Ok, I'm a late arrival but I had to comment.
I didn't really know of this manga's existence until Dynasty/MangaDex had already slapped it with the big fat Tragedy tag, and I usually shy away from those. But from a sudden recommendation from an internet buddy I tried it. Binged it in just over 2 hours. The epilogue as well.
Cried quite a lot. This is one of the greatest manga I have ever read. Re-read it from scratch. Cried some more. Re-read just the sad parts. Cried EVEN MORE. Just devastating. ABSOLUTELY GUT-WRENCHING.
I don't like getting hurt, but this story is still so beautiful I'm re-reading it over and over again; obviously I wanted them to be a couple for real too ;_;
It changed my life. I lost weight after reading this. Made me just nauseated from sadness for a few days. Going back to another manga I loved, Whispering You a Love Song, I got this dreadful feeling that it was a huge waste of time. I guess it's just because the arc it's in right now is boring but yeah.
last edited at Aug 28, 2024 8:42PM