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joined May 23, 2017

Never realised it till now but does having the polyamory tag a spoiler?

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Never realised it till now but does having the polyamory tag a spoiler?

For manga that are completed over a year ago, they're really only found when specific tag searches are used, or they're featured. [Especially] given that this manga has a rather unusual tag, it seems better to go with the proper tagging to allow folks looking for Polyamory to find the content they want.

joined Aug 13, 2015

I wish the girl that fell in love with Tarumizu would somehow fall In love with Hayama :(

joined Nov 12, 2017

im all for love triangles resolving into polyamory, but i will admit it kinda came outta nowhere in this instance. thematically, the story was definitely leaning towards 2 separate pairings in kou+nene & amane+hayama, so to suddenly be hit with both the full extent of hayama's socially-destructive actions & an unforeshadowed poly resolution in the last chapter is a bit much.

joined Jan 4, 2021

Well she definitely took in love with this couple to a literal sense

joined Apr 4, 2014

voyeur jk I loved this story and the polyamory was appropriate but I kinda feel bad for that senpai that liked Amane. I think that Nene X Amane was the strongest pairing so if Kou is happy with not being liked as much by those two then that is fine. Happy end!

joined Sep 18, 2016

Nene was so selfish that she lost the chemistry she had with the other two girls. I like the concept of seeing a love story through the eyes of a main character, I don't like the execution. The relationships needed more development. Nene hurt Amane through the whole story and did nothing to redeem herself and prove she was worth Amane's affection. Amane deserved better.

joined Apr 13, 2021

Polyamory AND a random lizard tag?? Christmas came early this year for me. This was actually super cute.

joined Jul 23, 2020

the art style's top tier. the ending felt a bit rushed. i wanted to see how Amane would fall in love with Kou and i was also lowkey expecting Hayama to join the poly but all in all, i love it. i need more polyamorous yuri.

joined Oct 1, 2021

freedom for love

joined Feb 10, 2022

I really liked the manga. I see the point that the poly came out of nowhere cause there was no romantic development between Kou and Amane. We can say that Kou actually liked Amane and of course Nene.
Nene well she did not deserve Amane's affection after all she did to her but even after that the love between Nene and Amane is stronger than the one Nene has for Kou.
The could have paired Kou and the club president since they have the same dream of being a pro photographer. But I didnt like the prez' toxicity tbh. If she wanted to make Amane fall for her then she would have done in another way rather than throw in her face the fact that Nene and Kou were dating.
I guess the author made Amane choose that decision cause Kou likes Nene, and probably thought Kou was gonna be sad cause of breaking up. For Nene, Amane knew she was in love with both of them and probably thought Nene was gonna be sad for giving Kou hopes for a relationship after all the time they spent together and the fact that Nene liked her.
I dont think Amane hates Kou after dating Nene. In the end I can say that Amane knew that this type of relationship will work and Kou would not decline. It's a win-win so Nene can be with the girls she loves, Kou can be with both and same for Amane who eventually fell in love with Kou and viceseversa.
Kinda jealous in the extra chapter and Amane gave a nice solution so no one can feel left out whenever they sleep together, bath, dates, etc I guess but it was kinda funny somehow cause Nene knew that includes seggs xd
But yea, like I said at the end they love each other I guess they eventually trust themselves and there was no more jealousy. I wish there could have been two more chapters, one with a time skip where they are living together and going on dates and see more how their relationship is going, and another one for their wedding and see if the prez found someone who was able to reciprocate her love some kind of redemption for her.
All I can say is that I love this manga and I'm gonna try to find the physical copies. I really like the art style for how outstanding it is. Even thought the poly relationship came out of nowhere, and I know because of that some readers were not satisfy, for me this is the manga with the best poly ending. I mean I know about other but they are H, and I know about Canno's manga tho that one was better the mono end rather than poly. Anyway it was a great manga for me at least.

joined May 24, 2022

I don't think the poly ending came out of no where (even if I was expecting it the whole time bc I found this through the tag), but Amane's love for Kou did come out of no where. Without letting the story finish things properly with another volume (as is what should have happened), it makes more sense for it to be Kou x Nene + Nene x Amane, more than the triad it ended up as. The story didn't really develop kou x amane at all, but it did portray how the three of them would be open to a poly relationship (more so Kou and Nene, the length of the story left Amane's end a little more fuzzy, only to be dictated to us in the last few pages).

Overall, I liked the story a lot. Maybe it's just because I've read a lot more monogamous yuri and gotten used to it, but a poly angle opens up a lot of options for unique, interesting, beautiful stories. I think the story used that to its advantage. Not to mention thats the exgirlfriend and manipulator plots were done quite well imo (aside from a rushed conclusion)!

last edited at May 26, 2022 12:07AM

joined Sep 1, 2021

This was superb, mind that the pacing was secondary to the photographs and layout. A photographer or artist story about what you see within the frame, no surprise.

Everything worked nicely up until the epilogue / volume 2 bonus. That was cute but nonsense.

In the original ending, Amane proposed the relationship but only said "I have a great time when we're all together", not that she was in love with Kou. Kou's slightly excessive concern for what Amane thinks bothered me until Amane noted that "Taru-Taru loves both of us". I hadn't caught that how Kou looks at her models in an identical way, and similar to how the manipulative senpai thinks about Amane. I only noticed Kou had the potential to fall for both Amane and Nene, and she fell for Nene quickly when confessed to, but not that she already loved both her models. Everything came together into a believable aysmmetric poly relationship where Amane hasn't thought about Kou much yet because she spent the full story pining for Amane. By the time of the wedding pictures long afterwards, maybe Kou fell in romantic love, maybe not, either one could be healthy.

The epilogue doesn't have a location in its background, so it could have taken place any time after the ending trio started dating. It's far enough out that Amane's feelings could have grown deeper. But without buildup, no clues for the timeline, and being the sort of question she'd probably ask very soon after the three started dating, it felt rushed. It's fine but, with this author, two chapters leaving Kou with a sadder position might have been more satisfying than the finale and epilogue being this disjointed. It was just a slapdash publisher-requested feel-good fluff extra.

joined Aug 6, 2023

Chapter 8, page 25. Kinda funny cause the Japanese version never says she's " sh*t" cause she just said "I wish Amane was ugly"

Anyway, I wish this manga could have been longer cause, to me, it never made sense out of nowhere Amane wanted to go poly. Ngl I liked the poly ending but need more chapters to polish their relationship specially between Kou and Amane. I always thought Amane and Nene would stay together again dating while somehow Kou would get together with the club president since both loves photography.

last edited at Sep 14, 2023 12:45PM

joined Dec 5, 2014

Having read this after having it open in a tab for a time:

The drama's super messy, everyone except Kou is kind of a bitch, and yeah, as has been noted, the conclusion comes a bit abruptly, but I liked this a lot! The art's great, the girls are cute together, and the conclusion's fun. Could have a used a few more chapters, alas, but I don't know that I would have had the appetite for more than a third volume at most.

A thing that greatly added to my enjoyment of this was noticing (ch8?) a mention of a voiced pv, and discovering that it's just chapter 1, but with the messy drama exes being voiced by agupon and mayuchi, of LL nijigaku ayumu and kasumin fame

joined Apr 5, 2013

I just discovered this and finished it in a go. What cute art and the story was pretty good, until the end. Shame that got axed, I was eager to see what else would happen. The senpai issue got no resolution at all. And the sudden poly ending was so unsatisfying. It should had ended after Kou saw the future of Amane and Nene. That wedding image was so cute.

Still a great read.

joined Mar 26, 2014

I really enjoyed this. It had it's drama, the characters and their emotions were messy but we got a poly ending and thats a win in my book. It's not Carol-Level of sophisticated art but it's a good manga and a good story. It felt real to me, because people and emotions are messy and it didn't try to overstay it's welcome.

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