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The thing is that Yuu still thinks that she falling in love with Touko means she won't love Yuu anymore. I meant that Touko needs to leave that clear by saying that she loves Yuu entirely and didn't stop doing it just because she changed. I guess you can call it reaffirmation and I agree with that, but I also wanna call it confessions 2.0, which I believe will be much better than their original confessions (ch. 2 & 34).
This aspect is actually something I am very happy about! Because this establishes that Yuu has decided to confront Touko with her feelings despite thinking she will be rejected this time (unlike her 34 confession where she was too afraid to even face her). It shows that even if Touko had not resolved her issues that Yuu would have kept pursuing her anyway.
Both needed to make up their minds and meet halfway. Be equal. That's the best foundation for their future relationship.
She actually established fairly early on that she loves Yuu because she is kind and accepting (which you can of course associate with staying with her despite not falling in love), but that the "not being able to love" aspect was just the initial attraction. She thinks Yuu is cute, funny, kind, just patient enough, but also able to make her flustered. Herein lies the issue. Touko has already acknowledged that she loves Yuu for who she is, but her fear of being loved is still there.
That's what her rejection is about. That's why she needed to be
slappedtaught by Sayaka that change is not a bad thing and that the love she feels for Yuu is more important than fearing that it might vanish. So no, the arc wasn't about Touko being unable to clear up her own feelings for Yuu, it was about her accepting Yuu's feelings.
Yeah, I don't think any of that actually came across to Yuu. Yuu just said in this chapter that "Nanami-senpai liked me because I couldn't fall in love with anyone," which is why Touko does need to properly confess and clear things up to Yuu.
EDIT: Chapter's theme (& probably next chapter's too)
What should I do?
What can I say?
With words other than "love."
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 4:15PM
I was especially gratified at Yuu’s clear-headed take on what Touko had been doing—being selfish and unfair. (“I’ll give you love and not expect any in return” is awkward but superficially benign; “I’ll give you love and you may not give any in return” is something else entirely.)
I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing Yuu give senpai a piece of her mind in order to clear the air before things turn all lovey-ducky.
So, how do we feel about a relationship where first sex is make-up sex?
Yeah, I don't think any of that actually came across to Yuu. Yuu just said in this chapter that "Nanami-senpai liked me because I couldn't fall in love with anyone," which is why Touko does need to properly confess and clear things up to Yuu.
It just isn't right that she needs to properly confess considering that every time she said "I love you" (more times than I can count) she actually genuinly meant it. So it's not so much a proper confession as just clearing up a misunderstanding.
Now if she will put it in the form of a clean slate re-confession, I won't mind.
I was especially gratified at Yuu’s clear-headed take on what Touko had been doing—being selfish and unfair. (“I’ll give you love and not expect any in return” is awkward but superficially benign; “I’ll give you love and you may not give any in return” is something else entirely.)
She's been aware of that since the moment she agreed to those terms back in chapter 10. And so is Touko since chapter 34.
It certainly would be nice for Yuu to release all that pent up frustration. Another "Senpai you jerk!" moment incoming? Although it may seem somewhat petty at this point haha
This aspect is actually something I am very happy about! Because this establishes that Yuu has decided to confront Touko with her feelings despite thinking she will be rejected this time (unlike her 34 confession where she was too afraid to even face her). It shows that even if Touko had not resolved her issues that Yuu would have kept pursuing her anyway.
I am not totally sure Yuu thinks she will be rejected "again", I feel Touko's text message gave her some hope for a make up (considering the text message on her phone was bright and shiny too), but I do think Yuu would have confronted Touko and make her feelings clear to her even if she hadn't received that "hope" message. Would have been painful for Yuu but she wouldn't have been deeply afraid unlike chapter 34 (something similar happened to Sayaka, and her end regarding Touko was bittersweet instead of completely bitter). It shows growth on Yuu's side and I feel proud. Chapter 40 will also show Yuu facing Touko but in a more positive light than in the "what if she never received the text message" scenario, I think.
So, how do we feel about a relationship where first sex is make-up sex?
I wouldn't mind but the Student Council isn't the most romantic place for such an important moment... they could take it and continue at Touko's (or Yuu's) house but maybe the passion fire will not be as strong by the time they arrive :^)
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 4:31PM
I am not totally sure Yuu thinks she will be rejected "again", I feel Touko's text message gave her some hope for a make up (considering the text message on her phone was bright and shiny too), but I do think Yuu would have confronted Touko and make her feelings clear to her even if she hadn't received that "hope" message. Would have been painful for Yuu but she wouldn't have been deeply afraid unlike chapter 34 (something similar happened to Sayaka, and her end regarding Touko was bittersweet instead of completely bitter). It shows growth on Yuu's side and I feel proud. Chapter 40 will also show Yuu facing Touko but in a more positive light than in the "what if she never received the text message" scenario, I think.
The text message is the catalyst for change. It shows that Touko is ready to finally address the thing they both have been avoiding since chapter 34 (to be fair, Touko already gave her a chance in chapter 35, but Yuu wasn't ready). I don't think that Yuu, who has been deeply ingrained with the belief that Touko rejects her for her love, would think that Touko suddenly changed after just one trip to Kyoto. So for now I will see this as her taking the first/only chance she got to make her feelings clear despite believing that she will run into resistance.
I don't know if i can make it til another chapter guys. Uploads have been fairly consistent but I fear my dependence on this manga has become too severe. If I die of withdrawal symptoms before the next chapter comes out, I insist you write what happens on my tombstone so that I may read it as a ghost.
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 4:35PM
I don't know if i can make it til another chapter guys. Uploads have been fairly consistent but I fear my dependence on this manga has become too severe. If I die of withdrawal symptoms before the next chapter comes out, I insist you write what happens on my tombstone so that I may read it as a ghost.
I think you just generated the plot for a YagaKimi doujin.
I was especially gratified at Yuu’s clear-headed take on what Touko had been doing—being selfish and unfair. (“I’ll give you love and not expect any in return” is awkward but superficially benign; “I’ll give you love and you may not give any in return” is something else entirely.)
She's been aware of that since the moment she agreed to those terms back in chapter 10.
True, but what Yuu knows or feels and what she’s allowed herself to articulate clearly and forcefully (even to herself) have not always been the same thing.
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 4:57PM
Yeah, I don't think any of that actually came across to Yuu. Yuu just said in this chapter that "Nanami-senpai liked me because I couldn't fall in love with anyone," which is why Touko does need to properly confess and clear things up to Yuu.
It just isn't right that she needs to properly confess considering that every time she said "I love you" (more times than I can count) she actually genuinly meant it. So it's not so much a proper confession as just clearing up a misunderstanding.
Now if she will put it in the form of a clean slate re-confession, I won't mind.
How I view it is that their proper confession or, the way you put it, reaffirmation will be them expressing all their thoughts and feelings to each other. It's not just a simple "I love you" and done. I do think that's the idea that Nakatani is going for. There are more things to say and convey than just "I love you" (which is honestly why Sayaka's confession is the most powerful so far).
This aspect is actually something I am very happy about! Because this establishes that Yuu has decided to confront Touko with her feelings despite thinking she will be rejected this time.
I don't know if she actually thinks that she'll be rejected this time. But I do think that what's on her mind is to just go and express her feelings for Touko no matter the result. Same goes for Touko as well. I mean they're both probably hoping that it will work out somehow, but they also don't know for sure if it will (Touko doesn't know if Yuu is willing to hear her out yet and Yuu doesn't know if Touko will accept her). What's important now for them is to express themselves clearly to the other & the rest is faith.
So, how do we feel about a relationship where first sex is make-up sex?
I don't think they'll fuck first thing next chapter, but I sure hope they will at some point in vol 8. All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
So, how do we feel about a relationship where first sex is make-up sex?
I don't think they'll fuck first thing next chapter, but I sure hope they will at some point in vol 8. All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
Horniness where it's due, but this isn't that type of story. I have a hard time believing that Nakatani will even imply that they did anything sexual. If they both fall on a bed together and we skip to a black panel that would already be genuinly surprising. Maybe an off-hand mention during a conversation to it having happened off-panel.
'Tis all about the emotions and the rest is for us to imagine.
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
Yuu has been a deviant since early on. Is this hate-holding? Can they go back to vanilla hand holding after starting out this corrupt?
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
This reminds me. Someone explain to me how they haven't gotten each other pregnant yet after all these shameless unprotected hand-holding activities.
Horniness where it's due, but this isn't that type of story. I have a hard time believing that Nakatani will even imply that they did anything sexual. If they both fall on a bed together and we skip to a black panel that would already be genuinly surprising. Maybe an off-hand mention during a conversation to it having happened off-panel.
I disagree. I think that Nakatani had never shied away from showing their sexual attraction towards each other. No one expected ch 16, it happened. No one expected ch 20, it happened. & according to some reports from the open talk event from 2/26, ch 22 was originally supposed to have more underlying implications than what we got though the anime did make up for it with the melting popsicle symbolism. Not to say that sex will definitely happen, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if it does.
So, how do we feel about a relationship where first sex is make-up sex?
I don't think they'll fuck first thing next chapter, but I sure hope they will at some point in vol 8. All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
Horniness where it's due, but this isn't that type of story. I have a hard time believing that Nakatani will even imply that they did anything sexual. If they both fall on a bed together and we skip to a black panel that would already be genuinly surprising. Maybe an off-hand mention during a conversation to it having happened off-panel.
'Tis all about the emotions and the rest is for us to imagine.
Sex is part of romantic love (unless both persons are asexual, but that's not the case for Touko and Yuu), so idk why sex couldnt't be part of this (romantic) story. Nakatani has said more than once that she enjoys drawing erotic scenes in yagakimi (I guess she only meant chapter 16 so far, but she did say that scene is one of her favorites) so it's not highly unlikely for it to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't, I just simply wouldn't see sex in this manga as something shocking in the "omg I can't believe this kind of story had sex". Realistically speaking, I'd say it's 50/50 (just on whether Nakatani wants it, her editor accepting it is another thing) and that's just "being on a bed after talking about it, and then fade to black panel after some kissing maybe"
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 5:13PM
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
Yuu has been a deviant since early on. Is this hate-holding? Can they go back to vanilla hand holding after starting out this corrupt?
Lol. Dub-con hand-holding.
It’s a given that anything very explicit is unlikely in this series; we’re just having fun.
Of course, the latest Kase-san tank has thrown down the gauntlet on heatin’ it up while keepin’ it pure.
All those pent-up frustrations have to go somewhere.
You mean they're going to h-hold hands?! :O
This reminds me. Someone explain to me how they haven't gotten each other pregnant yet after all these shameless unprotected hand-holding activities.
( っд⊂) oh gawd my eyes, those two are beyond hope...
Damn reading these comments is really making me wish for a +18 scene between Yuu and Nanami, buy I honestly think it won't happen, at least not explicitly. Nakatani did few parts where Nanami wanted to take Yuu. There is the scene when she sees Yuu's boobles 7w7 ... and that popsicle scene when Nanami said that she thought of doing lewd stuff with Yuu ... (in the anime i almost died when I heard her saying it lol)
I WAS SURE THEY WERE GONNA DO IT BUT !!!! I hope she at least implies at the end they had it or that she releases a separate doujin with them doing it aahhh ... A girl can dream TwT very good chapter btw anyways !
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 6:02PM
Folks, you overthink this manga so much. It's cute.
Folks, you overthink this manga so much. It's cute.
It's better than overthinking Citrus
Damn what an cliffhanger!
Folks, you overthink this manga so much. It's cute.
It's better than overthinking Citrus
But Citrus, as terrible as the writing is, actually has an unpredictable plot because it could be so bad or so good. Since you don't know what to expect, there is a lot to wonder about.
While Bloom Into You is so consistently good that there's nothing to talk about really, except waiting for the logical step in the plot, which will be reliably delivered as expected and with quality :P
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 7:57PM
While Bloom Into You is so consistently good that there's nothing to talk about really, except waiting for the logical step in the plot, which will be reliably delivered as expected and with quality :P
Sure, if you think that discussing plot is the only thing people can talk about when discussing a character drama or any works of fiction at all.
I want them holding hands NOW