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joined Aug 2, 2018

;_____; Can’t believe this series is done….

joined Aug 2, 2018

Seriously… Truck-kun just can’t get enough…. Ugh…

joined Aug 2, 2018

All I can ask is… how?

last edited at Feb 24, 2023 1:17AM

joined Aug 2, 2018

How do you have sex without love and connection, doesn’t it make you feel empty inside? But then again, this is a manga. I still don’t get hook-up culture to this day

It’s just like most stuff, it’s good enough (mp3 vs flac, streaming vs bluray, etc). We’re programmed to just seek out comfort, not necessarily the quality of it. Yes it would be missing that wholesome feeling when you don’t have that connection but for most that’s enough. Pretty sad to think though living life without ever getting to that next level because most are just so content with what they have now.

joined Aug 2, 2018

Gosh, Soraike with the plush popping out her top looking absolutely confused is one of the cutest panels I’ve ever witnessed.

joined Aug 2, 2018

Wow that ghost got me good. Legit I got a bit scared of that panel.

joined Aug 2, 2018

Dang…. Went straight to the daily adult life of having breakfast together everyday. B)

joined Aug 2, 2018

Ugh… poor Nanao…. She needs head pats from Asumi

joined Aug 2, 2018


joined Aug 2, 2018

BreadBunny posted:

so it's probably been mentioned before, back when Heidi was first introduced but like she's trans right? That's the vibes I'm getting from this anyway. I'm just asking mostly because with a 106 chapters it could have very easily already been brought up before and I just don't remember.

I don't think it's been discussed in the manga but it's a valid assumption..

neat thanks for clearing that up because I'll be honest I wasn't exactly going to reread all 106 chapters just for this, maybe I'll do a reread later when it's finished but not now.

Chapter 91. Shino is confused when she first runs into them into the mall and asks. Voice of a man but appears a woman. Also Heidi in the chapter states liking “useless men.” I believe when you read the chapter of Heidi’s backstory (might be a few chapters before 91) you’re given more details. Then in 106 you see Heidi’s flashback as a male student agreeing to his father to go to Buddhism school. I don’t think Heidi is trans though, just a homosexual male cross dresser.

joined Aug 2, 2018

Knew it. :p be nice if future seto time slips now.

joined Aug 2, 2018

That’s one way around censoring I suppose. Was expecting a twist since Sabrina is psychic she should have been able to read her mind.

joined Aug 2, 2018

Hunter becomes the hunted

Summer Love discussion 19 Nov 23:42
joined Aug 2, 2018

Ugh so good

joined Aug 2, 2018

The irony is… she is Sasski-San so she is like her. Ganbare!

joined Aug 2, 2018

Doesn’t the latest chapter basically start with aiaigasa?

joined Aug 2, 2018

I’m wondering… if MC finds out past self confessed and may lead to senpai happy ending but past self seeks advice from future self on intimacy… and future self realized just how cute she was back then and decides to help by experience…. Is that um… masturbating?

joined Aug 2, 2018

I really want to drop this… but the art is too good.

joined Aug 2, 2018

this hand of mine is filled with an awesome power
its burning tips tells me to make u cum

THIS ! XD that was like the most non-erotic erotic scene I’ve read I think. I laughed so much

joined Aug 2, 2018

That was... unexpected? To a degree with all that build up it just kind fizzles out like a balloon farting instead of flying wild.

joined Aug 2, 2018

That's gotta be a dream

joined Aug 2, 2018

Anyone else's heart kinda explode when Izumi told those boys to back off.
Just me? Alright..

“Sorry boys.” xD My fav frame this chapter.

joined Aug 2, 2018

This feels like the perfect setup for something bad to happen. Like, "They're running towards destiny, only distance keeping them from the happy ending they've desired for so-*RANDOM BUS HITTING ONE OF THEM*"

I sense that greatly too. I think Yuu is going to be the one, and Touko will try to help her remember or help her remember what love is. Like replaying their play but IRL but with Yuu as the patient instead of Touko. It’s like that RPG you play, get to the last done only to have to replay every dungeon before it to get to the final boss.

Citrus discussion 19 Aug 09:19
joined Aug 2, 2018

Wow, glad I never really invested in this one. Story was just all drama, drama, drama, then a complete barrel rolll u-turn to happiness. The art is extremely clean, I love that, and that’s what kept me reading, but wow what an ending. Exactly what I expected, it not how I thought it would go. Thought it’d end with Mei just coming back home and queue new drama arc. Happy it ended in marriage, the two wedding dresses was pretty cool but I really would have liked seeing how that unfolded to everyone after announcing it. That arc would have given much better closure to the series imo.