I never thought I'd read a story where none of the main characters are likable.
Kou: Le Braindead. The typical Yuri protagonist who's like "Um...what is love?" and "She asked me out, and we are gonna be alone together, must be a fRieNdZ dAtE". She's the type of character I've come to dislike gradually in my years of reading Yuri. But well, she seems to have some sort of realization in the last page. Hope she redeems her retard ass in the next chapter.
Amane: Crazy Ex. God, I hate clingy people so much, both irl and in fiction. I understand that she deserves some explanation regarding her break-up, but constantly bothering your ex ain't it. She broke up with you, no matter what the reason, you gotta keep this in mind that THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER. MOVE ON. PERIOD. So many people sympathising with her baffles me. Imagine if she was a guy. Everybody in this forum would be triggered.
Nene: The Jerk with Not-at-All Golden Heart. Easily the worst character in this series and the only character I actively hate. At this point it is very clear that she's using Kou to get back at Amane. She is an insecure ass bitch who is using Kou's attention to fulfill her narcissistic desires. She doesn't have any genuine feelings for Kou. I would be very much surprised if the author shows otherwise in the next chapters . Also, hurting your ex using your current beau screams "evil". And not in a good way. I hope she ends up unhappy.
Senpai: The Wannabe Psycho. Now, usually I root for the Yandere-type characters but this girl is neither Yandere enough nor normal enough. She is just...there. She like those Disney villains, tries too hard to be evil but comes across as a childish, obsessive bitch. Meh.
Now, I don't hate any of them (except Nene), but I couldn't care any less about them. At this point I'm reading this because I wasted so much time on this already, why not waste a few more hours. I am tempted to drop this permanently, but I hate not finishing a series. This is very dissapointing, considering this had a an interesting and unique premise but ended up being a badly-written telenovela mess. Maria la del Barrio had better written characters. And that's saying a lot. But one thing I think we all can collectively agree on is that Kou needs to run away from this toxic school and move out from this town full of toxic teenage girls ASAP.