Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Feb 23, 2016

About fucking timee! Yeeees

joined Aug 2, 2018

This feels like the perfect setup for something bad to happen. Like, "They're running towards destiny, only distance keeping them from the happy ending they've desired for so-*RANDOM BUS HITTING ONE OF THEM*"

I sense that greatly too. I think Yuu is going to be the one, and Touko will try to help her remember or help her remember what love is. Like replaying their play but IRL but with Yuu as the patient instead of Touko. It’s like that RPG you play, get to the last done only to have to replay every dungeon before it to get to the final boss.

joined Feb 17, 2013


joined Apr 20, 2013

Maybe they'll pull a Their Story and say "That day, Touko didn't show up..." and then the next chapters are ambiguous or they start focusing on the relationship with Akari and the glasses guy. Sayaka disappears too without reason.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 8:32PM

joined Jan 25, 2019

I knew they were gonna leave it at the best part but it still got on my nerves ugh

joined Dec 28, 2018

the author really knows how to test my nerves i been waiting for ages now u gonna make wait more? unfair :(

joined Jun 17, 2014


joined Sep 28, 2011


joined May 27, 2015

I guess this is just because the Student Council was not a big thing at the school I went to, but I've never seen the "Stuco" abbreviation before until recently. At first I was like "you mean stucco? Are we talking about architecture now?" I still haven't seen it outside anime translations or anime discussions.

(And being a giant weeb, I've seen the Japanese term "seitokai" used much more frequently in anime discussions anyway.)

Also, that net scene on page 15 reminded me of sports anime, because I read somewhere recently that there was a controversy about Haikyuu(?) making nets invisible around certain characters' faces to make them show up better, rather than drawing the net in full and letting it cover the characters' faces.

And the net scene may be some symbolism representing the divide between Maki and Yuu.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 9:02PM

joined Nov 5, 2017

Maybe they'll pull a Their Story and say "That day, Touko didn't show up..." and then the next chapters are ambiguous or they start focusing on the relationship with Akari and the glasses guy. Sayaka disappears too without reason.

I never found out why Tan Jiu did that to her plot. Oh well

joined Feb 27, 2018

Is anyone else getting the vibe that it might end up paralleling the school play hard?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Omg I’m excited and anxious for the next chapter. Such a mixed feeling on a Sunday night before work

joined Jul 19, 2018

At this point I could actually see Yuu finally reaching the tipping point and calling out Touko on her selfishness. Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient, and for the first time we see Yuu really coming terms with that and connecting it to the pain she is suffering. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

joined Apr 20, 2013

skulll posted:

Maybe they'll pull a Their Story and say "That day, Touko didn't show up..." and then the next chapters are ambiguous or they start focusing on the relationship with Akari and the glasses guy. Sayaka disappears too without reason.

I never found out why Tan Jiu did that to her plot. Oh well

Chinese Government's laws against LGBT works put a halt on pretty much everyone, since then the comic has been handled as best as she can to continue.

Of course that would never happen here, but I'm just wondering about possible scenarios... I really really wish that whatever might happen against them, could happen AFTER their encounter and not in the middle.

joined Aug 21, 2017

skulll posted:

Maybe they'll pull a Their Story and say "That day, Touko didn't show up..." and then the next chapters are ambiguous or they start focusing on the relationship with Akari and the glasses guy. Sayaka disappears too without reason.

I never found out why Tan Jiu did that to her plot. Oh well

Chinese Government's laws against LGBT works put a halt on pretty much everyone, since then the comic has been handled as best as she can to continue.

Of course that would never happen here, but I'm just wondering about possible scenarios... I really really wish that whatever might happen against them, could happen AFTER their encounter and not in the middle.

What happened to Tamen de Gushi?

joined Jan 31, 2015

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

joined Apr 6, 2017

skulll posted:

Maybe they'll pull a Their Story and say "That day, Touko didn't show up..." and then the next chapters are ambiguous or they start focusing on the relationship with Akari and the glasses guy. Sayaka disappears too without reason.

I never found out why Tan Jiu did that to her plot. Oh well

Chinese Government's laws against LGBT works put a halt on pretty much everyone, since then the comic has been handled as best as she can to continue.

Of course that would never happen here, but I'm just wondering about possible scenarios... I really really wish that whatever might happen against them, could happen AFTER their encounter and not in the middle.

What happened to Tamen de Gushi?

China put into affect strict media censorship laws that people can face fines if not jail time for "violating". Right after that the series physical publisher tried making the author remove the yuri element from the series. Author refused so then the published dropped the series. Author continued on with the online releases but as saw the series lost direction for a long time and the culmination of the plot line that happen just before kind of got forgot.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

When I was saying that I was mostly illustrating it from Yuu's perspective. As the audience we get to see Touko's thoughts on the matter which Yuu doesn't.

joined Dec 11, 2017


Best representation of my current feelings in this thread.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

When I was saying that I was mostly illustrating it from Yuu's perspective. As the audience we get to see Touko's thoughts on the matter which Yuu doesn't.

Ah. True. I got kicked in the kidneys by a horse once; about as much fun as what Yuu's going through. Thanks to the author for giving the readers a "behind the scenes" in the same chapter rather than dragging out the torture.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

When I was saying that I was mostly illustrating it from Yuu's perspective. As the audience we get to see Touko's thoughts on the matter which Yuu doesn't.

Yes, I think we as readers tend to lose sight of how the whole lead-up to and aftermath of the performance plays out from Yuu’s perspective.

At the training camp, Yuu senses Touko’s distress at learning that her image of her sister was seriously incomplete. Yuu invites Touko to her room, where they make out and Touko warns Yuu against falling in love with her (which Yuu finally—almost—admits to herself has already happened). They go on their day-long aquarium date, including multiple acts of unprotected hand-holding. Yuu puts herself and their relationship on the line by initiating the rewriting of the play, and then doubles down with her heartfelt rooftop confrontation with Touko.

All this is intended to help Touko overcome her emotionally crippling secret insecurities, and, almost miraculously, it seems to work. Touko passes the crisis point of the play being over, she opens up more by allowing herself to join the acting troupe, and she’s generally relieved and happy.

So as Yuu sees it, the two of them are closer than ever, and even more importantly they’re closer to being on equal terms—Touko is the senpai but Yuu was the life guide who led Touko to the right path for moving ahead with her life.

Then comes the confession, and boom (as Yuu sees it) they’re back to (literally) the exact place they were in Chapter 10. And while she’s mistaken about the meaning of Touko’s apology, she’s not wrong about Touko’s continued unwillingness to accept Yuu’s love.

Then throw in the fact that Touko also seems to have taken advantage of her new-found (Yuu-inspired) emotional confidence to move on to new friends in the acting troupe, and Yuu very reasonably could see Touko as being nothing but selfishly opportunistic in their relationship.

Fortunately for Touko, Yuu is the opposite of a bitter and cynical person.

(Communication, people—sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always necessary.)

last edited at Mar 4, 2019 12:39AM

joined Sep 14, 2014

Right when it updated I knew the confrontation wouldn't happen in this chapter but I still had some hope of maybe them meeting right before the chapter ended. Ugh, why, now I gotta wait another few months to get the juicy down to town talk the walk gut spilling communication these hand-holding degenerates need.

joined Jan 11, 2019


joined Mar 7, 2017

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

joined Aug 26, 2018

I disagree. I think that Nakatani had never shied away from showing their sexual attraction towards each other. No one expected ch 16, it happened. No one expected ch 20, it happened. & according to some reports from the open talk event from 2/26, ch 22 was originally supposed to have more underlying implications than what we got though the anime did make up for it with the melting popsicle symbolism. Not to say that sex will definitely happen, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if it does.

A kiss is still just a kiss even if it involves tongue. We have Riko-sensei and Miyako who are clearly in a mature relationship sleeping in the same bed and there was some very tiny implication that they did it that night, but that's the level we are dealing with here. Nakatani rarely ever goes the extra mile on this stuff judging by her other works.
I simply don't believe that any focus will be put on it at all.

Sex is part of romantic love (unless both persons are asexual, but that's not the case for Touko and Yuu), so idk why sex couldnt't be part of this (romantic) story. Nakatani has said more than once that she enjoys drawing erotic scenes in yagakimi (I guess she only meant chapter 16 so far, but she did say that scene is one of her favorites) so it's not highly unlikely for it to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't, I just simply wouldn't see sex in this manga as something shocking in the "omg I can't believe this kind of story had sex". Realistically speaking, I'd say it's 50/50 (just on whether Nakatani wants it, her editor accepting it is another thing) and that's just "being on a bed after talking about it, and then fade to black panel after some kissing maybe"

See, eroticism is something playful, like in chapter 16. It doesn't really break any boundaries, the only reason it even registered as something special to us is because the story is usually extremely tame. If this was Citrus, that scene wouldn't even register as "sexual".
I never said it's shocking, I just don't believe Nakatani will focus on it.

Lol. Dub-con hand-holding.

It’s a given that anything very explicit is unlikely in this series; we’re just having fun.

Of course, the latest Kase-san tank has thrown down the gauntlet on heatin’ it up while keepin’ it pure.

Well about that... some people here seem to see it differently lol

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