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joined Jun 13, 2012

Well, the whole time travel thing makes no sense anyway. So far as I see it, the future people returned to a future that does not exist anymore since the future had already been changed which makes it a parallel universe. So basically the Lulu Emiru meets in the future is not her but a identical copy created in the new future. Same goes to a potential meeting between the Lulu back in the future and Emiru in the old future that has never met Lulu. So yes, they basically never meet again but meet each other anew in a parallel dimension. Hope that makes sense…

joined Jun 13, 2012

This one is kind of sad, since they still cannot be officially together. Tough life it is to be an idol...

joined Jun 13, 2012

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 7:58AM

joined Jun 13, 2012

Wow, I remember reading the first Chapter when it came out but kind of forgot about this series in the meantime. But now I read through it until chapter 5 and holly molly was that a ride! I love that this manga takes it slow in how the two women meet and how they discover their own kinks and fetishes. It really makes you want to know more about the main characters and I am hyped to see how the story develops in the future :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Adora looks so fine in this one!

joined Jun 13, 2012

I think this one is also a reference to the English dub of Sailor Moon where Michiru, Haruka and Makoto are sitting together in Haruka's car and Makoto asks out of nowhere without context how these two are related and they had to make it very clear that they are family and "just like sisters"...

joined Jun 13, 2012

I'd love to see more about Joe's backstory. We now got a brief glimpse from Kanna about his past life choices. Maybe this topic about going overseas will be a bigger part of the story, as it now may seem. I'm eager to see how the story will further develop :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Call the fire fighters, the slow burn is growing stronger and stronger!

joined Jun 13, 2012

Fabulously nice

joined Jun 13, 2012

Still what a nice escape and fantasy. But also hurts like hell. Oh Yuri... You always do this to me. There is no pleasure without pain.

I get how you feel. It is so tempting to escape real life and diving into the world of yuri, but when reality hits you and you realize that you are still trapped in a non-fictional unpleasant world, it can get really painful.

joined Jun 13, 2012

That's what I said? That everyone know and like Girl Friends and barely anyone read Kisses? I was saying that I personally consider Kisses superior and I say it as someone who was pretty much introduced to yuri through Girl Friends.

I was introduced via Girl Friends as well, I wonder how common that is?

I would guess it's fairly common since you're not the first person I've seen say Girl Friends introduced them to yuri.

I would say, most people that now are between 25 and 35 years old probably grew up with Morinaga Milk's work (me included). I remember when I was an early teenager and started to realize that yuri is just the thing for me, there was not that much variety out there translated in English as it is today. So, works from Takemiya Jin or Morinaga Milk were just bound to pop up on my screen and Girl Friends was of course one of them. It was also one of the first yuri manga that was translated into my mother tongue, shortly accompanied by Kisses. It therefore does not surprise me that other people also started to read Morinaga Milk's works early.

I also remember being very eager to purchase every yuri piece that was released in either English, French or my mother tongue back in the days, even if I thought the story was not that great (it was yuri and that was enough for me). But now, there are so many works translated that I cannot even afford to buy, speak alone have space for every piece on the market :) I am so proud to see to what extend the yuri genre increased in popularity in the last 15 years outside of Japan and I am looking forward to seeing where the journey goes in the future!!

last edited at Nov 12, 2022 6:28AM

joined Jun 13, 2012

Man, all this teasing. Asumi and Senpai need to get together at least once.

...Ouka is into hard BDSM...

...heard the girl's screams... and later noticed she had bad rope burns on her wrists.

Firstly - noice. But in seriousness, I don't really think this matters much. Even if the two were to get together they wouldn't jump straight (heh) into each others' deepest kinks, right? At the very least, Ouka certainly would know which buttons to push and when. Also I don't think they were bad burns but definitely marks, and Asumi still was curious, so hey, it's a non-zero chance in my book.

I agree, however I would personally appreciate a BDSM special together with Senpai since I am still curious to see what happened in detail when Senpai had her way with her girl during the double booking. But I know it would not make sense to jump right into hard core BDSM when Asumi does not have any experience. So, if something would happen in that direction, it is probably going to be some light SM play. But I still hope for a special chapter that maybe features the future where Senpai can show all her skills ;)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I love it so much when a series portraits a family life which does not comply to society's standards. We see clearly in this series that both parents, even if they are not blood related, truly love their daughter and only care for her well being. And that is key in being a family in my opinion. Society is so stuck up on formal stuff that they loose track of the essential aspects. And I think this series is a fantastic example to proof society wrong.

joined Jun 13, 2012

If cuteness could kill, I would be dead already... Uff, I swear, if this continuous my heart will not be able to take it anymore. This is just too adorable!!

joined Jun 13, 2012

Now I really want to try carbonated coffee :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

This Halloween special just made my day, a true treasure!

joined Jun 13, 2012

And congratulations to all those people who didn't like it and found it very offensive, all the way to the end, extras included! I'm sure you had a really bad time that couldn't be avoided at all... I applause your efforts!

This phrase precisely summerizes my thoughts on most internet discussions about risky topics! Thank you for making my day today :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Is that the new version of "Netflix and chill"? Gotta take notes...

joined Jun 13, 2012

Now that's a type of ghost I don't mind hunting my house ;)

Angel Ranch discussion 01 Nov 06:19
joined Jun 13, 2012

This one is very unique and I am down for it. At the beginning I though "oh no, another series with a school that treat children as tools and the higher standing students bully the lower standing ones and the mc is at the bottom having to live in this hell, bla bla bla..." but at the end where the mc actually straight out gave a shit about social standing and gave that brat what she deserved, I thought that this one is going to be different. I'm now looking forward to see where this ride takes me :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

This work is truly remarkable. It had so many different aspects packed together in one continuous story. That is something that I don't see much. Also the way it all drew together in the end was a really great way of story telling. I will remember this piece for a long time. It was a real blast to read and I am so thankful, that it got picked up again for translation and brought to the end. A huge thank you to the translators!

joined Jun 13, 2012



Kazuma would be majorly disappointed...

joined Jun 13, 2012

Really interesting concept, I'm curious how this one turns out :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I really enjoyed this series. I remember reading the first few chapters when they came out, but then I lost track of it and said to myself I will read it when it is finished. I'm glad I made this decision, because now I could binge through the whole series and it was a blast from start to the end.

I really loved the fact, that this series covered every aspect from getting to know each other, not knowing how to define their relationship, slowly falling in love, dating, being lovey-dovey, having conflicts and lastly, moving in together and looking forward to a bright future. In most yuri works, the story ends when the main characters end up together, but I really enjoy it, when some series go beyond that concept and show us what happens after the main couple starts dating.

I additionally really enjoyed the pacing in this series. The transition from the first arc where their relationship was based on making request to getting together was pretty smooth in my opinion. Especially when I was binging the whole series, it did not felt too fast paced. Also the introduction of the side couple was well placed and gave a nice additional touch to the story. However, I would have liked to see more of them. Hopefully we will get blessed with some bonus content soon.

In conclusion, I enjoyed this series very much and hope this series gets a serialization, so that I can read the story again but in physical form :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Clicked on it because of the BDSM tag, stayed because of the wholesome cuteness and I'm completely satisfied :)