Forum › Boys Gilding the Lily Shall Die discussion

joined Feb 3, 2023

I trust the champions of tolerance in this site/thread are never upset when people out there, every day, say stuff like "Fucking hate gay in my games/anime/movies/school library" and just nod along, like "mm, yes, it's fair"

Fam really just said "Yeah you gay people are just like the homophobics!!!! " lmaoooo delusional

When you act and speak in exactly the same way, it is the conclusion people make, and have made many times already all around.

Act and speak in exactly the same way, damn. I must have missed all the times when gay guys walked in gangs to beat up straight dudes. Remember when LGBT parents sent their straight kids to conversion camps? Or remember when the LGBT community started to push bills to ban straight marriage? Or healthcare for straight ppl? Yeah we act and speak in exactly the same way!!! lmfao

Come on, if you're gonna comment in a lgbt-focused website, at least don't be an ignorant person parroting homophobe's talking points. LGBT people complaining about hetero relationships on stories that are LGBT-focused is a regular complaint, some os us are tired of having to watch hetero relationships be pushed as the norm and us be labeled deviant outcasts, the groomers, the mentally ill. Its an expected reaction and honestly nothing wrong with it, yeah it gets annoying seeing it on the comment sections all the time, but its not the same as homophobia and never will be lmao. You cannot be serious right now.

last edited at May 30, 2023 7:36PM

joined Feb 27, 2023

You people do realize this doesn't have to be written specifically to match your tastes, right? Not everyone likes the same types of stories as you. What you consider yuri heresy may be someone else's cup of tea.

Besides, you're not even paying to read here. Chill, please.

Oh and @randm this was answering the other comments, not yours. Yours is fine.

Let me hate read in peace. Thx

joined Aug 18, 2015

You people do realize this doesn't have to be written specifically to match your tastes, right? Not everyone likes the same types of stories as you. What you consider yuri heresy may be someone else's cup of tea.

Besides, you're not even paying to read here. Chill, please.

Oh and @randm this was answering the other comments, not yours. Yours is fine.

Let me hate read in peace. Thx

You can deliberately make yourself angry all you want, but it would be nice if you didn't make your anger into everyone else's problem, too.

joined Feb 27, 2023

You people do realize this doesn't have to be written specifically to match your tastes, right? Not everyone likes the same types of stories as you. What you consider yuri heresy may be someone else's cup of tea.

Besides, you're not even paying to read here. Chill, please.

Oh and @randm this was answering the other comments, not yours. Yours is fine.

Let me hate read in peace. Thx

You can deliberately make yourself angry all you want, but it would be nice if you didn't make your anger into everyone else's problem, too.

So let me get this straight.. you want me to not voice my opinion on.. checks notes a public comment section.. nice try lil bro

joined Apr 16, 2022

Let me hate read in peace. Thx

You can deliberately make yourself angry all you want, but it would be nice if you didn't make your anger into everyone else's problem, too.

So let me get this straight.. you want me to not voice my opinion on.. checks notes a public comment section.. nice try lil bro

Rule 10:

Tags are meant to inform users so that they may interact with works that appeal to them, and avoid those which do not. Avoid making repetitive comments on works with tags you wish to avoid.

This applies to the Het tag as well.

joined Feb 15, 2019

Anyone else getting NTR vibes from this? I can't go through that again.

Depends what you mean by "NTR". If you mean the original meaning, then no. If you mean the somewhat watered down meaning that emerged that basically came down to "cheating on someone when you're at least actually in a relationship with them", then no. If you mean the sense commonly used by readers of shounen fluff of "playing around despite the fact that you ought to be able to see that you're in a manga and that person there, since they're the main character, should be your one and only, even though they've never yet given you any indication of being interested" then it's already happened.

Sorry NTR as in Netsuzou Trap, I should have been more specific.

joined Jul 25, 2022

1st chapter and I already seeing something I don't like. It's not like I hate the dude or sth but the art makes me feel like he's gonna have an asshole-ly personality. And I wonder if the dude will die or sth. Not really the most fun beginning but I'll stay around

joined Sep 10, 2022

1st chapter and I already seeing something I don't like. It's not like I hate the dude or sth but the art makes me feel like he's gonna have an asshole-ly personality. And I wonder if the dude will die or sth. Not really the most fun beginning but I'll stay around

If he's the boy from the title, he won't be an asshole.

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 11:39AM

joined Feb 3, 2021

When you act and speak in exactly the same way, it is the conclusion people make, and have made many times already all around.

Are you serious right neowww? lmao you sound pretty socially-unaware. claiming homophobes act and speak in the same way as queer people who at most talk shit and try to avoid het in the art they consume is very strange behaviour. i dont see queer people actively trying to get het shows off the air, for instance. and that's just a mild example of homophobia lol. go outside, dude.

EDIT: to be clear, i mean mild as in comparatively, unfortunately there are far more dangerous examples of homophobia

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 12:09PM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Het tag now.

joined Apr 16, 2022

So I'm going to do my best to sidestep the continued drama about there being a man in a yuri story and instead discuss the characters.

I think what I like most about this story is how deftly it shows the process whereby the MC falls for Aikawa. It seems that, before Aikawa came, she was the only one who really took music seriously in her club. That's probably why she was so "petty" at first; she took her pride in being the best musician because the band as a whole wasn't skilled enough to motivate her to sacrifice for the greater good. So it's not just that Aikawa is someone who can finally appreciate her efforts, and it's not just that the MC respects Aikawa's talent; Aikawa's talent itself represents a greater whole the MC can finally find her place among, not to mention rekindling her love of music. All these emotions flow together with her romantic crush to make Aikawa's "betrayal" (air quotes) all the harder for the MC to stand. It's great stuff!

joined Jul 21, 2020

The title of this manga is so accurate and precise and truthful and authoritative and perfect.

Only 3 chapters so far and I'm already full with the feeling that the stupid worthless boy who is macking on Aikawa shall DIE.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I think what I like most about this story is how deftly it shows the process whereby the MC falls for Aikawa... So it's not just that Aikawa is someone who can finally appreciate her efforts, and it's not just that the MC respects Aikawa's talent; Aikawa's talent itself represents a greater whole the MC can finally find her place among, not to mention rekindling her love of music. All these emotions flow together with her romantic crush to make Aikawa's "betrayal" (air quotes) all the harder for the MC to stand. It's great stuff!

I agree. It's been well done so far. Hopefully it keeps the consistency, especially when it shifts to all the other band mates' stories n

Only 3 chapters so far and I'm already full with the feeling that the stupid worthless boy who is macking on Aikawa shall DIE.

The title is more like a question (at least it's a question in Japanese). Something like "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" Or " It's ok for boys who get caught in/between Yuri to die!?" Meaning nothing is going to actually happen to him and he hasn't mocked her.

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 5:32PM

joined Aug 24, 2019

Something like "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" Or " It's ok for boys who get caught in/between Yuri to die!?"

Yes to both

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mh, let's have some highschooler mommy kink ...

bluraspberry Uploader
joined Jan 10, 2023

The title of this manga is so accurate and precise and truthful and authoritative and perfect.

Only 3 chapters so far and I'm already full with the feeling that the stupid worthless boy who is macking on Aikawa shall DIE.

Ya it's feeling good. Even if it's just a metaphoric death. Boy is dying

joined Sep 16, 2019

@Porrima, sorry, I don't quite follow your argument. You're complaining about... what exactly?

I think they’re 1) calling the people complaining about het in yuri manga hypocrites by saying they would react differently if someone complained about gay stuff in other media (which is a bit of a clumsy strawman, to be honest, but whatever), and 2) saying that this thing is bi, not het, and saying that the haters are being fanatics/purists.

last edited at Jun 3, 2023 5:26PM

joined Oct 1, 2022

Sorry. Next

joined Sep 1, 2017

I find het in yuri stories frustrating and hard to read. However I think in the end it makes the girls getting together that much sweeter.

Edited because I somehow left out the word together.

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 11:52AM

joined Nov 12, 2020

Sorry. Next

To slam or not to slam you with a door...

Also,it should be obvious,but the story is about her being second fiddle both literally and romantically,she wants to flirt with her too.

She's gotta woman up,grow a pair of ovaries,and express her feelings before she catches her having another make out session.

Which would probably take the course of the entire story regardless of how long it is.

And that means more short sighted people I can hit with a door!

joined Sep 28, 2021

Het? Love Triangle? Heh, the last one of those that started being posted here didn't went as everyone expected and was banned lmao

joined Sep 10, 2022

Het? Love Triangle? Heh, the last one of those that started being posted here didn't went as everyone expected and was banned lmao

What was that?

joined Feb 11, 2018

There are two different girls in cover of next volume, so this story might not be just what lot of people are assuming right now.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I like how the title has boys, shall, and die in it and still think there is no chance of a real gl pair in here. Maybe it won't be the two MCs that have been introduced, but I'm not really feeling chemistry from them atm anyway. I hate love triangles, but I'll give this one a try

Het? Love Triangle? Heh, the last one of those that started being posted here didn't went as everyone expected and was banned lmao

What was that?

don't know but it reminds me of that horrible manga "Happy End." It wasn't banned, but the scanlator removed it (thank god because anyone else who would dare to read it would have major whiplash)

joined May 3, 2014

Sorry. Next

To slam or not to slam you with a door...

Also,it should be obvious,but the story is about her being second fiddle both literally and romantically,she wants to flirt with her too.

She's gotta woman up,grow a pair of ovaries,and express her feelings before she catches her having another make out session.

Which would probably take the course of the entire story regardless of how long it is.

And that means more short sighted people I can hit with a door!

will you have the same werd agressive reaction if some one drop the manga but with solid reasons??? buecause if so……that is just unhealty and werd as hell to bash people if they havw solid reason on way they drop an story, the reason way I read comments is to see people reaction to the story, BUT to also see if the story is going into an direction i might not like so people giving solid reasons way they drop the story is a good thing for making such decision myself

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