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joined Apr 6, 2013

This is gonna get fun, but i see it would be best not to get too attached to any pairings right now

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is gonna get fun, but i see it would be best not to get too attached to any pairings right now

too late T.T

joined Oct 21, 2017

That black haired girl forced herself into a date with camera girl. Other camera girl forced herself into a steaming photo session with gyaru girl. This feels like it won't end well for at least 2 people.

I have that same feeling too.

joined Apr 6, 2013

That black haired girl forced herself into a date with camera girl. Other camera girl forced herself into a steaming photo session with gyaru girl. This feels like it won't end well for at least 2 people.

I have that same feeling too.

Worry not, Hot Sensei will comfort the losers

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

i love how absolutely everyone is gay. there is going to be lots of heartache in this one though ;;

joined Oct 26, 2016

Let the storm begin!

joined Oct 30, 2018

Something I notice when I take a closer look at ye olde Sunset Girl is that I believe Amane is crying in it. So unless she is just a REALLY good actor, which her personality shown thus far makes me heavily doubt, I hypothesize that the picture wasn't one she properly posed for and Hayama took the picture after Nene had broken up with Amane. Which if we take the theory that Hayama had some involvement with said break-up into account.....well, it doesn't speak too highly of camera senpai's character, that's for sure.

This is all based speculation after reading each chapter once, mind you, but it's a theory that I'm believing more and more the more I look at chapter Three

joined Jul 1, 2014


Pairing off already. So fast.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Hmm... that’s somehow unexpected. Though I can see that probably Amane and Nene broke up after that winning photo from the senpai. Amane and Nene probably broke by jealousy of different aspects, including who’s the good model? Lol. Might be overthinking this, but hey it’s fun to see what’s next. Though, I would feel bad for Kou-chan...

joined Apr 20, 2013

Well this is beautiful and all but I already gave up on monthly drama so I'll come back later :P not a hater, I just don't want to expose myself to open wounds when I don't know when they'll get healed, I became soft with the years!

last edited at May 11, 2019 9:22PM

joined Jul 19, 2015


joined Oct 1, 2014

I'm not prepared for this. Seriously, WHAT IS HAPPENING?

joined Dec 25, 2018

This is some REALLY GOOD drama, like really well constructed drama. Im looking forward to what happens next

joined Aug 4, 2018

Kou doesn't reject anyone in the flashback. The girl who is seen crying is the one who has rejected the third girl in the photography club of Kou's middle school.

B (the third club member) confesses to A (the second club member). A tells Kou that she only sees B as a friend, and now she's torn as she doesn't know how to face her.

Note how Kou is quoting her. In the present, she wonders if things could have been different if she had known more about love, i.e. she regrets that she couldn't offer the girl any advice.

Hey... that's true! When I first read it, I too thought that the segment of text in the flashback panels was Kou narrating, not the actual dialogue in the scene as it happened.

Rereading it now, I realize you're right.

joined Apr 16, 2014

This is so great. Already expected the senpai with Amane (aka Sunset Girl wow) but Nene asking Kou out on a date? Next chapter can't come any sooner, possibly the date and more past info to be revealed.

joined Apr 25, 2019

Nene and Senpai gave me very dangerous vibe in this chapter, they look like vipers ready to pounce their preys. Also props to people that managed to guess that 'girl in sunset' is Amane from chapter 1.

joined Jul 4, 2018

Hope everyone ends up happy....
Also, their teacher is good-looking.

joined Jul 8, 2016

Ah, one of those stories where everyone's a shithead for some reason.
The only reason I'm not skipping is because Sensei's got a cool design.

joined Dec 13, 2017

Welp, here comes the obligatory drama. I'm out. See you in the last chapter.

I swear to god if I see the Love triangle or Polyamory tags in the next chapters...

joined Feb 9, 2019

Nene and Senpai gave me very dangerous vibe in this chapter, they look like vipers ready to pounce their preys.

ah to be their prey....

joined Nov 25, 2017

Welp, here comes the obligatory drama. I'm out. See you in the last chapter.

I swear to god if I see the Love triangle or Polyamory tags in the next chapters...

Same I feel you, always hated love triangles.

joined May 28, 2017

I hate what's going on......

joined Mar 12, 2014

Nooooo I don't want these love triangles

Especially because Kou seems happy enough with these girls as her friends, her being dragged into this drama is not cool.

Senpai and bubbly ex girlfriend nooooo, noooooooooo

The only drama I want is between the two ex's I don't want all these love triangles that don't go anywhere ughhhhh

joined Aug 26, 2018

Kou already rejected a girl before and doesn't quite get romantic feelings (Bloom Into Kou?)

Kou doesn't reject anyone in the flashback. The girl who is seen crying is the one who has rejected the third girl in the photography club of Kou's middle school.

B (the third club member) confesses to A (the second club member). A tells Kou that she only sees B as a friend, and now she's torn as she doesn't know how to face her.

Note how Kou is quoting her. In the present, she wonders if things could have been different if she had known more about love, i.e. she regrets that she couldn't offer the girl any advice.

I completely overlooked the quotation marks. But to be fair, those lines would have worked both ways, so you see why I got it mixed up? lol

joined Aug 12, 2013

Maybe Nene asked out Taru to crush any hope Amane may still have for the two of them. If so, that's sadly shitty and manipulative. Curious about Amane and Senpai's history though.

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