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joined Apr 6, 2017

When all is said and done I hope we get to see Yuu and Touko come out to Yuu parents or just having a open relationship without needing to hide things so they can have the good and accepted type of relationship Yuu sister and her bf have. For the two to be able be a coupe and spend time/nights at each others house would be great.

If they come out to anyone, better start with friends, I think. They sort of, kind of, technically already did to Sayaka and Maki. I think it won't be hard to come out to Koyomi (the play she wrote has a yuri couple, afterall) or Doujima (a fellow student council member); of course, people like @BugDevil (did I spell the username correctly? I forgot if there was an underdash in it or not) and myself are also shipping Midori and Manaka, so it comes as no surprise that I'd think that coming out to them would be easy. This just leaves Akari and Natsuki as people I don't know what they'd think of. I think they're gonna accept, but there have been little to no hints of that.
Now, the next best bet (even better than some of those in the previous paragraph) would definitely be Rei. She already guessed what was going on, and already decided to support her sister, and I think Hiro might be in the same boat, too. Rei did mention that her and Yuu's dad might initially be opposed, but eventually convinced, but that their mom is the actual problem about all that, and their grandma would surely side with her daughter (Yuu and Rei's mom), so I'm not sure how they'd go beyond that. I honestly have no effing idea what will Touko’s parents think about it, so I can only hope for the best.
Still, by far the most likely adults to be accepting of that are, of couse, Riko and Miyako, themselves a lesbian couple. This still leaves Ichigaya in the "I'm not sure wether they will support or not" category, but he's kinda leaning more to the "will" side of that spectrum.
Aaah, can't believe I wasted over 20 minutes for this post!

EDIT: Hopefully, it'd be worth it.

I think Touko's parents would actually be pretty easy. I think after them having to watch what Touko put herself through and the self imposed suffering she has dealt with I think they would just be happy to see Touko find some happiness and someone who will care about Touko and support her in ways they weren't able to. In whatever form it comes as long as it is safe.

Doujima certainly isn't the classiest dude around and definitely acts pretty boorish at times, but OTOH for all his shameless ogling of the hot sempais I can't remember him ever being anything but well-behaved and friendly in his actual interactions with the girls and we have every reason to believe he's handling his SC duties with due diligence and competence. (Can't really picture Touko and Sayaka keeping him around if he didn't, anyway...)

In short a basically decent chap with some mildly irritating quirks. P sure we've all met those at some point.

Doujima is this series version of Suguru Kashiwagi from Maria Watches Over Us. Everyone loves to hate on him because he is a very male character in a mainly girl focused cast series that they see as a threat to their female characters relationships. He shows some regular male behavior(Not saying only males can act like that.) like how Suguru is shown as being a bit arrogant/overconfident and crass(sp) and everyone locks on that and completely ignore how caring he is and how extremely protective he is of Sachiko and Yumi including Touko(Maria watches Over Us one). There are some stuff in the LNs that get left out in the anime that would really impress people how far he is willing to go to protect Yumi on more than one occasion. Doujima is the same way. He is shown to have the behavior of a typical teenage boy but is also shown to never actually do anything bad towards the girls and is even shown to be really caring when he comforts Akari after she find out the truth about the guy she liked.

Btw is there a way to quote more than one post at a time without having to just copy and paste additional one?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Alright, after a long hard while of reading a manga I just discovered yesteday, and then an even longer harder while of studying, I can now take the time to reply to what I've missed in the meantime.
First: the comments about Natsuki.
Why didn't I take the same mental gymnastics BS classes as you guys? laughs a bit I'm kinda envious.
Second: these more recent comments about Yuu.
Yeah, I kinda like Yuu's mischievous and teasing scenes, too. Some of the teasing ones actually ended up being some of my favorite, due to how funny I found them, most especially the one where she briefly called Touko "Touko-senpai". However, I must confess that one of the other things I like about Yuu is one that was just given on a very irrelevant page in some of the bonuses, which is that she drinks milk straight outta the tetrapack at times, something I also sneakily do from time-to-time.

After taking a short break from Dynasty Reader for dinner, I drank milk from the tetrapack again.

last edited at Mar 2, 2019 2:41PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Btw is there a way to quote more than one post at a time without having to just copy and paste additional one?

If you're on a phone, you may resort to not as much posting a reply, but just copying a post or part of a post by copying it and then putting it after > to make it be a quote and then proceed to write what would've been your reply to the post. It takes a while, but it works both when you just wanna quote a part of the post, or multiple posts, or parts of different posts. However, if the posts you want to quote are on different pages of the thread, you might want to copy those on the earlier of those pages into notepad (if using phone) or MSO Word (if on PC).
I hope I was of any help.

last edited at Mar 2, 2019 5:07PM

joined Sep 19, 2017

Someone please post 4s version here, it’s already out!

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:06AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Agree with the above about the mischievous Yuu, probably for the same reason I have a soft spot for Aoba’s mildly-sadistic-senpai streak in New Game. A form of gap moe, I guess.

yeah one of my favorites arcs of new game is actually the spin off where aoba is just having fun teasing nenechi hotarun and chinatsu sensei

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:39AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Smells like it's ending soon. A couple chapters to go methinks.

joined Jun 28, 2016

Smells like it's ending soon. A couple chapters to go methinks.

Since this chapter is the end of volume 7, I would say there would be at least another 5 chapters to go assuming we just go to eight volumes.

joined Jun 12, 2015

^We already know that :)

joined Feb 18, 2019

Knowing that this is ending soon, I'm kinda starting to become emotional, I've been following bloom into you for 4 years now and saw it grow up like a child. It wasn't much popular at first because Citrus was shading it with it's popularity, but it continued to grow. I remember hoping for this to have an anime and telling myself it would never happen and last year we got the anime adaptation who was a real masterpiece. Bloom into you now has the popularity it deserves and it shows a far better side of yuri than any other manga I've read (Kase-san was also awesome ! Let's not forget it and I don't want to start a citrus fight lol so pls don't misinterpret me here, but we can all agree that Mei was just toxic AF poor Yuzu :^( )
Anyways ! This will forever be my favourite manga of all time and I completly agree eith @Bugdevil when (he/she) says that even mangas with predictible endings can be emotional. Now Nakatani sensei pls give me the +18 scene between Touko and Yuu !!!! Lol my comment ended up being longer than I expected xd

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 9:27AM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese (actual native speaker) and she said asenshi's was right.

Thinking about the implications of that line, and after reading last chapter, I wonder if Yuu is really in love with Touko or just deluded herself into thinking she is because, on her own words, she could only love Touko (chapter 10), probably because only Touko showed romantic interest in her and she had already rejected her male friend. Not just that, but also due to Yuu's strong desire to fall in love with anyone (that then became "I wish my heart would love Touko").

Even in chapter 39, Yuu's angst, loneliness and sadness seem to be much more about having lost her opportunity to fulfill her big dream of falling in love (since chapter 35, she thinks she never really fell in love and may never will) rather than having being rejected by the person she claims to love. Her hopes seem to be more about fulfilling said dream again, rather than meeting Touko. Even when she is thinking about Akari forgetting her senpai and getting with Doujima, she was probably thinking about herself and how Akari could move on but she cant because she could only love Touko (a reference to said line in chapter 10?) Correct me if I am wrong, please, but between Touko, Yuu and Sayaka, Yuu's love is the one that feels the less genuine. Like she is clinging to the belief she is in love with Touko because she yearns for love (love anyone at all, not just Touko). Previous chapters seem to point that Yuu's love is real (with her helping Touko change and so on) and not just a delusion but I am not really sure.


last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:40PM

joined Sep 19, 2017

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese and she said asenshi's was right.

In some points, dialogues in manga and anime series aren’t exactly the same. Anime used dialogues for a script that more suited to the scenes to create more impact to viewers. Unless, you saw the raws for earlier volume of the manga you can proven it right that there’s indeed a mistranslation.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 11:50AM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese and she said asenshi's was right.

In some points, dialogues in manga and anime series aren’t exactly the same. Anime used dialogues for a script that more suited to the scenes to create more impact to viewers. Unless, you saw the raws for earlier volume of the manga you can proven it right that there’s indeed a mistranslation.

Hi, I also have the raws for the manga and that chapter and the line is exactly the same as in the anime. Could post it here if someone wants it. In fact, when I asked my friend, I showed her the manga page and mentioned her the manga translation (she gave an explanation on the way the sentence was formed to explain why 4s's and seven seas were wrong). So Asenshi was indeed right (their translations are pretty good overall too).

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 11:55AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Scarlet128 posted:

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese and she said asenshi's was right.

No, they didn't. The sentence both in anime and manga is: "先輩と一緒にいられないなら わたしに誰か好きになれるのいやだ” Which directly translates to "If Senapi and me can't be together, then I don't want someone falling in love with me."

Yuu simply loves Touko, or is attached to her, at this point so much, she can't even imagine being with anyone else.

Anime often changes or omits lines or even given them to different characters, but they didn't do this in this case.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:10PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Scarlet128 posted:

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese and she said asenshi's was right.

No, they didn't. The sentence both in anime and manga is: "先輩と一緒にいられないなら わたしに誰か好きになれるのいやだ” Which directly translates to "If Senapi and me can't be together, then I don't want someone falling in love with me."

If anything anime mistranslated it, because it assume "iyada" part is separate line, when reading manga you can clearly see, Yuu simply paused before definitely saying someone else falling for her is something she doesn't like.

Yuu simply loves Touko, or is attached to her, at this point so much, she can't even imagine being with anyone else.

Anime often changes or omits lines or even given them to different characters, but they didn't do this in this case.

My friend explained the "iyada" was necessarily a different sentence and not part of the rest, because if not, the sentence made no sense at all. I believe her because she is a native speaker of Japanese. You dont have to believe me or believe her , though. The pause before the iyada in the anime was done right, director knew what he was doing. Even in the manga, the iyada is in another panel , not in the same panel with the other sentences. It is literally "if i cant be with senpai, who can i fall in love with? I dont like this/this cant be". And i believe Yuu wasnt in love with Touko in chapter 10 yet.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:12PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

This is the explanation she gave me, btw :

" 先輩と一緒にいられないなら, わたしに誰か好きになれるの. いやだ".
"If I cannot be with Sempai, then who (else) can I fall in love with?"

This なれる is potential. This is a rhetorical question which actually implies "Sempai is the only person I can fall in love with." 誰が好き on its own is ambiguous ("who likes" vs "who does someone like"), but in this case it means "who do I like".

嫌だ on the next page should be just a one-word sentence, "No...", "No way", "I hate this (situation)", etc.

It's either possibility or ability. "I don't have an ability to fall in love (with someone else)" may be an exaggerated statement, but basically she is so shocked that she feels she will not be in love with anyone else forever. "私 (のこと)を 誰が好きになれるの?" could have meant "who can fall in love with me? (i.e., no one will love me!)"

Implication: "I cannot think of any possibility of being in love with someone other than sempai" may be closer.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:36PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

I agree that "いやだ" is typically a interjection in Japanese, meaning "No way!', "I don't want that!". A clear rejection of what was said just before. It's a sentence in itself.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Scarlet128 posted:

This なれる is potential. This is a rhetorical question which actually implies "Sempai is the only person I can fall in love with." 誰が好き on its own is ambiguous ("who likes" vs "who does someone like"), but in this case it means "who do I like".

Ok, you convinced me with that. I am aware なれる is a potential form, but I didn't considered it from angle of rhetorical question. I was thinking of it like "someone else falling for me (in the future)" rather than "what is the potential for someone else falling for me (in general)". One of main issues with japanese is that there is a lot of ways you can interpret sentence depending on context and some structures can have few vastly different meanings, so recognizing which one is correct, can be very tricky.

Nya-chan posted:

I agree that "いやだ" is typically a interjection in Japanese, meaning "No way!', "I don't want that!". A clear rejection of what was said just before. It's a sentence in itself.

True except, it can also work as a end of the sentence and previous one didn't have a definite ending, so it could just as easily be part of it.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:37PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Sorry to drop one in the middle of the awesome translation debate, but this chapter was one of the best chapters so far to me. It was very, very direct. And honest.

They made more of our aromantic character, debunked thoughts of Yuu being aromantic or asexual or oblivious. The only thing I'm wary of is where the chapter ended. It's not flagged as tragedy, so hopefully's just another good chap to bring this story home.

joined Sep 6, 2011

And you thought this chapter would develop in any way!

You got bamboozled!!!

joined Jul 17, 2016

Scarlet128 posted:

This なれる is potential. This is a rhetorical question which actually implies "Sempai is the only person I can fall in love with." 誰が好き on its own is ambiguous ("who likes" vs "who does someone like"), but in this case it means "who do I like".

Ok, you convinced me with that. I am aware なれる is a potential form, but I didn't considered it from angle of rhetorical question. I was thinking of it like "someone else falling for me (in the future)" rather than "what is the potential for someone else falling for me (in general)". One of main issues with japanese is that there is a lot of ways you can interpret sentence depending on context and some structures can have few vastly different meanings, so recognizing which one is correct, can be very tricky.

Nya-chan posted:

I agree that "いやだ" is typically a interjection in Japanese, meaning "No way!', "I don't want that!". A clear rejection of what was said just before. It's a sentence in itself.

True except, it can also work as a end of the sentence and previous one didn't have a definite ending, so it could just as easily be part of it.

I just edited my comment since I skipped my friend's translation and implications of Yuu's line fully. Please read it if you can. Now , i dont know if the iyada could be included in another sentences as one, but in this one it is clearly a different sentence and the subject is Yuu being able to fall in love with someone else other than Touko rather than someone else falling for her.
That line aside, i would like to discuss the other points in my original post.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 12:48PM

joined Apr 20, 2013


Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Scarlet128 posted:

I just edited my comment since I skipped my friend's translation and implications of Yuu's line fully. Please read it if you can.

Don't worry I saw edit. I almost missed it though.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'll do a dumb questiom...
Yuu said: "I want to love"
Oh right, yeah, love your parents, family, to everyone...yeah, love them... she's loving them...but if she's referring to a Couple's love, don't generalize that love is only that...that annoyed me...

If she meant there's only one kind of love, that would indeed be an over-generalization. And stupid to boot, which Yuu is not.

But of course the context tells us that she doesn't mean that, and that she can only be speaking of romantic love.

  • She can't say, "I want to be in love," because she already is in love.

  • She can't say, "I want to be loved," because she already is loved.

  • She could say, "I want to be allowed to love the person who loves me," but that's just unnecessarily clunky and on-the-nose writing because anyone who has been reading the whole series knows exactly what she means--she wants to be in a reciprocal romantic relationship.

EDIT: And anyone who is parsing the minutia of the translations to evaluate the "genuineness" of Yuu's love simply isn't seeing the forest for the trees.

Yuu starts out believing that she doesn't know what love is and that she can't fall in love with anybody, so of course she examines developments in terms of her own feelings.

Then she is explicitly interdicted from falling in love with Touko--so far from "clinging to the belief that she is in love with Touko," the entire series is set up so that for most of the story she is absolutely required to be in denial that she's in love with Touko.

EDIT2: And I’ll add a point that has been made a number of times before: in many manga, characters will say various things in public that readers know to be false or misleading, (such as “I don’t have feelings for that person”), then their silent thoughts give us direct access to the truth. In this story, however, it’s often the case that the characters are either trying to convince themselves of something (Yuu does this often) or they are thinking things that are incorrect or distorted (Touko’s idea that “love = shackles”). So readers still have to try to infer the truth from those thoughts.

last edited at Mar 3, 2019 1:31PM

joined Feb 9, 2016


joined Jul 11, 2015


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