Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jun 13, 2016

im drowning in boob

joined Feb 1, 2021

RIP Asumi-chan, died of horny

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm literally crying and shaking right now

joined Jan 31, 2018

fucking bullshit

joined Aug 10, 2015

That said, I'm amused at how people bitch so much about this.

Honestly, I thought everyone would be jumping up in joy... I mean, if a series this good is continuing instead of ending, isn't that a reason to celebrate?

But lo and behold: the forum is full of comments bitching and whining about it. ![]

Dynasty Forum: the place where a manga author just can't win no matter what.

gotta love when people strawman what you just said, i guess some people are happy as long as there are boobs wich is fine the tittle of the manga is "Asumi chan is interested in lesbian brothels" after all. I guess we´re the dumb ones for expecting something from this manga instead of just turning off our brains and enjoying da boobs like everyone else

last edited at Jun 4, 2021 8:50PM

joined Mar 5, 2021

god i was so excited for this next chapter and author-sama played as dirty


joined Sep 20, 2017

this is gold lmao

joined Apr 27, 2021

Let's see what the author does with this sudden delay. If it in some way helps to further develop the plot or maybe Mai as a character I'd be okay with being baited, if it just going to be used to stall out the story I'd be a bit disappointed since pacing has been really good so far.

If only the updates were more frequent though...

joined Dec 28, 2016

Why is this mistagged with pay for gay? That's completely wrong. All the girls here are gay as fuck, without any exchange of money.

last edited at Jun 6, 2021 10:45AM

joined Mar 30, 2021

Fuckin knew it. It's so good to be true. This manga would have ended if Asumi and Mai really get to meet

joined Jan 6, 2017

Why is this mistagged with pay for gay? That's completely wrong. All the girls here are gay as fuck, without any exchange of money.

"Pay for gay" as in "pay so you get to do gay things"

joined Mar 29, 2021

I'm just happy we get more of this story, there's some characters I really like, like Asumi's best friend for example, and I wish we could see more development for them.

joined Oct 1, 2014

i feel so betrayed

joined Sep 6, 2018

i feel so betrayed

"This is FAR from the strongest of swords!"

joined Jul 26, 2016

i feel so betrayed

Top 10 Anime Betrayals

joined May 18, 2021

nnnnnNNnOOOOO I can't believe she got sick right before meeting up with her, i'm gonna kick someone in minecraft.

joined Dec 11, 2017

And here I'm expecting that Asumi will insist on going even if she doesn't feel well, cuz as we see, she pretty much expecting it to be Mai herself, and yet she just cancelled it without saying anything.

It was more like she was fantasizing about it being Mai, she didn't really have any reason to expect it any more than any of her other visits.

joined Feb 29, 2020


joined Aug 4, 2018

Why is this mistagged with pay for gay? That's completely wrong. All the girls here are gay as fuck, without any exchange of money.

"Pay for gay" means "pay for gay sex" -- in other words, that the other person won't have gay sex with you until you fork over the cash. The sexual preference of that person is irrelevant, as even someone straight may agree to have gay sex with you if the price is right.

Of course, Asumi-chan being the irresistible cutie pie that she is, it can be argued that many of these hookers would prolly have sex with her even if she didn't pay a penny... but the fundamental notion stands. ^_~

minagi mikoto
joined Nov 14, 2014

Ouch damn!

joined Jun 13, 2012

After the last chapter, I was disappointed, because I thought that the series is going to end after the following chapter. It did not felt complete in my opinion. I want to know so much more about Asumi, Mai, the brothel's staff and especially Asumi's Senpai. I still want to see what Senpai did with her girl during chapter 4. Please author, give me some flashback so that I can find my peace XD But jokes aside, I'm happy now that it continuous. I hope we now get the chance to get to know all introduced characters better and of course meet some new sexy hookers ;)

joined Jun 24, 2021

my disappoinment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh my god I just had an idea. There’s been all this build up to Asumi and Mai meeting again, with Asumi expecting and daydreaming about Mai taking the lead with her, but on the other side Mai loses her cool with younger women who remind her of Asumi-chan. Along the way so far we’ve seen Asumi become more knowledgable and active in sex as she continually visits sex workers, so what are the odds that when they finally meet Mai totally loses her cool and Asumi ends up topping for the first time ever?

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

FluffyCow posted:

Exactly what Bitfarb said.

I'm at this point repeating myself a bit, but it's not that I want there to be less Yuri, I'm simply frustrated with how the author handled this chapter. The author could also have them meet up early and expand the story from there. Going past the initial starting goal into a new direction. As I've said before, I know series are often short and end when they reach the initial goal, but they also don't have to end. The author could easily have the meet up early and go from there.

It's sadly simple. Usually authors have idea for certain setup, but actually have no idea what to do after concluding it. That's why, especially romcoms etc. end after couple gets together, because entire story is about getting there and author is writing around it. Here author probably wanted to conclude series after Mai and Asumi meets for the same reason, but once they were told to continue, the only way they knew how to continue was by keeping the status quo and initial premise. I wouldn't be surprised if they were also told that initial premise is exactly why many people like it and that they have to keep it in order to keep the current interest/popularity of the series.

But that is just assumptions of someone who loves to bitch and moan about manga industry.

Lilliwyt posted:

Imagine being mad to have a longer yuri. Like, you realise the manga would end shortly after they meet and do it right ?Making them meet that early who have make the manga really short. I can't believe peoples rather have less yuri.

"Less yuri" is such deceptive way to put it. To me, and I assume to many people here, it's more about quality than quantity. I much prefer have shorter, but really good story, than longer one that's artificially stretched and contrived to the point of becoming tedious and/or annoying to read.

last edited at Jul 10, 2021 9:03AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Chapter 7 is finally out!! Spanish. Hey, better than nothing, right? ^_~

Poor Asumi, last time was a fiasco, she booked a girl and then got a cold or something and never showed up... and now, when she tries to visit again the online brothel service, she finds that she has been banned!!! The system doesn't let her book anymore! That's right: no more lesbian call girls for you, Asumi! Your playa days are over! Oh the tragedy!


last edited at Aug 13, 2021 12:35AM

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