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joined Mar 22, 2014

Hey, was that a kiss in page 28???

I think it was... even tho it's not shown distinctly... I mean, in panel 2 Nene and Taru seem to be face to face and close enough to touch lips... and in panel 3 we see that Taru is standing on tiptoes, which is a classic movie shtick meaning that you're trying to reach the lips of a taller partner...

I think they kissed. I'm guessing that's why sempai is smiling so smugly: she caught them on camera. I foresee lots of angst when Amane sees the pics.

Oh, and are those beads of sweat, or saliva just a few panels after? :^)

On a side note, it’s interesting how we don’t see Nene’s eyes whenever she has strong reactions in this chapter, like when she’s told off by her sister’s friend or when she’s blushing while staring at Kou.

joined Mar 22, 2013

The most interesting character to me is actually Amane. But this chapter she seemed more like a side character. Still interesting where this will go. It's good to stray from the formula, still this manga confuses me.

joined May 26, 2011

The pairings seem pretty obvious as to where they'll end up, but it may be worth including Love Triangle for people who might want to avoid ensuing feelings of sadness.

joined Jul 19, 2015

Ah man I really don't care who ends up with who. I like pretty much every single one of our main characters. Even the bagy clothed camera senpai. As long as this keeps providing cute moments with amazing art, I'll eat it up.

joined Apr 25, 2019

I've never seen a ship that torpedoed so hard like ex-girlfriend ship here, will their ship able to rise from the bottom of ocean at this rate? Senpai's smug face justified here since it seem the fate is on her side.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Hey, was that a kiss in page 28???

I think it was... even tho it's not shown distinctly... I mean, in panel 2 Nene and Taru seem to be face to face and close enough to touch lips... and in panel 3 we see that Taru is standing on tiptoes, which is a classic movie shtick meaning that you're trying to reach the lips of a taller partner...

I think they kissed. I'm guessing that's why sempai is smiling so smugly: she caught them on camera. I foresee lots of angst when Amane sees the pics.

Oh, and are those beads of sweat, or saliva just a few panels after? :^)

Hey... you're right! I can't believe I missed that. Laugh at me if you want, but I must admit I hadn't noticed at all. >_<

Taking another look, I also saw this:

Two beads of saliva on Nene's lips! :-D

(Well, either that, or just light reflected on her lip gloss or something... :P )

On a side note, it’s interesting how we don’t see Nene’s eyes whenever she has strong reactions in this chapter, like when she’s told off by her sister’s friend or when she’s blushing while staring at Kou.

I remember reading comments on that before... it's been suggested that the reason for that is to hide that, at those times, her third eye opens, lol.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Tarumizu is going to get absolutely destroyed in this story. I'm very worried for this girl now. Wondering if I'm going to see the Blackmail tag eventually due to Amane, Lizard-girl senpai or Machi.

last edited at May 24, 2019 3:46AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

I feel bad for Kou getting sucked into the orbit of what's looking more and more like a lot of bad people.

That art is gorgeous af, though.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Now, I’m feeling bad for Kou-chan here. Of all she’s the most innocent one, and only loves photography but seems to bound being hurt and destroyed. I hope I’m wrong with my thinking. As for Nene, must be she likes Kou-chan for being kind and simpleminded. It seems she wants someone who’ll understand and to see her or perhaps to remove her insecurities. She must found it to Kou-chan. Idk what the pairing will end, I just want to treasure Kou-chan. Lol. And the senpai, she’s creepy.

last edited at May 24, 2019 12:39AM

joined Mar 12, 2014

Wow that ship kinda just sprung up out of nowhere, I can't really get behind Kou/Nene after having such a build up with the two ex's for the first three chapters

Also Kou was really laying it on thick "I always love it when you smile" like you've known Nene all of 5 minutes

joined Dec 16, 2014

Seeing how this manga doesn't follow the formulaic love story. I'm gonna wait a couple more chapter to form an opinion on this.

Love Square

joined Mar 15, 2017

Yeah no, I'm not brave enough to read a love hexagram drama with an unclear ending without knowing how it'll end. I'll wait till this series is completed and read the comments for spoilers. If it's a happy end then I'll read it but if it's some aangsty bittersweet end with one of the ex ended up all alone and need to move on then maybe I'll pass

last edited at May 24, 2019 2:59AM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Also Kou was really laying it on thick "I always love it when you smile" like you've known Nene all of 5 minutes

She's gay, she can't help it.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Plot twist: They realize this tangled web of relationships is unhealthy for everybody involved and walk away. Nobody gets together. Neutral end.

joined May 25, 2017

Plot twist: They realize this tangled web of relationships is unhealthy for everybody involved and walk away. Nobody gets together. Neutral end.

Way to spoil the ending smh.

joined May 25, 2017

Lizard girl is best girl and I will stand by this until the end of this manga.

joined Dec 24, 2015

I can ship Kou and Nene, honestly.. they kinda look nice together, and Nene finally smiles without looking annoyed at all times. I find Kou's surprised reaction a little dumb, though. Like, it kinda feels like she's flirting with Nene (what with the "oh, a date? Sure!" You don't ask friends on dates... And all the "you're super cute and you got a great smile"), yet she's dumbfounded when it seems like Nene is developing a crush on her?
"What, flirting with a girl I obviously know is a lesbian could lead her to develop feels for me?" I'm not sure how to explain myself clearly, but... Yeah. Also Nene is definitely not a useless lesbian™, she made her move lightning fast! If I was in her situation my crush would probably never know anything about it..

joined Apr 8, 2019

Hmm... “am I cuter than Amane?” seems like she was envious of Amane somehow?... Is she one who seeks validation? Or does she have the hots for our MC lol

last edited at May 24, 2019 4:32AM

joined Feb 9, 2017

Am I the only one wondering which is the real pair here? like, I don't mind whoever the fuck Kou ended up with, but I absolutely want Nene x Amane more than anything else. exact thoughts!!! ;) I still want Amane and Nene to be together. Also wonder why they broke up...curiosity kills me xD

My suspicion is that Senpai had a great deal of involvement. Nothing makes for good photography like joy and pain.

joined Apr 16, 2014

My original pairings are crumbling lol...

joined Oct 22, 2018

The exes ship recieved some even more heavy bombardment. A few more hits, and it will sink.

joined May 7, 2017

I thought I knew where this story was going but I don't know anymore, but still an excellent story

joined Feb 18, 2015

Wow that ship kinda just sprung up out of nowhere, I can't really get behind Kou/Nene after having such a build up with the two ex's for the first three chapters

Also Kou was really laying it on thick "I always love it when you smile" like you've known Nene all of 5 minutes

How can you say it sprung out of nowhere? All through the beach chapter it was clear that Nene was starting to get closer to Kou. Unlike the others, she started calling her Kou-chan instead of some derivation of her family name and told her to call her Nene. Then they had the walk in the rain and she asked her out on a date, which she expected to NOT include Amane, for Kou-chan to watch a photo shoot. It was pretty clear to me that Nene was, at the very least, attracted to her.

Someone mentioned that they thought Lizard-sempai was probably responsible for Nene and Amane breaking up. I would have to agree, since it was stated that they broke up at middle school graduation and the "Sunset Girl" picture of Amane was from two years ago, which would have been when they were still in middle school and dating, and it certainly looks like it was taken in a compromising situation... or at least could have lead to a misunderstanding if it wasn't.

joined Oct 21, 2017

The exes ship recieved some even more heavy bombardment. A few more hits, and it will sink.

Don't worry Kou will fix it & make it as good as new, although it might take some time doing it.

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