Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

My read of the final two pages is that the cut from one to the other was literally the kind of subtext that comics can do.

It looks at first glance like the two of them are just about to encounter each other—that if the chapter went on for a page or two more they’d run into each other on the street.

But, as @shojie07 says, the different lighting suggests that the two scenes are not quite simultaneous—broad daylight for Yuu, early evening for Touko.

But staging potential suggests that their meeting won’t be on the street but in the student council room Where It All Began. Still, Nakatani is a quite structural writer, but also subtle enough to maybe first foreshadow a stuco room meeting only to have them meet earlier.

But I suspect not, and so the running-toward-each-other-but-not-quite feel of that faux-crosscut will end up with us all back in the Tabernacle of Love/Not-Love Student Council Room for the big showdown.

That's just about how I thought of it (although, since I'm not as creative with structuring posts, I'm glad it was you who made this post, anyway).

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was squinting SO hard reading your comments.



(The answer is "Yes".)


last edited at Mar 7, 2019 3:08PM by Nezchan

joined Jan 15, 2019

oh boy, Yuu clutching her heart thinking "i want to love..."
that hurt.
i cannot wait for the next chapter. thank you 4s for uploading

joined Feb 18, 2018

Oh darn it, I've been too busy and missed Chicken's trolling :-(

joined Feb 18, 2018

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

At this point I really wish for Truck-kun to hit Yuu; that way the one and True Goddess Sayaka would finally get what she deserves. lolz

Last page: crying kiss scene between Touko and Sayaka "I will always remember Yuu" XDDD

last edited at Mar 6, 2019 8:25AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

At this point I really wish for Truck-kun to hit Yuu; that way the one and True Goddess Sayaka would finally get what she deserves. lolz

Last page: crying kiss scene between Touko and Sayaka "I will always remember Yuu" XDDD

I'm sure Sayaka will eventually get her happy ending as well, but I doubt it would be with Touko even if Truck-kun were to intervene here.

joined Oct 22, 2018

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

At this point I really wish for Truck-kun to hit Yuu; that way the one and True Goddess Sayaka would finally get what she deserves. lolz

Last page: crying kiss scene between Touko and Sayaka "I will always remember Yuu" XDDD

I'm sure Sayaka will eventually get her happy ending as well, but I doubt it would be with Touko even if Truck-kun were to intervene here.

LMAO, savage.
Tho, I did grow tired of all those Truck-kun predictions.

last edited at Mar 6, 2019 9:15AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

At this point I really wish for Truck-kun to hit Yuu; that way the one and True Goddess Sayaka would finally get what she deserves. lolz

Last page: crying kiss scene between Touko and Sayaka "I will always remember Yuu" XDDD

I'm sure Sayaka will eventually get her happy ending as well, but I doubt it would be with Touko even if Truck-kun were to intervene here.

Ya. After all - nevar forget.

joined Oct 22, 2018

They are running to each other with something important to say to each other

Is that Truck kun I hear in the distance?

At this point I really wish for Truck-kun to hit Yuu; that way the one and True Goddess Sayaka would finally get what she deserves. lolz

Last page: crying kiss scene between Touko and Sayaka "I will always remember Yuu" XDDD

I'm sure Sayaka will eventually get her happy ending as well, but I doubt it would be with Touko even if Truck-kun were to intervene here.

Ya. After all - nevar forget.

The very moment I saw the hyperlink in the post, I knew what image was in question. Coincidentally, I visited that image and its comment section yesterday.

joined Oct 30, 2018

is it true the next update will be in two months?!

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

^Yes, it's true ninehell.

I don't know how I'll survive.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^Yes, it's true ninehell.

I don't know how I'll survive.

Aestivate. It's how frogs and crocs get over lean times. o3ob

joined Nov 8, 2018

Does anyone know if the series will end at volume 7, or if there will be one more volume?

joined Sep 19, 2017

Does anyone know if the series will end at volume 7, or if there will be one more volume?

For what I know, we still have 1 more volume to go. It would be 8 volumes in all. I am just not sure if volume 7 really ended in chapter 39, and chapter 40 is the start of the new volume...

last edited at Mar 7, 2019 1:06AM

joined Dec 26, 2011

I am just not sure if volume 7 really ended in chapter 39, and chapter 40 is the start of the new volume...

It did, Nakatani said so on her twitter: vol 7 is over and the tankoubon will be out on April the 27th, and that same day chapter 40 will be out on Dengeki Daioh.

joined Nov 23, 2015

I am just not sure if volume 7 really ended in chapter 39, and chapter 40 is the start of the new volume...

It did, Nakatani said so on her twitter: vol 7 is over and the tankoubon will be out on April the 27th, and that same day chapter 40 will be out on Dengeki Daioh.

It also says so on the first/title page of this chapter at bottom Vol 7 out Apr. 27th and the last page saying next chapter Apr. 27th (they're not translated though).

For news on the latest translated YagaKimi news this group is good :)

Going to be four years anniversary for YagaKimi soon.

I didn't have time yet to read the previous messages yet so I apologize if it's already mentioned but apparently YagaKimi gets a musical performance in May I think?

last edited at Mar 7, 2019 11:05AM

joined Nov 23, 2015

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

When I was saying that I was mostly illustrating it from Yuu's perspective. As the audience we get to see Touko's thoughts on the matter which Yuu doesn't.

Yes, I think we as readers tend to lose sight of how the whole lead-up to and aftermath of the performance plays out from Yuu’s perspective.

At the training camp, Yuu senses Touko’s distress at learning that her image of her sister was seriously incomplete. Yuu invites Touko to her room, where they make out and Touko warns Yuu against falling in love with her (which Yuu finally—almost—admits to herself has already happened). They go on their day-long aquarium date, including multiple acts of unprotected hand-holding. Yuu puts herself and their relationship on the line by initiating the rewriting of the play, and then doubles down with her heartfelt rooftop confrontation with Touko.

All this is intended to help Touko overcome her emotionally crippling secret insecurities, and, almost miraculously, it seems to work. Touko passes the crisis point of the play being over, she opens up more by allowing herself to join the acting troupe, and she’s generally relieved and happy.

So as Yuu sees it, the two of them are closer than ever, and even more importantly they’re closer to being on equal terms—Touko is the senpai but Yuu was the life guide who led Touko to the right path for moving ahead with her life.

Then comes the confession, and boom (as Yuu sees it) they’re back to (literally) the exact place they were in Chapter 10. And while she’s mistaken about the meaning of Touko’s apology, she’s not wrong about Touko’s continued unwillingness to accept Yuu’s love.

Then throw in the fact that Touko also seems to have taken advantage of her new-found (Yuu-inspired) emotional confidence to move on to new friends in the acting troupe, and Yuu very reasonably could see Touko as being nothing but selfishly opportunistic in their relationship.

Fortunately for Touko, Yuu is the opposite of a bitter and cynical person.

(Communication, people—sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always necessary.)

Great summary. What I feel as well. Can't wait for the climax/resolution. At least with volume 8 we know it's not going to be a rushed ending.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Man why do I find Yuu with rolled-up sleeves hot af

joined Dec 27, 2014

Man why do I find Yuu with rolled-up sleeves hot af

because it's a gay af fashion power move lol

joined Nov 23, 2015

Touko gave Yuu the shit end of the stick and then dumped her with it the moment it became inconvenient...

Dumped her? That wasn't how I read her apology--
"I took advantage of her."
"How many times have I forced her to silence herself? How many lies have I forced her to tell?"

True, her fear kept her from clearing up the misunderstanding, but I did not read this as a rejection at all; rather, this felt to me like the first time Touko truly acknowledged Yuu.

When I was saying that I was mostly illustrating it from Yuu's perspective. As the audience we get to see Touko's thoughts on the matter which Yuu doesn't.

Yes, I think we as readers tend to lose sight of how the whole lead-up to and aftermath of the performance plays out from Yuu’s perspective.

At the training camp, Yuu senses Touko’s distress at learning that her image of her sister was seriously incomplete. Yuu invites Touko to her room, where they make out and Touko warns Yuu against falling in love with her (which Yuu finally—almost—admits to herself has already happened). They go on their day-long aquarium date, including multiple acts of unprotected hand-holding. Yuu puts herself and their relationship on the line by initiating the rewriting of the play, and then doubles down with her heartfelt rooftop confrontation with Touko.

All this is intended to help Touko overcome her emotionally crippling secret insecurities, and, almost miraculously, it seems to work. Touko passes the crisis point of the play being over, she opens up more by allowing herself to join the acting troupe, and she’s generally relieved and happy.

So as Yuu sees it, the two of them are closer than ever, and even more importantly they’re closer to being on equal terms—Touko is the senpai but Yuu was the life guide who led Touko to the right path for moving ahead with her life.

Then comes the confession, and boom (as Yuu sees it) they’re back to (literally) the exact place they were in Chapter 10. And while she’s mistaken about the meaning of Touko’s apology, she’s not wrong about Touko’s continued unwillingness to accept Yuu’s love.

Then throw in the fact that Touko also seems to have taken advantage of her new-found (Yuu-inspired) emotional confidence to move on to new friends in the acting troupe, and Yuu very reasonably could see Touko as being nothing but selfishly opportunistic in their relationship.

Fortunately for Touko, Yuu is the opposite of a bitter and cynical person.

(Communication, people—sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always necessary.)

Great summary. What I feel as well. Can't wait for the climax/resolution. At least with volume 8 we know it's not going to be a rushed ending.

Oh, and I just want to add, I remembered reading a translation of an interview by Nakatani-sensei that said Yuu was created for Touko; to counter balance Touko's personality? Doesn't this kind of give the vibe that they're just fated for each other? lol. And so all these analyzes in the end, fate will also help them work it out? :) It's a nice thought that way. Nakatani-sensei definitely knows how to play with the human psychology and drama.

joined Nov 23, 2015

Man why do I find Yuu with rolled-up sleeves hot af

Yes, I find that panel really cool/hot too (and the form was great). lol.
The action also complements with what she said; she wanted to make it sound like a clean break (or no big deal while acting all cool about it); what better way to express that than sending that "emotion" flying away?

Or the sound made by the bat upon ball contact matches the "break" part; whichever makes more sense to you.

last edited at Mar 8, 2019 12:59PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Too bad Yuu sucks at Beisbol. Those balls didn't go anywhere near the target, even with all that form. :P
Inbefore Yuu defenders say that her wild emotions encumbered her batting skills.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Too bad Yuu sucks at Beisbol. Those balls didn't go anywhere near the target, even with all that form. :P
Inbefore Yuu defenders say that her wild emotions encumbered her batting skills.

Either that, or (like in my case) the Yuu defenders didn't even notice where the balls hit.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Too bad Yuu sucks at Beisbol. Those balls didn't go anywhere near the target, even with all that form. :P
Inbefore Yuu defenders say that her wild emotions encumbered her batting skills.

Or she's rusty. It's been like a year since she was on the team.

joined Nov 5, 2017

Too bad Yuu sucks at Beisbol. Those balls didn't go anywhere near the target, even with all that form. :P
Inbefore Yuu defenders say that her wild emotions encumbered her batting skills.

With the amount of focus on Yuu failing every time I am sure it was done on purpose
... Or she is out of shape

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