Forum › My Younger Senpai discussion

joined Mar 26, 2021

Alright, this has reached a point that is not laughable or funny, got into the territory of blunt weirdness, and extremely poor executed. The characters are completely awful, dumb to a point. And I mean, we are still ignoring the fact that MC does not even belong to this timeline, and whatever she pulls here might have an consequence on her own timeline, are we? Okay, bring on the ecchi then ... if that's the best author could do ...

Well honestly I don't think that if she do something it might have an consequnce in her own timeline, why? Because i think author don't really pay attention to this time travel stuff, or maybe don't know about it that much.

Anyway in this chapter this time we got younger mc that went to do some lewd stuff to senpai even if it was just imagination. I like this new girl, i wonder what she's up to and what her relations will be with older mc, is she going to be her support with getting Seto fall for her or to spend more time together

last edited at Jul 29, 2021 1:40AM

joined Aug 4, 2018
joined Apr 20, 2021

Alright, this has reached a point that is not laughable or funny, got into the territory of blunt weirdness, and extremely poor executed. The characters are completely awful, dumb to a point. And I mean, we are still ignoring the fact that MC does not even belong to this timeline, and whatever she pulls here might have an consequence on her own timeline, are we? Okay, bring on the ecchi then ... if that's the best author could do ...

Well honestly I don't think that if she do something it might have an consequnce in her own timeline, why? Because i think author don't really pay attention to this time travel stuff, or maybe don't know about it that much.

The easiest way to go out of this paradox is to say that this is an alternative reality which is X years behind our reality. This is the easiest way to prevent time paradoxes.

joined Apr 6, 2019

We're now getting specific events from the past being replayed, but the presence of the older MC herself seems to make no difference at all--things just play out as if the older girl has always been there.

Not entirely true... it's a sure bet that, in the pre-timeslip timeline, teen Nana was the one who was pranked and scared by Kaedeko. It may not be much, but it's a change.

If Aya becomes a successful actress thanks to "Mai" now that'll be a huge change.

joined Mar 22, 2021

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self. This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Getting called out by the B.

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self. This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

^this, and the extent of it is starting to piss me off.

last edited at Jul 29, 2021 3:58AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

Yeahhhhh this story is really overstaying its welcome. I’ve been enthusiastically in favor of it in the past, but like people are saying, it just feels stagnant. Everytime younger MC enters the picture, older MC just gets fucking weird and uncomfortable with the barely-filtered selfish jealousy. It almost feels like she thinks she’s entitled to Senpai, and that the manga thinks that’s okay. That ain’t it. Huge turn-off.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Getting called out by the B.

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self. This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

^this, and the extent of it is starting to piss me off.

You are all just so ... so ... I can't even think of a word, because I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just questioning your logic skills.

Her younger self is a different person. She can't feel what her younger self is feeling, they don't share senses. The only thing MC has is memories, and incidental little things she probably can't even remember playing out right in front of her is so clearly not something she feels in the now. I don't really understand how you all can not understand how she'd treat her younger self as a different person. You're approaching this story completely differently to what has been set out before you.

The MC has not ended up in the past due to a magic spell that has a definitive ending, she doesn't have a time machine. As far as she is aware, this is now how she will forever live. How would helping her younger self help her? Her senpai will either continue as she had in MC's memories, and go off and marry someone else, or she will get her younger self and senpai together, and she will simply have the future all alone again. You need to start thinking of them as two different people, as there is absolutely no evidence that doing anything for her younger self will improve her life at all. And if her younger self grows into her present self, goes back in time and does exactly what she is doing now, all the better.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

I agree that chapter was feeling pretty nice until MC started licking Senpai's leg all over in public...

New chapter I have very mixed feelings about it.

Dan0 posted:

On the other hand when Seto said she has to get use to lewd things, I think she is practicing this romance stuff for that she could use it on younger Mc.

She isn't cos they never got together. And without future MC here, she would never even try learning lewd stuff until she get married. The reason her marriage failed is possibly, because she married someone to finally understand love? Since author 1. spend 0 time establishing her partner and 2. made him a guy, tells me he'll be completely irrelevant to the story and was just a plot device for entire premise to start.

g2s posted:

Just caught up with this series.
So she's cucking her past self uh? Pretty sure that's in the top 3 of "fuck ups you shouldn't do when time traveling".

She's not. She never got together with Senpai, so there's nobody to cuck.

Caku posted:

Oh, this is funny, there is a yuri couple before the yuri couple.
Well, but this make curious if senpai was into girls why she still married someone else

Have you ever heard of "bisexuality"?

But story clearly implies Senpai had interest in MC, so the question why the fuck they never got together then is valid and honestly something that's looming over this entire series for me as I'm reading it further.

benja posted:

I do like some ecchi on my manga but this is getting kind of tedious,

Have to agree with that. The sex scenes just start to feel out of place and distracting at this point.

Ramunes posted:

I don't know how that cute girl in glasses ended up being human trash.

You mean the cute girl in glasses that is so obsessed with Senpai, she spends 24/7 masturbating, while fantasizing about her and dating (and fucking) her is here sole purpose in life, to the point it consumed her for next 10 years and she traveled back in time, because she hit her head while masturbating on playground, thinking about said Senpai, after she got divorced? You're wondering how that cute girl in glasses ended up being human trash?

TifalovesAerith posted:

And I mean, we are still ignoring the fact that MC does not even belong to this timeline, and whatever she pulls here might have an consequence on her own timeline, are we?

Why should she care? Usually in time travel stories MC either travels intentional, so their intention is to mess with timeline as little as possible and/or they only want to change 1 specific thing and nothing else or MC went back by accident, but have clear means to go back, so the same thing apply (Back to the future, for example). Here MC went back by accident and has 0 clue have to go back, so as far as she is concerned, she'll spend rest of her life here. Why should she even care about any changes to her timeline, since there's like very high chance, she won't even see them? For her this right now is pretty much her timeline now. Also as other person already pointed out, if she instead helped herself out, she'd be stuck her without being able to date Senpai and watching her younger self being happy. She is clearly not kind of person to value her younger self happiness more than her own or taking a moral high ground. All she can think about is how to fuck Senpai today for crying out load...

Also in stories where MC travels back to their younger self, the entire reason is usually so they have chance to redo their past, so changes to timelines are kinda inherent to those stories and this story is more similar to that version with exception that MC physically went back, which imo makes it actually more interesting and unique.

Aile posted:

I thought that the presence of "Mai Sasaki" would somehow end up helping the younger Nana go out with Aya even if that wasn't her intention. Now it looks like Kaedeko is going to actively be a wingwoman against the older one.

And here I thought that the future nanasawa will help her past self to be with the senpai considering that she learned that senpai loves her past self, but it turns out, she doesnt give a shit about it and just want the senpai for herself.

Again. She has no clue how to get back, as far as she knows, she's stuck in the past and given her thought pattern, she's not about to just pass on dating Senpai she longed for for last 10+ years. Also while her trying to help her old self date Senpai, could be interesting, I feel like her future self trying to win Senpai over is more unique and interesting and that's what premise sold me on, so I'm much more interested in that. If Senpai had some reason to believe, getting her past self to date Senpai is some sort of win condition to get back to future and still date Senpai, I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping her old self, but as it's "real" life and nobody gave her quest objectives, the best she can do is just go off the information she has rn.

Xyeed posted:

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self.

To be fair, past MC is different person. They're separate by 10 years of experience. Sure, at some point you don't change much, but especially between your teen self and adult self, there is bound to be a lot of growth and change, especially since it's specifically said that MC tried to change herself and her image. Also just for comparison, future MC is way more outgoing and open about her sexuality than past MC, which already makes them quite different. So yes, I totally can buy that for MC, her past self looks and feels like completely different person she has no issue disregarding. Again, since as far as she knows, she's never getting back and never becomes that past MC again, so w/e she does now, won't affect herself.

This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

I'll agree with that and I'm really not big fan of love obsessed characters.

Lilpha posted:

I thought that the presence of "Mai Sasaki" would somehow end up helping the younger Nana go out with Aya even if that wasn't her intention. Now it looks like Kaedeko is going to actively be a wingwoman against the older one.

Which brings another question. If she was so good at reading people, why didn't she read that past MC was in love with Senpai and help her? In fact why didn't she read that past MC loves Senpai as well now and sense a love triangle? This is another thing just like supposedly Senpai having interest in past MC is making it harder for me to read, because I'm constantly thinking and questioning why the hell you didn't get together then?

g2s posted:
Calling it now: Senpai will fall in love with Future Nana but mutual love will make Future Nana disappear. Past Nana will then proceeds to go through the very same image change and after meeting again Senpai will fall in love all over again with Nana because she reminds her of Sasaki Mai. Happy(?) end.
That or this ain't even time traveling and she's just in a coma in the present or still sleeping in the park lmao.

Both of those would be incredibly stupid though... (not to mention would feel like a asspull)

Linterdiction posted:

I am starting to see that Senpai's horniness is could actively as a character flaw that sets her back. Like it could be actively getting in the way of her relationship, and that's cool.

Yea. I wouldn't mind it as much, if it was a character flaw for MC to overcome, but at this point it doesn't really feel like it'll go anywhere or at least it doesn't seem like MC is actually learning anything.

Anyway, I can stomach some reluctance for a bit, but the point of that kind of trope for me is the breaking of it. Do boundaries get set and enforced, turning it into a commentary on consent and enthusiastic participation? Or does the reluctant or tsundere character start to melt into it and welcome it? IMO that aspect of their dynamic was hot for the first two, maybe three chapters, because it had some, "hot older woman has her eyes set on my body, oh no~!" vibes, and it was like, breaking the barrier that the MC had experienced when she was younger by being forward so that Seto-senpai also got to expereince the horni. But beyond that, it's definitely overstaying its welcome. They're not committing to either, "she kinda likes it and wants more," or, "this is actually a problem in their relationship," and so it just becomes weird non-con stuff that halts the pace of any fluffy feelings without building on them. Maybe if it didn't seem so disconnected to their emotions, or if Senpai's reaction was more of a "no, I shouldn't. But..." then I would like it more, but as it stands, I'm very ready for their dynamic to move on.

I totally agree with that. It feels like series can't commit either way and doesn't know what it wants to be.

botmj posted:

Man at first I was liking this but with all the recent chapters and literally no growth in any character... the MC revolving her entire life around this younger girl is something I'm realizing is so gross. If this story wanted to be porn and ecchi, it should've just embraced it instead of giving some dumb plot like teaching Senpai romance so she can become a better actor. By giving the future girl a goal, it promises us development. But then the story goes around and just shits on it every chapter and gives no progression at all in favor of some sexy scene. IF YOU CAN'T GIVE US A GOOD STORY, STOP PROMISING IT AND JUST BE PORN. Not this wishy-washy shit.

Honestly the appeal at first was "the confident older woman can now make advances on her senpai" but like the MC is also super needy and literally got a job to be able to see her senpai every day at a cafe... like that's not hot confident older woman action anymore...that's just desperate. Desperate is literally the exact thing we want to avoid since it's what her younger self was. Way to throw away the initial appeal.

That's exactly what I wanted to write! I feel like if this series was just straight porn, it would work much better, because despite trying to have plot, it doesn't really feel like it's progressing it and instead is being held down by unnecessary ecchi scenes that would be fine in just porn. Also at first having Senpai being so open about her sexuality and aggressive was fresh, because we rarely have those kind of character that know their sexuality, what they want and are not afraid to act on it, but after first few chapters it exactly got tedious and MC's obsession and possessiveness with Senpai, to the point where she gets insecure and jealous of her own past self (that she knows fully well, never went anywhere with Senpai and therefore isn't a treat) is really starting to get in the way of the story.

last edited at Jul 30, 2021 5:11AM

joined Mar 5, 2021

what's with this long wall of text legit you guys are afraid of 2 things big boobies and incoherent stories, yes I agree that the story is not taking itself seriously but you guys should know that since chapter 1 the mc time travelled through masturbation. why even bother looking for a serious stories when the plot alone is stupid just enjoy god tier art and its clearly fun story, also where still like 9 chapters in calm down. if the plot is not progressing then your clearly got distracted by boobies to much.

last edited at Jul 29, 2021 10:11AM by OrangePekoe

joined Jun 28, 2021

The B girl has those Mugi eyebrows

joined Jul 29, 2017

since chapter 1 the mc time travelled through masturbation. why even bother looking for a serious stories when the plot alone is stupid story

Yeah, if that actually worked, past MC would have found herself in an infinite time-travel regress a long time ago.

I've always taken the depiction of hentai-style anti-gravity beach-ball boobs as a semi-intentional signifier to readers to not take the story seriously. The fact that there's (just) enough plot that readers actually want to know what happens seems like a violation of some kind of implicit genre contract--"hentai boobs, Lane 1; relationship plot, Lane 4--please stay in your lanes!"

joined Jul 21, 2019

Nevri posted:
She's not. She never got together with Senpai, so there's nobody to cuck.

Don't get technical on me. Past Senpai seems to like Past Nana and Future Nana is trying to steal her affection with sukebe acts. If that doesn't fall in the cuck meme cauldron I dunno what does.

Both of those would be incredibly stupid though... (not to mention would feel like a asspull)

Bruh. This is a ecchi manga, art and fan-service come first, then the plot which usually in these kind of series is dumb as fuck. Also, she fucking time traveled by drunk fapping in a public park, stupid was already here since chapter 1. Which is more than fine, it's the whole point of ecchi series.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I agree that the story is not taking itself seriously but you guys should know that since chapter 1 the mc time travelled through masturbation. why even bother looking for a serious stories when the plot alone is stupid just enjoy god tier art and its clearly fun story

I want to make your comment into an auto reply message that will repost itself automatically every time somebody sends a nitpicking rant.

joined Nov 11, 2015

The girl went from a sweet, shy and dazzling stundent to be a creepy, weird molester woman. What went wrong.
I just don't quite get it, is she stupid ?

If she helps her past self get together with her senpai, then tecnically she would also win... The mangaka rlly gets way too distracted in the ecchi part to the point of being quite uncomfortable. I find myself saying "Stop! Stop that PLEASE WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT !!" several times when the future Nana does... "future Nana things".

last edited at Jul 29, 2021 5:15PM

joined Jun 3, 2020

The girl went from a sweet, shy and dazzling stundent to be a creepy, weird molester woman. What went wrong.

Sweet, shy and dazzling? You are talking about the girl who was daydreaming of molesting her senpai, Ero-RPG style, right in front of her.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The girl went from a sweet, shy and dazzling stundent to be a creepy, weird molester woman. What went wrong.

Sweet, shy and dazzling? You are talking about the girl who was daydreaming of molesting her senpai, Ero-RPG style, right in front of her.

Really--people seem to forget that shy glasses girl is having wild sex fantasies all day in school and masturbating her brains out when she gets in private.

Her feeling that, "I should stop doing this to senpai" is absolutely continuous from past to present MC.

last edited at Jul 29, 2021 5:39PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

"MC didnt do anything sexy this chapter, Quick find something Else to complain about!"

I feel like half the comments holds this manga to a higher standard than the average manga on here, probably because they dont like it. Another portion flat out doesnt get what they are reading and keep asking why it isnt standard.

Ahh well,i enjoy it, its nice.

joined Jun 7, 2013

MC-chan... Shouldn't you be in competition with yourself but rather help them get the girl? This mini you is still you for goodness sake. How you can get in the way of yourself is beyond me. D:

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Man at first I was liking this but with all the recent chapters and literally no growth in any character... the MC revolving her entire life around this younger girl is something I'm realizing is so gross. If this story wanted to be porn and ecchi, it should've just embraced it instead of giving some dumb plot like teaching Senpai romance so she can become a better actor. By giving the future girl a goal, it promises us development. But then the story goes around and just shits on it every chapter and gives no progression at all in favor of some sexy scene. IF YOU CAN'T GIVE US A GOOD STORY, STOP PROMISING IT AND JUST BE PORN. Not this wishy-washy shit.

Honestly the appeal at first was "the confident older woman can now make advances on her senpai" but like the MC is also super needy and literally got a job to be able to see her senpai every day at a cafe... like that's not hot confident older woman action anymore...that's just desperate. Desperate is literally the exact thing we want to avoid since it's what her younger self was. Way to throw away the initial appeal.

Also the main girl she's in love with is not charming at all and her boobs look like squishy basketballs. She's not cute or sexy, she's just kinda plain? I thought she was gonna be the cool chill character and her charm point is that she goes dere only for the older protag, but she's not cool. She's just a dummy cardboard box for us to jack off over.

Wow. I don't remember you ever making negative posts before and feel like I missed out now? I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but that was just so well expressed. Great post.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm enjoying it and I'm grateful that someone is translating and uploading it. It's fun and I want to see where it goes.

We got a non-ecchi (at least by Sasaki) chapter which none of the complainers seem to have acknowledged, and a tweeest with the new senpai. Bring it on!

joined Aug 18, 2015

An adult molesting a highschooler? Good thing it's yuri, that makes it okay. /s

joined Aug 10, 2015

everyone is wondering why future nanasawa keeps making advances on her senpai, but the real question here is, why not? is not like she has something to lose she already experience her senpai marrying another person due to her lack of action, as far as she´s concerned she´s trapped on that timeline so why dont give it a shot and again if she´s trapped on that timeline her past self might as well be consider a separate entity . It is dumb to cuck yourself? kinda . it is short sighted? maybe , it is unreasonable? definetly not

joined Nov 21, 2018

Also that girl has a different hair clip doesn’t she, I wonder if it means anything. Like a different timeline or something

They're literally "A" and "B", not sure why more people haven't mentioned it yet!

joined Jun 9, 2018

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self. This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

but her younger self is a completely different person

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