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Thinking about the implications of that line, and after reading last chapter, I wonder if Yuu is really in love with Touko or just deluded herself into thinking she is because, on her own words, she could only love Touko (chapter 10), probably because only Touko showed romantic interest in her and she had already rejected her male friend. Not just that, but also due to Yuu's strong desire to fall in love with anyone (that then became "I wish my heart would love Touko").
Even in chapter 39, Yuu's angst, loneliness and sadness seem to be much more about having lost her opportunity to fulfill her big dream of falling in love (since chapter 35, she thinks she never really fell in love and may never will) rather than having being rejected by the person she claims to love. Her hopes seem to be more about fulfilling said dream again, rather than meeting Touko. Even when she is thinking about Akari forgetting her senpai and getting with Doujima, she was probably thinking about herself and how Akari could move on but she cant because she could only love Touko (a reference to said line in chapter 10?) Correct me if I am wrong, please, but between Touko, Yuu and Sayaka, Yuu's love is the one that feels the less genuine. Like she is clinging to the belief she is in love with Touko because she yearns for love (love anyone at all, not just Touko). Previous chapters seem to point that Yuu's love is real (with her helping Touko change and so on) and not just a delusion but I am not really sure.
The translation aspect left aside, storywise I think this is definitely inaccurate.
Let's say truly "anyone" would be fine to show her what love is, then why not the guy that confessed to her? The requirements are the same as with Touko (being loved by that person), heck, it suits her impression from Shoujo manga far better to fall in love with a boy. If she was that desperate for it, she certainly could have at least tried to date him for a while and attempt to fall in love. Yet she didn't want to do that. She never even considered taking him up on that, because she didn't want to do that to him.
Then why is it different with Touko? Does Yuu just not value Touko's feelings, to use her like that? I don't think so. It's clear to me at least that this is a pretext, an excuse to herself, so that she can justify her actions. In chapter 10 she might not have realized her love yet, but she instinctually knew that Touko was the closest person to that dream of hers. Not because she was unconditionally in love with her (mostly because there were conditions), but because Touko is someone that she could grow to love.
I think the fact that Yuu was in denial about her feelings for so long and only came out with them when she was about to burst from how painful it was is more proof than we will ever need to acknowledge her feelings as genuine. The way she now retreated into the aromantic position in chapter 39 is very similar to the sports festival (ironically the other time she had a serious talk with Maki). Back then she denied her growing feelings out of guilt and fear.... Now she denies them out of pain and regret. The fact that she tried to take Akari's example as a way to move on, but then denying that she needs to move on, because her feelings might not even have been real... isn't that exactly why we know that they were? Escapsim after heartbreak.
Let's try not jump to conclusions on the series ending in ch 40.
They always announcement beforehand if a series is ending.
I think there maybe more to tell in the story after Yuu & Touko patch things up.
I don't want this manga to end. I want it to go on forever. Hahaha.
Let's try not jump to conclusions on the series ending in ch 40.
They always announcement beforehand if a series is ending.
I think there maybe more to tell in the story after Yuu & Touko patch things up.
Yeah, I believe there's 1 more volume after this. Based on foreshadowing, it's probably going to be about their family.
Wasn't it confirmed that the manga was at 80% around chapter 34 or 36? So it might go up to around 45 chapters.
I don't think anyone here claimed the next chapter would be the last anyway.
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 2:16PM
I don't want this manga to end. I want it to go on forever. Hahaha.
I think some months back in the thread we discussed possible scenarios after the main characters get together ... It was hilarious but I'm too lazy to find them
Ahh so many things I wanna say ... but I am lazy. All I'll say is that I loved the chapter, the Kyoto trip arc was great (if that counts 37, 38 and 39, or maybe the whole volume). My favorite chapter of this volume still has to be 38, though. I am a bit disappointed that this one wasn't able to be better than 38 (at least for me) considering it's the last of vol. 7 but it was great regardless. Run Yuu run! I have no doubts next chapter will show the moment everyone has been waiting for, too bad it's 2 months away... i am praying the yuri gods that Nakatani and Kusunoki will make it a great chapter :3
For real, will be finally see Yuu crying next chapter during the so waited reunion?Touko and Sayaka already did in the so called suffering arc, I'd love to see an emotional Yuu too :3
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 2:33PM
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 2:59PM
So, next chapter, Yuu is hit by the car, right?..
I have waited SO LONG for this. One more chapter till the confession... Probably. Unless the author decides to mess things up.
So, next chapter, Yuu is hit by the car, right?..
then she turns into a zombie idol!.... wait wrong show
For real, will be finally see Yuu crying next chapter during the so waited reunion?Touko and Sayaka already did in the so called suffering arc, I'd love to see an emotional Yuu too :3
This would be thematically amazing, because it would be a callback to what Natsuki said before. Yuu has never cried about anything in the story and apparently not even when she should have in the past either (like losing in the Softball matches). Thanks to being not emotionally invested enough in things she just does out of obligation or to help someone.
So if Yuu cries (for good or bad) because of her current situation with Touko, that would visually show that she has emotionally matured and truly invested herself in this beyond logic and denial.
When being able to cry is not a sign of cliche weakness, but of growth... I like it!
Lights Cigar
Things change. They always do, it’s one of the things of nature. Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it as something you can always count on, then it can be a comfort.
That's exactly what Yuu have realized.
Those are bad for you. The only change you will see is lung cancer.
Joking aside, that is actually what Touko realized over the course of this story. Interesting to attribute the same thing to Yuu now.
I have waited SO LONG for this. One more chapter till the confession... Probably. Unless the author decides to mess things up.
Confession? I'm fairly certain we had those in both directions already. This is the make up/reaffirmation stage, no?
So, next chapter, Yuu is hit by the car, right?..
then she turns into a zombie idol!.... wait wrong show
That was the original plan. Now Yuu gets together with Maki, we flip the Het
tag, and Nanami-sempai realizes with her older sister dead, it's up to her to provide grandchildren, so she marries an older man she meets at an omiyai .
All was well.
PS Yuu jinxed it by telling Maki he didn't have to worry about that.
last edited at Mar 3, 2019 3:23PM
For real, will be finally see Yuu crying next chapter during the so waited reunion?Touko and Sayaka already did in the so called suffering arc, I'd love to see an emotional Yuu too :3
This would be thematically amazing, because it would be a callback to what Natsuki said before. Yuu has never cried about anything in the story and apparently not even when she should have in the past either (like losing in the Softball matches). Thanks to being not emotionally invested enough in things she just does out of obligation or to help someone.
So if Yuu cries (for good or bad) because of her current situation with Touko, that would visually show that she has emotionally matured and truly invested herself in this beyond logic and denial.
I really thought it would happen in this chapter, mainly in the scene when Yuu broke down and accepted she is really in pain, it surprised me a bit it did not happen. I guess Nakatani is waiting to make it an epic moment... I hope...
I have waited SO LONG for this. One more chapter till the confession... Probably. Unless the author decides to mess things up.
Confession? I'm fairly certain we had those in both directions already. This is the make up/reaffirmation stage, no?
Actually Nakatani said in an interview that Yuu's confession in chapter 34 was incomplete in a way, because she covered her eyes. And Nakatani said she made her cover her eyes because saying I love you while looking at Touko's eyes would give the impression everything between them has been said and done... so I agree with the other user, in a way, both will confess to each other again, looking at each others to the eyes, wanting to form a healthy relationship, Touko still needs to "confess" by telling Yuu she loves Yuu for Yuu and the latter needs to openly confess again, this time without feeling her love for Touko is a bad thing... so yeah, make up and double confession again!
Excited for the finale!
Confession? I'm fairly certain we had those in both directions already. This is the make up/reaffirmation stage, no?
Actually Nakatani said in an interview that Yuu's confession in chapter 34 was incomplete in a way, because she covered her eyes. And Nakatani said she made her cover her eyes because saying I love you while looking at Touko's eyes would give the impression everything between them has been said and done... so I agree with the other user, in a way, both will confess to each other again, looking at each others to the eyes, wanting to form a healthy relationship, Touko still needs to "confess" by telling Yuu she loves Yuu for Yuu and the latter needs to openly confess again, this time without feeling her love for Touko is a bad thing... so yeah, make up and double confession again!
Ehh... I see the symbolism of not being able to look her into the eyes, but Touko clearly expressed already that she loves Yuu for who she is rather than just being someone who stays with her despite never being able to love her.
As I said, sounds more like a reaffirmation to me.
Ehh... I see the symbolism of not being able to look her into the eyes, but Touko clearly expressed already that she loves Yuu for who she is rather than just being someone who stays with her despite never being able to love her.
When? Didn't this whole arc happen because Touko didn't know how to clear things up with Yuu? All because she was confused as to whether she could still love Yuu or not now that she had changed?
Ehh... I see the symbolism of not being able to look her into the eyes, but Touko clearly expressed already that she loves Yuu for who she is rather than just being someone who stays with her despite never being able to love her.
When? Didn't this whole arc happen because Touko didn't know how to clear things up with Yuu? All because she was confused as to whether she could still love Yuu or not now that she had changed?
She actually established fairly early on that she loves Yuu because she is kind and accepting (which you can of course associate with staying with her despite not falling in love), but that the "not being able to love" aspect was just the initial attraction. She thinks Yuu is cute, funny, kind, just patient enough, but also able to make her flustered. Herein lies the issue. Touko has already acknowledged that she loves Yuu for who she is, but her fear of being loved is still there.
That's what her rejection is about. That's why she needed to be slapped taught by Sayaka that change is not a bad thing and that the love she feels for Yuu is more important than fearing that it might vanish. So no, the arc wasn't about Touko being unable to clear up her own feelings for Yuu, it was about her accepting Yuu's feelings.
Wooooohhhhhhhooooooo! AAaaaaaaaa, woah. This felt amazing. My heart is happy. Now I need to wait another month. Uh. Woah.
It's good that Maki helped Yuu understand that she does, in fact, love Touko, and that she's not as similar to Maki as she thinks. Of course, I wonder how things might have turned out if Maki had told Yuu that they were different back in Chapter 15, when he first realized it.
Incidentally, I'm curious about something- is there any particular reason why Yuu calls her older sister "Rei-chan" rather than addressing her as an older sister (like how Touko calls Mio "Onee-chan")?
Wooooohhhhhhhooooooo! AAaaaaaaaa, woah. This felt amazing. My heart is happy. Now I need to wait another month. Uh. Woah.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m pretty sure Those Who Know Such Things say it’s going to skip a month until the next chapter. So two months.
Ehh... I see the symbolism of not being able to look her into the eyes, but Touko clearly expressed already that she loves Yuu for who she is rather than just being someone who stays with her despite never being able to love her.
When? Didn't this whole arc happen because Touko didn't know how to clear things up with Yuu? All because she was confused as to whether she could still love Yuu or not now that she had changed?
She actually established fairly early on that she loves Yuu because she is kind and accepting (which you can of course associate with staying with her despite not falling in love), but that the "not being able to love" aspect was just the initial attraction. She thinks Yuu is cute, funny, kind, just patient enough, but also able to make her flustered. Herein lies the issue. Touko has already acknowledged that she loves Yuu for who she is, but her fear of being loved is still there.
That's what her rejection is about. That's why she needed to be
slappedtaught by Sayaka that change is not a bad thing and that the love she feels for Yuu is more important than fearing that it might vanish. So no, the arc wasn't about Touko being unable to clear up her own feelings for Yuu, it was about her accepting Yuu's feelings.
The thing is that Yuu still thinks that she falling in love with Touko means she won't love Yuu anymore. I meant that Touko needs to leave that clear by saying that she loves Yuu entirely and didn't stop doing it just because she changed. I guess you can call it reaffirmation and I agree with that, but I also wanna call it confessions 2.0, which I believe will be much better than their original confessions (ch. 2 & 34).