of me having sex with someone else is like watching paint dry. And while I've read porn - or at least, works with explicit sex scenes; I don't like anything that's nothing but sex - I invariably rush through or skip the sex scenes. First four pages and last four pages are usually "the interesting parts" to me.)

I've been in a committed (though frustratingly long distance, considering how often we could both use a hug) relationship for over a decade. We talk nearly every day. We confide in each other and share our dreams with each other, support each other, love each other. Nothing pisses me off faster than someone implying our relationship somehow doesn't count just because we aren't having sex.

Some assholes even went so far as calling me mentally ill simply for being uninterested in intercourse. I have dealt with that crap entirely too much. (Also had a roommate once that scoffed and insisted "You'd like it if you tried it"... when she frequently said how much she disliked sex. So apparently her not liking sex is normal, but my disinterest isn't? What a jackass.)

...Didn't mean for this to turn into a blog post, but I'm feeling emotional and my fingers just wouldn't stop typing.

joined Jul 9, 2020

God this character is annoying, “why couldn’t she stay lonely and friendless like me” girl piss off

Yeah, she's such a kill joy. And not even in a particularly love-to-hate way, just a wish-she'd-go-away way.

Though kind of a corner case, if I'm being honest. Part of me wants Mashiro and Nagisa to make out while glasses runs away crying.

"She's not my perfect senpai waifu now that she's found happiness without me, noooo!" May her glasses be as fogged as her butt is hurt.

joined Jul 9, 2020

HRT has been fi~ine to Biscuit.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Did they just start dating?

The secret meeting already feels kind of like a date

And that "teasing" with the parfait spoon was absolutely flirting with the barest hint of plausible deniability.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Ah, the Helltaker approach to Cerberus. I was worried until the last panel... >.>

joined Jul 9, 2020

This was really cute

Agreed. I d'awwed out loud.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Wonder what the implication of nicknaming her "canary" is. The only reference I can think of is the phrase "canary in the coal mine," which doesn't seem applicable. So why is she that bird over any other songbird that might be kept in a cage?

Canaries are also songbirds that are commonly kept as pets. And "songbird" is a pet name for a pretty girl with a nice voice that I've heard used in multiple places.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Narita, my dude, wtf are you doing in the middle seat?

Getting between yuri. He's lucky to be alive!

joined Jul 9, 2020

Something strange, in the neighborhood. Who you gonna call? Marriage planner!

joined Jul 9, 2020

Oh no, she's discovered the power of cat(girls) and being easily forgiven. There's no stopping her now.

joined Jul 9, 2020

why mung bean soup?

Mung beans have relatively high nutritional value. And are apparently relatively cheap as well (though a cursory search tells me they actually suffer a high crop yield loss, mostly due to pests and disease).

So she's being frugal while still providing for the servants. (Instead of, as I expect the kitten killer would opt for, starving the help. Because she's blatantly evil.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

I wonder how the school reacts to that shouted reassurance.

[off-panel crowd]: "WE SHIP IT!"

joined Jul 9, 2020

I feel like granny is a monster hunter. Hijinks could ensue.

"Gram, please don't kill my horrifying waifu! I love her!"
"But how else am I going to get new gear?"

joined Jul 9, 2020

Sorry! My grandma's a bit unusual...

Do not apologize for excellence.

morning discussion 25 Apr 13:57
joined Jul 9, 2020

Cute, but I just can't accept this. Peri x Lapis or bust.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Why the sudden appearance of a new admirer character when we know Nagisa and Mashiro will never break up?

You know Superman is going to defeat Mxyzptlk, but the story of how can still be fun.

joined Jul 9, 2020

I understand the sentiment, but I think crawling back to whatever hole she came from is a bit mean. I would argue she should find a different girl to crush on. And then flirt with. And then date.

So long as it doesn't cause yet another love triangle. (Unless she heads off to find herself a polycule.)

joined Jul 9, 2020

If I made a drinking game out of every time someone said "death flag" in regards to this manga, my liver wouldn't be my only decent organ anymore. I do not understand.