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joined Dec 28, 2016

Why does every panel have the characters staring out of the page? Can the artist only draw one angle of face?

joined Dec 28, 2016

What is the 6th chapter talking about? The translation is so strange I couldn't follow what was being talked about.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I love this manga but that nurse is a groomer and I hate when she's on a panel. Whatever, it doesn't take how much I enjoy the other things from this manga, specially the main couple, Nagisa's character and Uda.

At not point was grooming ever done she set very clear boundaries and was professional as one could be in a situation like this, granted she still accepted her feelings but at least she waited until she was a adult and graduated

Are you for real? Nurse knew a minor student since the beginning of high school and “waited” for her until she was an “adult". Please don't call that sht professionalism, the system education really failed you.

Waiting until someone is an adult is not grooming. Grooming is approaching and doing various activities that only an adult knows how to do well to increase the minor's attraction toward you. It's in the name. They're "grooming" them to be in love with them. The nurse explicitly tried to avoid doing that.

last edited at Mar 10, 2024 1:04AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

This is heading for a massive explosion, watching things happen will be fun.

joined Dec 28, 2016

The british English was really thick on this chapter. I wish they'd use normal standard English.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I don't understand how people would see this as pointless at all, it's just... puzzling. Does the story suddenly have no meaning now?

Yes. As they betrayed the primary point of the story. I have the same opinion about Your Lie in April btw.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Well that was a completely annoying and pointless story. Any love story in which the actual point of the story is to enjoy a romance and you kill off one of the major two characters is a completely pointless and useless story.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Not an unexpected turn of events when you steal your employer's youngest daughter.
I don't really know how I want this to turn out. She needed that job, right? But getting into a fight with your boss isn't going to make for a pleasant working environment.
Can they fire her for this, though? I don't know about Japan's labour laws (real or fictional)

Pretty much only Europe that has laws about firing people (other than in really extreme/crazy circumstances). Japan can fire you for anything, just like most of the world.

last edited at Nov 13, 2023 3:19AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

I get your point, yeah. Kamiya at the start seemed like she was gearing up for a fight to the bitter end. It's kinda weird that she just folded so quickly.

I mean she didn't think that Yuzu actually liked her back. She thought it was an unrequited one-sided crush. Once she saw Yuzu's real reaction up close she realized she had no chance so it kinda makes sense why she folded.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Can the April Fools chapters get removed ever? They always mess up the next chapter feature.

joined Dec 28, 2016

The translation/editing for this is pretty awful. Really hard to read and lots of awkward dialogue and some of it not making any sense at all. I feel like the translator didn't know Japanese and used machine translation.

last edited at Oct 25, 2023 4:21PM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Just got caught up, I'm really glad I abandoned the series since around chapter 34 and then marathoned it up to current. It's SO much of a better way to read this story. The drama is properly intense and the story properly flows. Shiho's still annoying but she's not so bad that you can't stand her. And her own story and Aki's makes a lot more sense when it's all read together in context. It was a really good read.

I recommend anyone really hating on Shiho to go back and read from the beginning of the arc.

She's an incredibly immature girl with poor impulse control that's lead around by her emotions. i.e. she's a standard hormonal teenager with the added trauma from an intense upbringing along with a lost rival. Her character makes a lot of sense.

Edit: Also, skimming through these forum archives, I'm further glad I stopped and came back. They're a complete cesspool of negativity that could destroy any positive feelings someone has toward this series. It's no wonder that the people here are so divorced from how popular the series is in Japan.

last edited at Oct 25, 2023 8:06AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

There's something really fishy about Koto's script. It has Aya and Koto's names in it instead of the character names for the play (and Koto wasn't even acting for the play if I remember correctly). Is this the same script or something else entirely??

What's going on here, Koto? What are you doing? You looked kind of aloof during your date, but now it actually seems like you're super obsessed with Aya, even more so than 7 years ago....

On another note, that little Aya flashback suggests her mother leaving her with her grandpa was a pretty traumatic moment for her. Abandonment issues?

And poor Karen. She looks like she's getting ready to pursue Koto properly now, but I wonder if she knows that Koto writes creepy fanfiction about herself and a high-school aged Aya. lol

Do we know that the script even exists? It might be a metaphorical script used as a storytelling method. "Aya is so caught up in play that she can only move according to scripts." or some such meaning.

Actually looking at it again I'm even more sure that the script doesn't actually physically exist.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Just in case people miss a key element that's maybe obvious only to people who know some Japanese: The kanji for Tanabata is 七夕, with characters meaning "seven" and "evening". Tanabata is held on the 7th of July (7/7). So this is highly highly related to the 7 year time skip.

joined Dec 28, 2016

This is only the cover of a full one-shot manga that's on pixiv, and no it hasn't been translated.

last edited at Sep 29, 2023 2:53AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

What's with Japan and lesbians? It's all good with girls liking other girls but when it comes to giving it a name it's like NO, LESBIANS DO NOT EXIST

Seriously like, it's just dumb to say yeah I'm in love with a girl (and I am a girl) but that doesn't mean I like girls?? Alright

Edit: ok I see now everyone else is pointing that out too, nice

Maybe because the word "lesbian" already is weighted with connotation and they don't want the baggage that it's associated with? Keep in mind the word entered east asian lexicon before the concept even became well known. Probably primarily through adult media. So yeah they'd want to have a different word.

Keep in mind you're coming at this from an english speaking western perspective. You don't see any of the cultural baggage attached to foreign loan words.

last edited at Sep 18, 2023 6:23AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

I wont be surprised the scum became buddies or even marry that dude. As long as Mashiro staying as a mistress for Makino, along with non stop supply of money or credit card, things will work. Money buy you everything. Those three may even becomes a threesome. You cannot ignore that credit card.

You should consider never talking again.

Pretty sure personal attacks are against forum rules.

joined Dec 28, 2016

That was a great chapter and the complainers can go somewhere else. People always try to drag out things they dislike rather than talking about what they enjoy on these forums. Less negativity and more positivity people.

I'm glad these goofy two finally talked to each other and resolved some things and a minor slap and other confusion seems to have been resolved. It did feel slightly rushed but it was still good.

joined Dec 28, 2016

The weekly "Dynasty Scans finding something to complain about in every manga" threads I see.

joined Dec 28, 2016

BTW there was recently an 18+ audio drama of Asumi and Sayaka that was released. It's advertised on the author's twitter. Audio dramas are the first step toward a manga getting an anime. Apparently it's been bought over 4000 times.

last edited at May 31, 2023 5:53PM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Is this still being translated?

joined Dec 28, 2016

So is translator going to be able to catch back up or will life events cause them to get further and further behind? We're now 10 chapters behind what's been published.

joined Dec 28, 2016

author-san do be having the worst of luck

I'd say it's more likely that the lightning struck near her house. Lightning striking houses tends to make them explode if they're made out of wood. More so even striking nearby can do a lot of stuff. We had lightning strike our backyard and it knocked all the books off shelves that were mounted on that wall.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I'm so confused right now. I thought the girl she cared about was one of the other characters but suddenly it's some character they've never mentioned until now? What is with this writing.

VAMPEERZ discussion 29 Aug 02:02
joined Dec 28, 2016

i can’t get over how badly the action is conveyed in this manga. there’s no movement at all, i might as well be looking at real photographs

Well, the author's forte isn't movement. It's sex scenes.