Forum › An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) discussion

joined Apr 2, 2013

Rin did get her wish to not lie to Akira anymore... lol. I bet Mayuki’s mom still won’t notice a thing. I wonder if Mayuki will dm Rin that Akira is her crush or if the truth leaks out in a different way.

joined Feb 24, 2019

Wow, I am really liking this development. A lot of people are rightly pointing out Akira's horrible internal thoughts, but neglecting to mention a couple things. One, they are internal thoughts, which are, at least in my experience, always harsher and more venomous than the words I would actually say to someone because that's how it be when extreme emotions like heartbreak hit you. And two, at no point does Akira ever verbally attack Rin for her actions, choosing instead to talk her out of digging her own hole any deeper. Lastly three, a very important detail, which is that she has offered to take over the non-school tutoring, so in other words Akira will now be responsible for teaching Mayuki all about kissing and physical contact between lovers. This is an ideal plot point for developing the least developed of the three pairings: Akira x Mayuki. I'm really looking forward to Mayuki's confession and the expected Akira breakdown I suspect will follow.

last edited at Jul 18, 2020 10:49PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Okay. I don't want it to be a poly relationship anymore because of Akira.

More Rin x Mayuki scene please!

Yeah, I'm all for a good polypileharem, but right now Rin and Mayuki are Best Girls and Akira is annoying.

Presumably Canno means to change that but she's built up a challenge for herself.

joined Oct 20, 2017

ouroboros of simping

joined Aug 18, 2015

I'm very pleased with how this is going. Things are starting to come full circle (or full triangle). Rin has fallen in love with Mayuki, all the links are in place. Rin to Mayuki, to Akira, back to Rin.

As we all know, this ends up being the recipe for eons of Aaaaaangst. But with Akira taking over the "extracurricular" teaching, she'll inevitably learn that Mayuki is in love with her. After that Akira basically just has to reconcile wanting to be someone's most important person with the fact that she loves Rin, who simply doesn't work that way. Mayuki's affection will undoubtedly play a significant role in that process.

Really though, my favorite part of this chapter was definitely Akira. She was fantastic in this chapter. That intense reaction was so perfect for someone in her situation. The anger boiling just below the surface, the burning jealousy. She was so incredibly, believably human. (and her suffering brings my soul nourishment.)

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 12:22AM

joined Apr 27, 2018

I actually really like Akira so much more as a character after this chapter. We've seen her be a bit jealous before now, but she was still a mostly bland character imo but I enjoyed these ugly characteristics. Her feelings are certainly not positive and her ego certainly needs some work, but that's what I find appealing about it. She's a character that needs a lot of growth and change.

She needs to understand that Mayuki has grown up and isn't still that little girl she needs to protect. She needs to understand that she isn't "better" than Mayuki. She needs to come to understand why Rin likes Mayuki and what those feelings actually mean. She needs to get her jealousy and feelings under control. There's just so much room for great character development and if done well then I see it really strengthening the polycule as a whole.

If done well being the most important part. Rin and Mayuki have already built up a great dynamic. They're fluffy and sweet and those kiss scenes are so saucy! (Seriously, this manga has some of my favorite kiss scenes at the moment.) They're everything you really want in a yuri couple and they could probably pull off their own manga as a monogamous pairing. So, the introduction of Akira needs to feel like it adds to the relationship between all three characters rather than distracts from the relationship between Rin and Mayuki.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Akira changes the dynamic between these characters when she becomes more involved in the romance. I have hope and trust that that mangaka will be able to pull it off in a satisfying way.

I 100% agree

joined Jun 7, 2019

“no one in their right mind would choose freaking mayuki after all...”
yeah,Akira f u c k o f f
she is better person than you,just accept it and move on

joined Dec 28, 2016

Reading these forums is often times as entertaining as or even more entertaining than reading the chapters. Someone always gets so crazy angry every chapter. I wonder if these people are as high-strung in real life as they appear in comments.

But talking about the manga, Akira is going to get dished a piece of humble pie soon. It is indeed funny watching her go through all this. She needs to calm down and think about what Mayuki has told her in the past about her teacher (in the previous 2 chapters).

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 1:34AM

joined Jan 23, 2020


joined Jan 23, 2020

I actually really like Akira so much more as a character after this chapter. We've seen her be a bit jealous before now, but she was still a mostly bland character imo but I enjoyed these ugly characteristics. Her feelings are certainly not positive and her ego certainly needs some work, but that's what I find appealing about it. She's a character that needs a lot of growth and change.

She needs to understand that Mayuki has grown up and isn't still that little girl she needs to protect. She needs to understand that she isn't "better" than Mayuki. She needs to come to understand why Rin likes Mayuki and what those feelings actually mean. She needs to get her jealousy and feelings under control. There's just so much room for great character development and if done well then I see it really strengthening the polycule as a whole.

If done well being the most important part. Rin and Mayuki have already built up a great dynamic. They're fluffy and sweet and those kiss scenes are so saucy! (Seriously, this manga has some of my favorite kiss scenes at the moment.) They're everything you really want in a yuri couple and they could probably pull off their own manga as a monogamous pairing. So, the introduction of Akira needs to feel like it adds to the relationship between all three characters rather than distracts from the relationship between Rin and Mayuki.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Akira changes the dynamic between these characters when she becomes more involved in the romance. I have hope and trust that that mangaka will be able to pull it off in a satisfying way.

I 100% agree

Really love that analysis :D clears up a lot of things and makes me even more invested in their development now.

joined Jan 23, 2020

Commented 3 times in a row, but like Canno's art is just chef's kiss

Sarah of the Night
joined May 12, 2020

pleasemakeAkiradissapear pleasemakeAkiradissapear pleasemakeAkiradissapear pleasemakeAkiradissapear.

gotta love how Rin said she learns a lot herself when mayukis mom apologized for her staying so late all the time lol.

joined Aug 21, 2017

This entire comment section is just the duality of man on full display

joined May 18, 2020

everyone hating on akira but i just wanna see the three of them dating T_T

joined Jan 14, 2020

"No need to thank me ma'am, your daughter's virtue is payment enough"

joined May 2, 2018

edit: I've seen the expression "(going) on the offensive" in different stories here. What's the Japanese phrase it translates? 押せ押せ? 攻撃? 攻勢?

The last one! "Kakugo no kousei" (覚悟の攻勢)


joined Jul 23, 2017

Wait so Akira would be replacing Rin in the kissing teaching thing isn't that what Mayuki wants to kiss Akira btw Next chapter will be on Aug 27! (;▽;) I dont mind time flies fast.

joined Oct 7, 2017

Akira has activated Mayuki's trap card, but Mayuki didn't even know she HAD a trap card

joined Oct 22, 2018

There have been quite the number of comments hating on Akira, but I'm really happy to see a larger-than-I'm-used-to number of long comments for analyses (that may have something to do with me having usually skipped such comments during the last few months, and only bothering to read some now, but still). I can say that I agree with a lot of the points others pointed out in their long comments

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 5:09AM

joined Sep 5, 2019

Akira has been acting like such a bitch that seeing her in agony from finding out that rin has been kissing mayuki was extremely satisfying, though I still hope they redeem her

joined Jul 26, 2016

Akira has been acting like such a bitch that seeing her in agony from finding out that rin has been kissing mayuki was extremely satisfying, though I still hope they redeem her

Oh I reckon she'll be quite disgusted with herself once she digs herself and/or gets dragged out of that pit of bitter seething jealousy. That's the kind of thing people majorly cringe at in retrospect.

joined May 3, 2016

A lot of people are angry with Akira's internal thoughts (something you can't hear in real life), but it was the only thing I was waiting for the whole chapter, and was afraid it wouldn't happen. I'm very satisfied at the moment. I love that stuff. Getting so jealous that you'd attack your friend like that... Especially, one that looks up to you.

joined Jul 21, 2017

It feels more and more like NTR for me. Okay, where is my popcorn?

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 7:40AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

As we all know, this ends up being the recipe for eons of Aaaaaangst.

Dunno, it could also be the recipe for some comedy. That was my first reaction when the last page hit, honestly − that came so out of left field I almost spit my drink in laughter (with Akira’s face making it funnier).

Also, someone here said that Akira only liked Rin because of her superficial "mature" appearance, but I don’t quite think that’s the case. Sure, she has that cool beauty vibe, but much like Mayuki, Rin also has that clumsy side to her, and I think that’s part of what attracts Akira (hence the "Thank you Rin, for sucking at sports!") The "gap moe", if you will. X)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Relopokilolo posted:

Akira has been acting like such a bitch that seeing her in agony from finding out that rin has been kissing mayuki was extremely satisfying, though I still hope they redeem her

"has been acting" ???? Satisfying????

I see now that people were hating on Akira for some weird reason until now (maybe because she didn't date Mayuki despite not loving her romantically?), and now that they had a real excuse they exploded like this.

It's incredible that you can't see the irony here, if Akira shouldn't be happy because of her attitude, then what does that say about all of you?

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 10:02AM

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