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SasaBo discussion 04 Feb 23:34
joined Aug 10, 2015

I think the aaangst is supossed to come from kita, i don´t get the feeling that bocchi is in love with kita nor that she´s forcing herlself to be with sasaki. The little time she spends with kita she seems really on edge while she seems comfortable and happy with sasaki who clearly understands her. Bocchi is worried that sasaki will judge her for "swinging that way" she doesn´t directly says that she´s in love with kita, we also see her blushing a lot and looking at sasaki boobs

We also see kita a bit dejected after hearing that boochi is using clothes that saski choose instead of the ones she choose

last edited at Feb 4, 2025 11:37PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

absolutely goated crossover

joined Aug 10, 2015

well is not like her sister is the only meguru in town, like i get that i´d be weird to hear your sister s name while being hugged half naked but assuming that her sister is your co-worker s ex based on just that would be reaching a bit too much

last edited at Jan 22, 2025 11:03PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

So nobody's gonna mention the green volume extras where mangaka-senpai is boinking her sister before breakfast huh? Okie doke. Cute Kagai though. Love an earnest confession.

yeah i also noticed the wincest on the extra chapter and here i thought this couldn´t get any better

last edited at Jan 16, 2025 1:12PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

that´s what im talking about that´s why he´s the MVP

Citrus + discussion 21 Dec 01:54
joined Aug 10, 2015

I'm just gonna sit over here on my lil "bring back the wincest twins" hill, they were fun. if we go all in on the b-plot, might as well see how their relationship develops

at this poing anything will do, who is letting saburo uta drag citrus through the mud like this, does she not have an editor or someone to help her with the story?

last edited at Dec 27, 2024 9:51PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

is it just me or the scenes between fuuko and yuuni feel more insipid lately?, it feels like iwami is cooking but midway is like meh. I don´t think there´s really anything than can lift the series everything feel like a formality at this poing

joined Aug 10, 2015

i know it´s not gonna happen but i don´t care i´ll go down with the kasumicchi ship, they are just so cute together and kasumi is such a sweet cutie pie

Citrus + discussion 08 Dec 00:43
joined Aug 10, 2015

OMFG who TF cares about arata and his school, why are we spending so much time in this. Why whould you put something as important as harumin future in the same arc as this nothing sandwich.

joined Aug 10, 2015

was mia in love with chloe? if so, is she still in love with her? can they really go back to being normal sister after all the sex they had?

joined Aug 10, 2015

incest wasn't necessary

incest is wincest ALWAYS

joined Aug 10, 2015

nice to see that hatomori also got herself an idol GF

joined Aug 10, 2015

the incest plot was kinda fun at the beginning as a novelty but righ now it feels like the pace slowed to a crawl, if these past chapter are just a transition to the hajime x momoka plot that´d be great. Honestly im just glad that i don´t have to see shiho so not really as dissapointed as others

kinda weird that momoka and hajime have been together for some time yet momoka thinks hajime hangs with her out of obligation/consideration????

last edited at Sep 29, 2024 12:17AM

Citrus + discussion 23 Sep 15:46
joined Aug 10, 2015

i mean can you really live of the past with the moderate success that citrus had

What are you talking about? citrus is one the biggest series not just on YH bu of the genre itself. That is precisely why sabu is allowed to do whatever she pleases.

idk about that tho, i don´t think it reached yuru yuri levels of mainstream popularity and yuri itself it´s a really niche genre, so while yes some time ago it was really popular among a really small set of manga reader, i don´t think it has the cultural impact to just live of his past

last edited at Sep 23, 2024 3:47PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

i don´t know why people are so mad, im loving every single page of this hot mess, the fact that yuni wants nanase to leave not fuuko, also the scene where fuuko refuses to take her earring off is just so peak, really encapsulates the microcosmos of the manga, fuuko being the most assertive and alpha character while nanase the type of character that will leave girlfriend alone with the girl she just got cheate

joined Aug 10, 2015

not sure if a drama between honda and michi is something i´d like to see instead of the actual mysteri but sure the pace get really whack at times

joined Aug 10, 2015

is it me or we just went full circle? like, is there even a point in revealing the cheating just to going back to it some chapter later

Citrus + discussion 15 Sep 02:30
joined Aug 10, 2015

Another month with a big fat NOTHING!!!!! End it. Kill it. Over and done with. Author is too busy living off the past to care about the future.

i mean can you really live of the past with the moderate success that citrus had

joined Aug 10, 2015

Let's be real, though, would you really want to put a sweet couple like KaoMari through one of SasaKoi's signature drama arcs?

it´s not like they need to go through drama, most of the drama between hima and yori came from their involvement in the whole shiho fiasco a lot of the time they were just chilling and going at their pace. Maybe putting kaomari in a situation like that could work, or that´s what i´d like to say but apparently the average sasakoi enjoyer can´t read a chapter if it doesn´t have mexican telenovelas levels of drama

joined Aug 10, 2015

Because we know there's no danger to Shiho x Aki is why this storyline feels pointless. Like we all know how this plot is gonna go so it just feels like waiting out for Miki inevitably moving on from being too attached to her sister. We already have an amazing series that explores everything I could ever want from that type of conflict (My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover) so it feels redundant to me lol.

Tbf aki went through the exact same thing with yori, her feeling just sat there while the plot was happening until they magically disappeared and developed new one for shiho out of nowhere. With Miki at least her unrequited love and struggle to accept her sepai are the main focus of the story

joined Aug 10, 2015

Let's fucking go my dude, the Mizuguchi ship sailed and there's nothing that can stop it now.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I didn't think yuri anime could have that many issues/drama. I'm not really in the anime community but is this common in the industry?

The industry has various problems, last minute production schedules, crunch, and so fourth. The end of Zom 100 was delayed, the end of Wonder Egg Priority was delayed, with some others over the years of course. Another thing with series is sometimes we'll get maybe 1 recap episode to give a production a little more time. Of note though, Zom 100 at least early on was being talked about for various high quality animation scenes. Wonder Egg Priority despite it's story completely falling apart the animation was generally consistently good, and it had a small team from what I know. Both of those series pushed too hard with various ambitious elements. I think Whispering's adaption is one of the roughest I've seen in awhile, especially since it was never trying to be ambitious, and yet everything went wrong with it.

yeah there´s been several animes with delays, quality issues, etc heck even the 2nd season of jujutsu kaisen had a lot of problems, but in all of my years watching anime i´ve never seen an adaptation crash and burn so bad, really sad that happened to sasakoi, considering how well the maho ako anime did despite the limited resources it had

last edited at Jun 3, 2024 11:02PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

the second best couple of the manga

joined Aug 10, 2015

My point wasn't that his actions were unrealistic- it's that they were so petty and cruel that people understandably concluded that there was nothing he could possibly do to make up for them, to say nothing of characters like Ueno who were similarly cruel but much less remorseful for their actions. It's kind of like how, after Bakugo casually suggested that Midoriya jump off the roof in the first chapter of My Hero Academia, people held that one remark against him hundreds of chapters later even after he actually apologized to Midoriya- if a character's actions are bad enough, the audience becomes unwilling to accept that character being forgiven or redeemed. In fact, some people on this thread felt this way about Shizuku.

i mean come on dude i wasn´t just the casual kys that made people hate bakugo, he used his potentially lethatl powers to bully the scrawny quirkless kid throughout highschool. Even when they enrolled at UA he blow a granade near his face on the first day and kept his hostile demeanor towards him for a looong time, yeah shoya´s actions were petty but he was a grade schooler who didn´t knew better unlike bakugo whoe kept his harrasing campaing throughout grade, middle and some part of high school

Citrus + discussion 24 May 22:52
joined Aug 10, 2015

btw leaving aside the horrible characterization of mei does anybody actually cared for the big revelation of the chapter i.e. mei buying the other school, like there´s even a point to that. Heck what´s exactly the point of this arc at all cuz clearly developing mei and yuzu relationship aint it chief

last edited at May 24, 2024 10:53PM