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joined Dec 13, 2015

The only thing keeping me here is the art.

there are some things i love about the art, and some i dislike. the final panel of chapter 3 with the reflection is great, but for some reason i don't love how their faces are drawn, particularly amane.

also, this panel bothered me. not sure why she's missing an eye...

You're right, she does need more eyes.


I wasn't prepared for this... but I love it!

last edited at May 15, 2019 9:46PM by Nezchan

joined Aug 16, 2018

The art in this manga is fabulous. The girls are so sexy!

There are few authors who can correctly illustrate the sort of sexiness that is specific to teen girls and that women lose when they become adults. Know what I mean? The sort of sexiness that turns you into a Humbert Humbert, lol. When you compare the schoolgirls in the story with the tanned sensei (who is hot stuff, but not a teen), the difference becomes quite obvious.

This author is one of those who can do it. Oh yes. Nene & Amane had that popsicle sharing scene in ch1, and now Amane and sempai have that scene on the sofa, where the erotic power is over 9000! I'm surprised they don't set the sofa on fire, lol. And Nene seducing Kou-chan... wow! Iwami Kiyoko has progressed a lot since Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Still planing to pause this until I get enough chapters to avoid long drama but here is a PV!

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Cool.

joined Aug 2, 2015

._. oh this is going in a completely different direction than I was expecting.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Chapter 4 is out & it's interesting am starting to think that Hayama is not a nice person but that just my opinion.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Woohoo, new chapter's out! Some of my reactions:

Machi: "My, aren't you excited today, Nene-chan!"
Me: "Waaah, new sexy lady! She's so HOT!"
Machi: "Get ready for another busy day! I've got lots of new stuff for you!" ♡
Me: "Oh, good skinship... it looks like she could score with Nene-chan..."
Machi: "Nene-chan, don't smile. It's not cute."
Me: "... when hell freezes over."

joined Feb 19, 2016

Yippee, new chapter!
NeneTaru going strong... I think?
Senpai's definitely got the hots for Amane, and is probably planning on using pictures she took of Nene and Taru to convince Amane that Nene's gone and fallen for another girl. Though Amane really does need a push to get over Nene, hopefully it isn't one that ruins their friendship (I've been the clingy ex who can't get over it enough to know that).

joined Jan 6, 2015

That old lady is stupid. A cool beauty cracking a genuine smile is the BEST.

joined May 15, 2014

she did say she was talking about the picture, giving her the benefit of doubt

joined Jun 30, 2016

That Hayama wants to brake Amane cuz she thinks thats when she is the cutest, even though that will make her suffer she dosent care, you can bet your ass that she will show that picture to her.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Intense chapter. The cliché of the beautiful black hair girl who never smile changed! Thanks Kiyoko.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Hey, was that a kiss in page 28???

I think it was... even tho it's not shown distinctly... I mean, in panel 2 Nene and Taru seem to be face to face and close enough to touch lips... and in panel 3 we see that Taru is standing on tiptoes, which is a classic movie shtick meaning that you're trying to reach the lips of a taller partner...

I think they kissed. I'm guessing that's why sempai is smiling so smugly: she caught them on camera. I foresee lots of angst when Amane sees the pics.

joined Jan 7, 2019

Am I the only one wondering which is the real pair here? like, I don't mind whoever the fuck Kou ended up with, but I absolutely want Nene x Amane more than anything else.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I've been having a hard time taking this one seriously, and Nene's see-through skirt thing with shorts underneath doesn't help. D:

joined May 23, 2019

Am I the only one wondering which is the real pair here? like, I don't mind whoever the fuck Kou ended up with, but I absolutely want Nene x Amane more than anything else. exact thoughts!!! ;) I still want Amane and Nene to be together. Also wonder why they broke up...curiosity kills me xD

joined Aug 4, 2018

I've been having a hard time taking this one seriously, and Nene's see-through skirt thing with shorts underneath doesn't help. D:

That was a weird fashion statement all right.

Am I the only one wondering which is the real pair here? like, I don't mind whoever the fuck Kou ended up with, but I absolutely want Nene x Amane more than anything else.

Hmm... what about Tanned-sensei x Machi? Grown-up couples are good too!

joined Oct 21, 2017

Am I the only one wondering which is the real pair here? like, I don't mind whoever the fuck Kou ended up with, but I absolutely want Nene x Amane more than anything else. exact thoughts!!! ;) I still want Amane and Nene to be together. Also wonder why they broke up...curiosity kills me xD

I agree I want Amane & Nene to be together too(or in their case back together)
I think Kou will be the one help bring those two back together again.
It would be nice if Kou would end up someone (just not with Amane&Nene)
As for how they broke up I believe that Hayama was the case of it,
& from the looks of it she's trying to make sure that they still that way.

joined Aug 20, 2016

I didn't really read it yet, but it seems like a Love Triangle for me, and even one, who you can't foreseen who ends up with whom...?

last edited at May 23, 2019 2:31PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Gorgeous art, confusing story.

joined Oct 10, 2016

We're closer to the harem/polyamory route.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Dunno about the story yet, but damn the senpai is creepy to me

joined Jun 20, 2013

i feel the power of drama is coming soon :0


joined May 23, 2019

So let me get this straight :
Lizard Senpai > Twintail > Blackhair girl > Camera girl > Senpai

joined Mar 22, 2014

Hey, was that a kiss in page 28???

I think it was... even tho it's not shown distinctly... I mean, in panel 2 Nene and Taru seem to be face to face and close enough to touch lips... and in panel 3 we see that Taru is standing on tiptoes, which is a classic movie shtick meaning that you're trying to reach the lips of a taller partner...

I think they kissed. I'm guessing that's why sempai is smiling so smugly: she caught them on camera. I foresee lots of angst when Amane sees the pics.

Oh, and are those beads of sweat, or saliva just a few panels after? :^)

On a side note, it’s interesting how we don’t see Nene’s eyes whenever she has strong reactions in this chapter, like when she’s told off by her sister’s friend or when she’s blushing while staring at Kou.

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