Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Aug 22, 2016


joined Mar 28, 2015

It's cute how much people here are invested in the characters and story.

joined Nov 5, 2017

I disagree. I think that Nakatani had never shied away from showing their sexual attraction towards each other. No one expected ch 16, it happened. No one expected ch 20, it happened. & according to some reports from the open talk event from 2/26, ch 22 was originally supposed to have more underlying implications than what we got though the anime did make up for it with the melting popsicle symbolism. Not to say that sex will definitely happen, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if it does.

A kiss is still just a kiss even if it involves tongue. We have Riko-sensei and Miyako who are clearly in a mature relationship sleeping in the same bed and there was some very tiny implication that they did it that night, but that's the level we are dealing with here. Nakatani rarely ever goes the extra mile on this stuff judging by her other works.
I simply don't believe that any focus will be put on it at all.

Sex is part of romantic love (unless both persons are asexual, but that's not the case for Touko and Yuu), so idk why sex couldnt't be part of this (romantic) story. Nakatani has said more than once that she enjoys drawing erotic scenes in yagakimi (I guess she only meant chapter 16 so far, but she did say that scene is one of her favorites) so it's not highly unlikely for it to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't, I just simply wouldn't see sex in this manga as something shocking in the "omg I can't believe this kind of story had sex". Realistically speaking, I'd say it's 50/50 (just on whether Nakatani wants it, her editor accepting it is another thing) and that's just "being on a bed after talking about it, and then fade to black panel after some kissing maybe"

See, eroticism is something playful, like in chapter 16. It doesn't really break any boundaries, the only reason it even registered as something special to us is because the story is usually extremely tame. If this was Citrus, that scene wouldn't even register as "sexual".
I never said it's shocking, I just don't believe Nakatani will focus on it.

Lol. Dub-con hand-holding.

It’s a given that anything very explicit is unlikely in this series; we’re just having fun.

Of course, the latest Kase-san tank has thrown down the gauntlet on heatin’ it up while keepin’ it pure.

Well about that... some people here seem to see it differently lol

Lol, idk why citrus is treated as some manga with explicit sexual scenes where a French wouldn't even be seen as "sexual". As far as i know, there was never a explicit sex scene (or implied? I still read comments from fans complaining that the moment has not come yet). So besides French kissing that also happened here, i only remember one groping scene and hickey one.
Nakatani's previous works, according to her, weren't yuri (most of them) and only one of her doujins, as such, features a sex scene (between Yukari and Ran).
We have seen Miyako and Riko kiss and we don't need to see more because the story isn't focused on them and as an adult couple it's clear their sexual life is active, which is different from Touko and Yuu. Anyways, this "will they do it onscreen or not" discussion is based on asumptions so we had better end it here. Nakatani will eventually prove us wrong or right, I just personally don't think it's extremely unlikely.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Lol, idk why citrus is treated as some manga with explicit sexual scenes where a French wouldn't even be seen as "sexual". As far as i know, there was never a explicit sex scene (or implied? I still read comments from fans complaining that the moment has not come yet). So besides French kissing that also happened here, i only remember one groping scene and hickey one.
Nakatani's previous works, according to her, weren't yuri (most of them) and only one of her doujins, as such, features a sex scene (between Yukari and Ran).
We have seen Miyako and Riko kiss and we don't need to see more because the story isn't focused on them and as an adult couple it's clear their sexual life is active, which is different from Touko and Yuu. Anyways, this "will they do it onscreen or not" discussion is based on asumptions so we had better end it here. Nakatani will eventually prove us wrong or right, I just personally don't think it's extremely unlikely.

You misunderstand. In Citrus french kissing and fondling is pretty normal, because it happened every few chapters. Therefore it just became the standard expression of their love. If they had sex it would have been something else. But in YagaKimi even a french kiss is something out of the ordinary, therefore it is seen in a way more sexual fashion.

Yeah Nakatani is weird like that. Is this a form of self-denial or lacking the objective perspective of an outsider? I certainly have seen many authors who didn't realize the implications of their own work sometimes, because in their heads it was rather clear cut, while their writing is anything but. Still it would be completely ludicrous to claim she didn't do yuri before and she probably knows that.

On-screen? Absolutely not. That's completely out of the question. Implied? I won't deny the possibility at all. It just doesn't feel like something she would focus on. Nakatani's intimacy is rather emotionally wired or of comfort. I don't know how to express it, but the passion and horniness feel pretty contained. Which I personally like better anyway.

joined Apr 15, 2018

That's right come and get your gf

joined Oct 26, 2016

Coming round the final corner, finish line in sight.
Let's break that tape!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Scarlet128 posted:

Rewatching the anime, I realised both 4s and Seven Seas mistranslated a line Yuu said in chapter 10 when Touko was leaving Yuu behind, Yuu thought that Touko wouldn't leave her. Basically both translations put it like "if i cant be with her i dont want anyone to love me" (or i dont want to fall in love with anyone). While Asenshi and Hidive got it right: some flavor added, but it was actually "if i cant be with senpai, who can teach me what is love?" Basically "if not her, who else do I have to love?" Asked someone who knows japanese and she said asenshi's was right.

No, they didn't. The sentence both in anime and manga is: "先輩と一緒にいられないなら わたしに誰か好きになれるのいやだ” Which directly translates to "If Senapi and me can't be together, then I don't want someone falling in love with me."

If anything anime mistranslated it, because it assume "iyada" part is separate line, when reading manga you can clearly see, Yuu simply paused before definitely saying someone else falling for her is something she doesn't like.

Yuu simply loves Touko, or is attached to her, at this point so much, she can't even imagine being with anyone else.

Anime often changes or omits lines or even given them to different characters, but they didn't do this in this case.

My friend explained the "iyada" was necessarily a different sentence and not part of the rest, because if not, the sentence made no sense at all. I believe her because she is a native speaker of Japanese. You dont have to believe me or believe her , though. The pause before the iyada in the anime was done right, director knew what he was doing. Even in the manga, the iyada is in another panel , not in the same panel with the other sentences. It is literally "if i cant be with senpai, who can i fall in love with? I dont like this/this cant be". And i believe Yuu wasnt in love with Touko in chapter 10 yet.

While I agree with much of your points, I disagree on one thing: your last sentence. If you said that Yuu didn't realize that she was in love with Touko in chapter 10, then yes. But I am in the camp that believes that she has been falling for her for far longer than she understands because of her shoujo-manga-warped impression of what love is supposed to be like.

As early as their second kiss, Yuu was showing signs of being attracted to Touko sexually. Her thoughts would drift to Touko's physical beauty frequently and she admitted to Touko that she didn't really have a problem kissing her and, indeed, was curious about it. Then when they kissed, her body language wasn't that of someone indifferent to what was happening.

If you look at that image, Yuu has grasped the sleeve of Touko's uniform and knees are pressed toward each other with her feet pushing up onto her toes. It looks like a very visceral reaction. Nakatani-sensei is too good of an artist for this type of body language to be accidental.

In addition, Yuu's behavior leading up to and during the campaign speech was indicative of her developing feelings for Touko. She consistently denied that she was, including to Maki when he confronted her after seeing them kiss, but that was because she didn't get the "fireworks/butterflies in the stomach/love at first sight" feeling that Touko had. She had a more realistic "getting to know the person and growing to love them" experience, but didn't realize that love can happen that way as well.

She eventually DOES get to the point where the fireworks and butterflies come, probably due to the more intense make-out session and her physical reaction to that, but also due to her realizing that her desire to make Touko stop hating herself was driven by love.

At least that's my take on it.

As for this chapter... it was fantastic! I like the implication that Akari and Doujima are potentially getting together. It was very clear that Doujima was infatuated with her by the end of the sports day arc. It's also fun to see Yuu the softball player for a change. She has good form. Maki calling her out on her BS attempt to say she's over Touko was excellent. Her reaction to Touko's text is all the evidence needed.

Two months will be a very long wait...

joined Apr 1, 2018

This manga is total crap. It has this gloomy aura about it. I think the author cannot capture a real human smile. The characters have very insincere smiles and that's why the manga feels this way to me. Enough about opinions, though. The real meat and potatoes of what I'm writing is that the characters have very poor emotional intelligence. It's fine enough that they don't understand what the other is feeling, but they don't understand themselves. And everyone on this website just eats it up! Over 5k comments, gimme a break. This manga is a RAG! It's only deep to a simpleton, or an infantile adult. I guess it does capture a high school romance quite well because these characters are mentally undeveloped.

joined Jul 19, 2018

This manga is total crap. It has this gloomy aura about it. I think the author cannot capture a real human smile. The characters have very insincere smiles and that's why the manga feels this way to me. Enough about opinions, though. The real meat and potatoes of what I'm writing is that the characters have very poor emotional intelligence. It's fine enough that they don't understand what the other is feeling, but they don't understand themselves. And everyone on this website just eats it up! Over 5k comments, gimme a break. This manga is a RAG! It's only deep to a simpleton, or an infantile adult. I guess it does capture a high school romance quite well because these characters are mentally undeveloped.

Way to miss the mark. What a half assed attempt at trolling. Come back and try again once your training is complete. At the moment you are only shaming yourself.

joined Apr 1, 2018

This manga is total crap. It has this gloomy aura about it. I think the author cannot capture a real human smile. The characters have very insincere smiles and that's why the manga feels this way to me. Enough about opinions, though. The real meat and potatoes of what I'm writing is that the characters have very poor emotional intelligence. It's fine enough that they don't understand what the other is feeling, but they don't understand themselves. And everyone on this website just eats it up! Over 5k comments, gimme a break. This manga is a RAG! It's only deep to a simpleton, or an infantile adult. I guess it does capture a high school romance quite well because these characters are mentally undeveloped.

Way to miss the mark. What a half assed attempt at trolling. Come back and try again once your training is complete. At the moment you are only shaming yourself.

Yeah, cuz anything one doesn't agree with online is trolling.

last edited at Mar 4, 2019 5:36PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

This manga is total crap. It has this gloomy aura about it. I think the author cannot capture a real human smile. The characters have very insincere smiles and that's why the manga feels this way to me. Enough about opinions, though. The real meat and potatoes of what I'm writing is that the characters have very poor emotional intelligence. It's fine enough that they don't understand what the other is feeling, but they don't understand themselves. And everyone on this website just eats it up! Over 5k comments, gimme a break. This manga is a RAG! It's only deep to a simpleton, or an infantile adult. I guess it does capture a high school romance quite well because these characters are mentally undeveloped.

Way to miss the mark. What a half assed attempt at trolling. Come back and try again once your training is complete. At the moment you are only shaming yourself.

Yeah, cuz anything one doesn't agree with online is trolling.

No, calling people names is trolling. Coming into any internet place and saying, “This thing you all like is obviously total crap” is trolling.

You’ve made your opinion known. If you don’t want to hear other people’s opinions about the quality of your opinions, leave it at that.

last edited at Mar 4, 2019 6:20PM

joined Apr 1, 2018

This manga is total crap. It has this gloomy aura about it. I think the author cannot capture a real human smile. The characters have very insincere smiles and that's why the manga feels this way to me. Enough about opinions, though. The real meat and potatoes of what I'm writing is that the characters have very poor emotional intelligence. It's fine enough that they don't understand what the other is feeling, but they don't understand themselves. And everyone on this website just eats it up! Over 5k comments, gimme a break. This manga is a RAG! It's only deep to a simpleton, or an infantile adult. I guess it does capture a high school romance quite well because these characters are mentally undeveloped.

Way to miss the mark. What a half assed attempt at trolling. Come back and try again once your training is complete. At the moment you are only shaming yourself.

Yeah, cuz anything one doesn't agree with online is trolling.

No, calling people names is trolling. Coming into any internet place and saying, “This thing you all like is obviously total crap” is trolling.

You’ve made your opinion known. If you don’t want to hear other people’s opinions about the quality of your opinions, leave it at that.

I guess I did call you guys infantile simpletons. Whoops. Manga's still crap, and it shouldn't have gotten this much attention. I don't really understand this highschool romantization. Gives anime fans a bad image. People look at love live and go, "what a joke". With good reason, I might add.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

It still sounds like you're attacking fans, what with saying that this manga shouldn't have gotten this much attention.
And how exactly does High School romanization give anime fans a bad name?
Ecchi and things like loli are more likely to give anime fans a bad name than the fact that most anime and manga are based in High School.
As for you not liking Bloom Into You, that's fine. But you shouldn't criticize the fans of the work. That's a fine way to get people to not listen to you.

last edited at Mar 4, 2019 7:17PM

joined Feb 27, 2019

I'm not sure who's mentally undeveloped, the characters who are trying to grow up or this troll who is expecting the characters to act the way her/his mind works. How ignorant one can be.

last edited at Mar 5, 2019 4:42AM

joined Apr 1, 2018

It still sounds like you're attacking fans, what with saying that this manga shouldn't have gotten this much attention.
And how exactly does High School romanization give anime fans a bad name?
Ecchi and things like loli are more likely to give anime fans a bad name than the fact that most anime and manga are based in High School.
As for you not liking Bloom Into You, that's fine. But you shouldn't criticize the fans of the work. That's a fine way to get people to not listen to you.

High school romantization gives anime fans a bad name because it's childish. I don't want to go back to that time in my life because I was a kid. Move on. Now, knowing that high school is full of kids, high school anime/manga and loli go hand in hand. Finally, I will never respect this fanbase, for reasons previously stated.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

And so what if watching anime with High School romantization is childish? I don't see anything wrong with it.
Especially in Japan, High School is a chance to remember freer times without the worries of money and work.

joined Dec 26, 2011

Finally, I will never respect this fanbase, for reasons previously stated.

This fanbase won’t lose sleep over it, thankfully.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

^I concur, Queenky.

joined Apr 1, 2018

And so what if watching anime with High School romantization is childish? I don't see anything wrong with it.
Especially in Japan, High School is a chance to remember freer times without the worries of money and work.

I don't want to go back to the time when me and my friends were stinky dumb brains. It's time to move on, man. We're different now, we're better now.

joined Jul 29, 2017

High school romantization gives anime fans a bad name because it's childish. I don't want to go back to that time in my life because I was a kid.

Ah, of course—that explains the desperately obnoxious tone: projection.

Obvious, really.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

You've made your point, Chicken. Please move on now. Maybe read something you enjoy.

joined Apr 1, 2018

You've made your point, Chicken. Please move on now. Maybe read something you enjoy.

You haven't seen the last of me.

joined Mar 15, 2015

While I have no desire to feed the troll, I personally don't get people who become so obsessed with hating something that they actively go to a site's board to stir up trouble (assuming Chicken actually feels that way and isn't just saying this to rile us up). If I don't like something, I simply stop watching it, maybe write a negative review, and then forget about it.

Going back to the talk about Yuu's decision and what she thinks about Touko now, my take is now that she knows she loves Touko, she's willing to see her and hear her out, no matter what Touko ends up having to say to her. She's getting over her romanticized (no pun intended) notions of love, and realized that it's more complicated and often more painful than she thought, but nevertheless, is sure of how she feels about Touko..

I personally think it wouldn't be in character for Yuu to be overly judgmental of Touko. While Yuu doesn't hesitate to speak her mind to Touko, she also sympathizes with Touko, and while she's often annoyed with Touko for doing as she pleases, she enjoys her time with Touko. I find it highly unlikely that Yuu would assume that Touko is using her now that she understands that Touko simply doesn't think that anyone would choose her "ordinary" past self over the seemingly perfect façade she puts up.

In fact, both Yuu and Touko don't understand what love really means- while Yuu thinks it's some sort of overwhelming feeling of happiness, Touko assumes that love won't allow the person to change. Just as Maki helped Yuu realize that she was in love with Touko, Sayaka helped Touko realize that it was possible for someone who'd fallen in love with the "perfect" Touko to remain in love with the "real" Touko.

Above all else, though, I think both of them simply want to be together again (even if Yuu took longer to realize this), hence why after they had their respective epiphanies, Touko immediately texted Yuu, then Yuu immediately set out to meet with Touko. With that in mind, I think that they probably will, at the very least, make significant progress toward mending fences next chapter, even if it might not be the final chapter.

joined Aug 26, 2018

People really eat up bait like a three-course meal around here...

I personally think it wouldn't be in character for Yuu to be overly judgmental of Touko.

This is pretty much what I believe as well. I may have joked about her relieving her frustrations, but it is indeed petty. Yuu made this "deal with the devil" herself, so she certainly knows that the guilt doesn't just lie with Touko. She hid her feelings and made this mess herself. To lash out on Touko whose insecurities are at fault and who has worked hard to overcome them now, would be childish.

I may not be the Doujima defense squad, but I'll always jump in for Touko lol

last edited at Mar 5, 2019 2:23AM

joined Sep 19, 2017

As much as this series getting more attention, trolls are being alive. So I’d say, don’t feed them. Let them shame their own selves.

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