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joined Aug 10, 2015

Because we know there's no danger to Shiho x Aki is why this storyline feels pointless. Like we all know how this plot is gonna go so it just feels like waiting out for Miki inevitably moving on from being too attached to her sister. We already have an amazing series that explores everything I could ever want from that type of conflict (My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover) so it feels redundant to me lol.

Tbf aki went through the exact same thing with yori, her feeling just sat there while the plot was happening until they magically disappeared and developed new one for shiho out of nowhere. With Miki at least her unrequited love and struggle to accept her sepai are the main focus of the story

joined Aug 10, 2015

Let's fucking go my dude, the Mizuguchi ship sailed and there's nothing that can stop it now.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I didn't think yuri anime could have that many issues/drama. I'm not really in the anime community but is this common in the industry?

The industry has various problems, last minute production schedules, crunch, and so fourth. The end of Zom 100 was delayed, the end of Wonder Egg Priority was delayed, with some others over the years of course. Another thing with series is sometimes we'll get maybe 1 recap episode to give a production a little more time. Of note though, Zom 100 at least early on was being talked about for various high quality animation scenes. Wonder Egg Priority despite it's story completely falling apart the animation was generally consistently good, and it had a small team from what I know. Both of those series pushed too hard with various ambitious elements. I think Whispering's adaption is one of the roughest I've seen in awhile, especially since it was never trying to be ambitious, and yet everything went wrong with it.

yeah there´s been several animes with delays, quality issues, etc heck even the 2nd season of jujutsu kaisen had a lot of problems, but in all of my years watching anime i´ve never seen an adaptation crash and burn so bad, really sad that happened to sasakoi, considering how well the maho ako anime did despite the limited resources it had

last edited at Jun 3, 2024 11:02PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

the second best couple of the manga

joined Aug 10, 2015

My point wasn't that his actions were unrealistic- it's that they were so petty and cruel that people understandably concluded that there was nothing he could possibly do to make up for them, to say nothing of characters like Ueno who were similarly cruel but much less remorseful for their actions. It's kind of like how, after Bakugo casually suggested that Midoriya jump off the roof in the first chapter of My Hero Academia, people held that one remark against him hundreds of chapters later even after he actually apologized to Midoriya- if a character's actions are bad enough, the audience becomes unwilling to accept that character being forgiven or redeemed. In fact, some people on this thread felt this way about Shizuku.

i mean come on dude i wasn´t just the casual kys that made people hate bakugo, he used his potentially lethatl powers to bully the scrawny quirkless kid throughout highschool. Even when they enrolled at UA he blow a granade near his face on the first day and kept his hostile demeanor towards him for a looong time, yeah shoya´s actions were petty but he was a grade schooler who didn´t knew better unlike bakugo whoe kept his harrasing campaing throughout grade, middle and some part of high school

Citrus + discussion 24 May 22:52
joined Aug 10, 2015

btw leaving aside the horrible characterization of mei does anybody actually cared for the big revelation of the chapter i.e. mei buying the other school, like there´s even a point to that. Heck what´s exactly the point of this arc at all cuz clearly developing mei and yuzu relationship aint it chief

last edited at May 24, 2024 10:53PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

as always shiho ruinning everything, god damnit shiho why u gotta suck so much

joined Aug 10, 2015

God I love shiopomu so much, such a cute ship, it's so refreshing reading a doujin where ayumu is not an obsessive yandere GF

joined Aug 10, 2015

They've been steadily adapting 2.5 chapters (or half a volume) per episode. So YoriHima should become a couple for real by episode 6, and I believe this season's getting 12 episodes, so they may cheat a little and get to chapter 31 (the big damn YoriHima fireworks kiss) to finish off the anime. There will be no time to actually finish (Shiho's) band battle arc (chapter 44) unless they rush to the point of the adaptation becoming a gigantic train wreck.

Yep just checked and you're all right, there it is shiho's introduction in volume 2 extras and they're indeed adapting 2 chapters and some change per episode, I guess since I followed the manga monthly from the very first chapter I thought that it was longer than it actually it is, Ups :P

But yeah the fireworks chapter is probably an ok point to leave the story, there's still a lot of things to resolve but the scene itself is a great climax for himari and yori

joined Aug 10, 2015

I don't know why but the anime feels extremely rushed, also at this rate and considering shiho's early appearance we're gonna reach the battle of the band's arc rather quickly and that one reeeeally drags
Assuming it'll have 13 episodes it'll probably end rather abruptly and feel axed
Sadly I don't think there's really a fix to that, the only real breather is Himari s confession and adapting 15 chapters into a full season would definitely feel way too slow

As always shiho ruining everythin
Just kidding (not really)

last edited at May 5, 2024 3:22AM

Yuru Yuri discussion 10 Mar 01:46
joined Aug 10, 2015

lol gotta say that the bomb being real caught me off guard, i tought it was gonna be some kind of toy or that the control was for other device

joined Aug 10, 2015

A really good work from this artist, though I am quite confused as to how did post-amnesia Kita even fall in love again with Ryo? Is it like a natural feeling thing?

it´s implied some time passed after the concert i guess ryo put her act together and kita slowly started to fall fo her again

joined Aug 10, 2015

As good as Koe no Katachi/A Silent Voice was, Shoya's bullying was a lot worse than Shizuku's, to the point that some people were turned against him from the start. He went out of his way to make Shoko's life miserable, ruined 1.7 million yen worth of hearing aids (well over $14,000 US), got the rest of the class to join in and ultimately caused her to become suicidal, all for no better reason than to kill his boredom.

that´s the thing tho, kids can be extremely cruel without a real reason, shoya´s actions are not unrealistic at all. I guess the point is that the whole ruri incident could be solved by with just a bit of communication and was definetly blown out of proportions while shoya´s long and hard fought redemption feels apropiate to the amount of hurt he did

joined Aug 10, 2015

whaaaat a character froma a romom clearly and calmly explaining her worries and thoughts to her partner instead of hiding it, acting weird and making a mess. Sheees i could get used to this

joined Aug 10, 2015

I don't get it? What is the problem if she is saw again? Wasn't she not an idol anymore?

It's probably related to the reason she quit to begin with.

but like what can the director do? it´s not like she can control elm´s live outside her activities as idols, besides miyako doesn´t even work for her anymore so im geniunely clueless about what´s the deal here

joined Aug 10, 2015

This isn't a matter of moral judgement. It's simply a matter of two people having misaligned interests. They tell you pretty clearly in this chapter: Nanao's on cloud nine, while Asumi likes the pleasure of the moment but does not feel comfortable with this being a long term situation. Nanao wants far more and on a permanent basis than what Asumi wants to give her. It's not that Asumi doesn't like her or enjoy being with her, it's that she wants more than this for herself, desires that conflict with Nanao's desires.

Asumi s interests have changed drastically throughout the story, heck she's just been going along with the flow, at the beginning her visits to the brothel were genuine attempts to find mai to try a serious relationship with her, after that she kinda forgot about mai and kept going out of pleasure. The idea that she doesn't want a estable relationship or that she's unwilling to give up her brothel escapades is completely unfounded, cuz again her brothel adventures started as a way to reconnect with Mai and right now she not going cuz she feels comfortable and satisfied by being with nanao. Most of her awkwardness are due to nanao paying her for a job she's not doing. Even if finding Mai took a backseat let's not forget that is still asumi a main motivation.
The idea that asumi would reject a relationship where all her sexual, financial and emotional needs are satisfied is just baffling and just your projection of what you want of the story and not what's actually written

last edited at Feb 3, 2024 11:10PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

But Nanao's still not being 100% honest, probably not even with herself, proposing the FWB arrangement when what she really wants is true love forever, and then acting like Asumi agreed to true love forever instead of FWB with how she's treating her.

When did she act like that tho? They're friends with benefits and they fuck that's the extent of their relationship right now, nanao is not asking anything out of asumi, she's free to do whatever she wants with her free time, asumi spends time with nanao out her will

Fundamentally, Nanao wants to possess Asumi. Even right from the start of her feelings, remember how she stalked her and saw her entering the love hotel with a woman, which is how she got the idea that Asumi worked for the brothel to begin with? Asumi, however, does not want to be possessed. This is a fundamental gap between them that is irreconcilable without Nanao coming to terms with it and realizing she can't have what she wants.

You're making nanao intentions and actions look way more heinous that they actually are, from her point of view her friend seemed in desperately need of money to the point of having several jobs at the same time, she was genuinely concerned about her situation. Also let's not forget that asumi was the one that invited nanao to the hotel after the date ended, nanao was perfectly fine with letting asumi go after that.
Asumi is interested in nanao that's just a fact, and the idea that she's manipulating her or that she sneakily dragged her into a relationship is just ridiculous, cuz again it was asumi that invited nanao to the hotel and accepted being friends with benefits after that

joined Aug 10, 2015

I don't really get this fixation with Sayaka an the other girls at the brothel, like yeah it was a funny subversion of the "the client got too obsessed with the prostitute" trope. But as a real end goal for asumi it lacks any kind substance, they barely know each other and aside from the sex asumi doesn't seem particularly interested in any of the girls.
Nanao doesn't fell for asumi cuz "OMG she cute" like the other girls, she actually got to know asumi and spend time with her through college and shared hobbies, she isn't just lusting after her, she actually loves her

last edited at Jan 30, 2024 3:40AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

can´t belive it´s been almost a year since the last update here, does anybody knows what happened.

joined Aug 10, 2015

less gooo the kasumichi ship hasn´t sunk yet, we´re so back baby

joined Aug 10, 2015

its giving me just enough "the real her" vibes that I instantly need to reread "the real her"

well god damn now that you made me remember now i HAVE to re-read "the real her" again, it´s been a while since i heard that name

joined Aug 10, 2015

lol i love how she went from tsundere to thirsty AF in she span of like 5 pages

joined Aug 10, 2015

I know you hate Shiho, but put yourself in her shoes for a second and imagine what she must be feeling right now, "dating" someone she loves deeply and who may or may not reciprocate her love at some point. That's not healthy. And it's Aki's fault.

Keep saying that over and over—that’ll definitely make it so.

Lol I don't know where that came from either, I just find baffling how despite the text itself making it very clear that Aki is dating shiho out of fear of retaliation from her, some people will just find a way to make shiho the victim despite her making her bed and now not wanting to lay on it.

joined Aug 10, 2015

In summary: Aki herself got into a labyrinth in which she only has two options: Either reciprocate Shiho's feelings, or lose her relationship with her forever.

bruh, shiho brought that to herself through her own actions, she gave the ultimatum to aki at the festival. Aki took the blame for everything shiho did and apologized even tho she literally did nothign wrong, now after shiho pretty much forced a confession out of her, she acts insulted? even tho this is literally what she asked for?. What the actual fuck dude? what is aki supossed to do, how much more does she has to bend over backwards to satisfy shiho

last edited at Jan 2, 2024 11:47PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

I´m gonna be honest at first i had my doubts about this one, it felt like a weird mix of a silent voice and shigatsu wa kimi no uso, but as the story progressed it found it´s own identity and it came together beautifully.
Now if you excuse me i´m gonna go cry myself to sleep