Forum › Our "Love" is Disgusting discussion

joined Oct 14, 2014

Wow, Usui Shio is kinda crazy. They're always experimenting and running multiple serializations at once. I respect that

joined Mar 24, 2015

Is this what people mean when they say they're looking for someone to "match their freak"? D:

joined Oct 25, 2023

First thought was "it's been 6 years! Girl you need to move on!"

But yeah, having your first sexual experience called "disgusting" would be traumatic. Wonder if interacting with another "disgusting" girl will exacerbate this trauma or help her process it?

Normally I'd expect the unnamed Onee-chan to be the Meguru from MC's past, but of course she should recognize the little sister having the same family name. I'm still leaning towards this being the case though, with some sort of family shenanigans causing the little sister to go by a different family name.

joined Apr 18, 2023

yeah this is gonna be ROUGH

joined Mar 30, 2022

This is surprising from Usui Shio lol, everything else I've read from them has been pretty asexual so I kinda assumed they had no interest in writing about that at all. What a jump.

joined Mar 20, 2016

Azuki can consider herself lucky. Hiding in a locker is a typical Harem / Ecchi setup. If she were a guy, she'd probably been decked.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:07PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Another thought after looking again at the first color page. The MC girl looks almost exactly like Miyagi from Shuukura. Here's the LN vol. 4 cover:

Wonder if Meguru's eyes are the same as Sendai's. They both have longer hair but Sendai's is lighter colored.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:07PM

joined Apr 5, 2023

This page sure is intense. Seems interesting though, appreciate the themes Usui Shio is up to write about.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:30PM

joined Sep 19, 2021

This is crazy, and hot

joined Jul 31, 2019

This is absolute madness by Usui Shio standards, gone wrong (gone sexual), surprise is an understatement. I guess something to balance the more conventional series going on at the same time (which had a kiss on the cheek now, scandalous!)

Also, you know these author avatars that are sometimes appearing in afterwords and stuff? Usui Shio's is a little doll, really makes you think :P

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:24PM

joined Aug 2, 2023

This is surprising from Usui Shio lol, everything else I've read from them has been pretty asexual so I kinda assumed they had no interest in writing about that at all. What a jump.

Azuki's first sexual experience that wasbranded "disgusting", and evidently traumatized her. Yakou doesn't look at her or other girls that way. That's pretty ace if you ask me.

(Also: eww, unhygienic. Don't slobber up the Lost+Found unwashed, girl.)

joined Oct 25, 2022

I've loved every Usui Shio series I've read so far, and based on this chapter I expect that streak to continue. Like seemingly everyone else though, I am surprised to see Usui Shio doing such an openly horny series. I'm here for it though!

joined Sep 10, 2022

I see Usui Shio and I'm there. Didn't know she had two series going at the same time. She always has an interesting starting premise that connects the main couple and this one fits right in for sure. She's got a lot more variety than she's given credit for. Every series is different but I expect the same quality.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:36PM

joined Jul 21, 2024

A solid start to the manga. At this point, I have no expectations about which direction Usui Shio will take in her writing, so it's always fun and interesting to see what she has to offer :)

joined Nov 28, 2021

I quite like Usui's ace rep work, but I will admit it's really nice to see them touching on topics that are more sexual in nature. I hope that it's OK for them to work on, and it'll be really cool to see how this relationship of the MC's evolves since it tackles sexual attraction in unusual ways.

joined Aug 1, 2022

I love the connections that these two who are freaks (hidden kinks) and nerds (self proclaimed otaku) made together. I hope their able to process their stuff well together.

Also, asexual people can still enjoy or think about sexual or sensual things guys, even kink. It's a spectrum and the author idk has come out officially as anything. But i do appreciate their past ace rep and hope this new series takes off. I've been looking forward to it, thank you translators and uploaders!!!

joined Jul 6, 2020

Usui Shio has now fully traversed the breadth of sexual identity in yuri with the beginning of this series

joined Nov 13, 2022

Oooooh I'm in I'm in this is great. Tackling kinks, "perversion" and general weirdness head-on. I love it

joined May 2, 2018

Okay this seems really interesting. It is definitely gonna get weird but I want to see how Usui explores the themes of sexual identity, fetishes, the shame that comes with it, what influenced them, etc. Idk man, those are just very human feelings

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 2:51PM

joined Jun 12, 2015

"The Weirdest fetish" the manga.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Usui Shio's become one of my favorite authors, whenever they pop up on my feed is a good time. Hope they don't burn themselves out, though. And this is going to be really interesting. Usui's works have always been really unique in their presentation/take on their subject matter, it was romance up until now, but this will most probably be a lot more sexual in nature, and even this is so incredibly unique and interesting. I feel that the dynamic between the two is going to be incredibly unique as well, I mean, that they start getting closer by discovering each other's deeply-rooted-in-trauma-but-also-sincere fetish is one hell of a thing.

A few other thoughts:

Just on a general level, fucking oof for Komugi there. Like, we do not know the reasons or the person yet, but either case there's absolutely no wonder why she's so deeply traumatized.

I really like how reading Yakou's reaction after the revelation paints her in a completely different light. At first, I really deemed her disgusted and disturbed, but after I feel that she was projecting and almost immediately turned on. Not sure what to think of her just yet, but what she describes feels like some tough shit as well. Infinitely amused by the fact that her decision after everything was to ask for a custom made lewd figurine.

I don't know if that is intentional either from the translators or in the original text, but the fact that Komugi says "I'm heading off" to a choir of headless figurines is fucking comedy gold.

I'll just come out and say it, I really hope the two bang by the end and that it serves as a cathartic second chance for Komugi and the result of an introspective journey for Yakou.

Azuki's first sexual experience that wasbranded "disgusting", and evidently traumatized her. Yakou doesn't look at her or other girls that way. That's pretty ace if you ask me.

I don't know, it definitely seems like she has a sexual urge, with how she got off almost to completion with that figuring. Judging by that and her reaction after, I feel like her case is one of a deeply repressed sexuality that is most definitely caused by some intense trauma. Feels to me like there's gonna be a lot of self-discovery on sexuality from her end in this story. Rereading this sentence made me think that this isn't unlike Komugi herself, so there's gonna be some interesting stuff to come.

(Also: eww, unhygienic. Don't slobber up the Lost+Found unwashed, girl.)

Not gonna lie that page made me both laugh out loud but also "eww" out loud. But also... considering we know where the figurine came from, I don't think it's in particularly poor hygenic conditions. Even as a joke, writing this sentence made me feel unwell lol.

In any case, a really interesting start from an author whose works I very much like in large part because of how unique and interesting they are and I'm looking foward to seeing how things develop. Also hoping they go all the way.

joined Jul 31, 2019

The dumbest thing that doesn't matter that I noticed on reread - you could say it's hindsight, but really - isn't it a better plan to just take your stupid figurine away during working hours at some opportune moment, instead of sneaking in when it's not your shift looking like the most suspicious person ever, and having to escape when someone approaches? :P No one would give a second thought about a stupid doll that's missing from a lost and found box (hell, Yakou would be probably happy that she doesn't have to resist licking it lol), they would probably assume that the owner already collected it when it was someone else's shift.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 3:18PM

joined Aug 6, 2023

The dumbest thing that doesn't matter that I noticed on reread - you could say it's hindsight, but really - isn't it a better plan to just take your stupid figurine away during working hours at some opportune moment, instead of sneaking in when it's not your shift looking like the most suspicious person ever, and having to escape when some approaches? :P No one would give a second thought about a missing stupid doll from a lost and found box (hell, Yakou would be probably happy that she doesn't have to resist licking it lol), they would probably assume that the owner already collected it when it was someone else's shift.

Yeah but the story gotta start somehow

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that was an interesting start. Looks like we're in for a fun ride. :D

joined Oct 20, 2017

Wow, this mangaka is full of surprises... Azuki over here has to be one of the most pitiful protagonists in yuri, based on this one chapter. I would say I have mixed feelings about her and the high school girl as a couple, but given the somewhat ominous title the mangaka might not be aiming for something as wholesome as in her previous works, so I'm totally seated. Let's get nasty!

Also, you know these author avatars that are sometimes appearing in afterwords and stuff? Usui Shio's is a little doll, really makes you think :P

Fun fact (?): I think her avatar might be a teru teru bōzu (a charm to ward off rainy weather) with a ribbon and legs. I suspect this because 雨水 /usui/ means 'rainwater', though the doll's shape could be a coincidence I guess

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 3:36PM

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