Forum › Boys Gilding the Lily Shall Die discussion

joined Apr 16, 2022

People can drop a manga for any reason they want. But if you announce publicly you're dropping a manga with a Het tag for no other reason than it has het in it, I reserve the right to make fun of you for entering an Italian restaurant and complaining about all the pasta and pizza in the menu.

joined May 3, 2014

There are two different girls in cover of next volume, so this story might not be just what lot of people are assuming right now.

yeah to early to say how it will be, i did had the shity luck of reading a good story only for the middel part to ruin everything THEN the author decided to correct cours and end up failing :/ that is the nature of the beast when you read stories

joined May 3, 2014

People can drop a manga for any reason they want. But if you announce publicly you're dropping a manga with a Het tag for no other reason than it has het in it, I reserve the right to make fun of you for entering an Italian restaurant and complaining about all the pasta and pizza in the menu.

just hope for your sakes you don’t live in the extreams, no one has to 100% like het or gtfo when reading an yuri story, its to early to see how the story end because hell the story can fall flat on it’s face in half of an chapter or even ONE paige can change the story for the worst, it’s hard when the manga is ongoing.

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 1:32AM

joined May 20, 2013

I've heard of 'yuri bait' but this thread has me worried that this manga is 'death bait'

"What the fuck, everyone lived! 2/10"

joined Mar 28, 2015

Reminds me of this :

As per today's standards, it MUST have a Het tag because there's a girl expressing interest toward a boy and some people might be offended.

That the end is yuri is irrelevant. There's a BOY!

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 2:01AM

joined Jun 3, 2021

Het? Love Triangle? Heh, the last one of those that started being posted here didn't went as everyone expected and was banned lmao

What was that?

I don't remember the title but it was that one that the tomboy lesbian had a crush on a girl but the girl had a crush on a guy, and then she (TW) assaulted her crush while she was sleeping, and then it turned out the guy had a crush on the lesbian and he started trying to coerce her

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 2:04AM

joined Feb 9, 2015

Even though I go to dynasty-scans for Yuri. But anyway, the story looks interesting. Even there is a man in it I will read it anyway. Hope to see more progress in both characters.

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 2:38AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

There are two different girls in cover of next volume, so this story might not be just what lot of people are assuming right now.

yeah to early to say how it will be, i did had the shity luck of reading a good story only for the middel part to ruin everything THEN the author decided to correct cours and end up failing :/ that is the nature of the beast when you read stories

This story is about the entire band of girls and the one boy who happens to be around. So it'll jump to different people. That's why there's a shift in the next cover to two other people, they're a different couple/different band mates.

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 5:22AM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Het? Love Triangle? Heh, the last one of those that started being posted here didn't went as everyone expected and was banned lmao

What was that?

I don't remember the title but it was that one that the tomboy lesbian had a crush on a girl but the girl had a crush on a guy, and then she (TW) assaulted her crush while she was sleeping, and then it turned out the guy had a crush on the lesbian and he started trying to coerce her

What are you on? "I wish her love could come true" wasn't banned.

Dynasty doesn't ban anything.

And for a Kanalina manga, it's pretty tame (they do much more raunchy out there).

I'm currently working on chapter 5. It's just, since it's 40+ pages chapters, I'm taking my time. Especially since people will get incensed at it anyway...

You better not read it though.

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 5:36AM

joined May 28, 2012

Genius can be weird sometime...

joined Jul 14, 2021

I've heard of 'yuri bait' but this thread has me worried that this manga is 'death bait'

"What the fuck, everyone lived! 2/10"

The English take on the title indeed makes me wish for an angsty yandere development, prison time skip and trying to restore Aikawa's will to play after getting out.

joined Sep 23, 2022

I hope Im not rude but are we only adding het when the guy shows up? Like aikawa is dating and making out with a guy with as of yet no romantic feelings for the main girl and that's as het as it comes. So to only add it when the dude shows up makes no sense to me. Also wouldn't adding it as a whole help filter out the people that don't like het?

last edited at Jun 4, 2023 7:25PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This is apparently so popular on Line Manga. Can't wait to see more of it over time, hopefully with this situation explained more. Looking at the chapter count, its gonna be a burn for sure (at least for the central romance).

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 6:45PM

joined May 10, 2021

So she loves music enough to hate it when people remove the fun out of it, then decides to date a dude nonchalantly (I assume she kinda hates it, that teeth brushing scene was brutal in a way).
And now I have no real idea how the yuri is gonna do its magic, but I'll stay here to witness it for sure!
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Apr 16, 2022

So she loves music enough to hate it when people remove the fun out of it,

I think Aikawa has always been consistent. She loves playing in a band, where her sound can combine with others' to produce music greater than the sun of its parts. My guess is, because of her family, she's pressured to stand out, to be the best, to make music her career, and that's not something she really wants to do, but she doesn't have the courage to resist the pressure. That's why she's impressed by/jealous of Katagiri, who -- at least on the surface -- knows exactly what she wants out of life and is willing to pursue it.

This chapter definitely made me even more interested in Aikawa's character. Looking forward to more!

joined Apr 25, 2020

This manga feels like it has potential but at the same time feels so empty/rushed, with a lot of ideas but none of them actually developed or executed right, I don't know man

joined Nov 12, 2020

Sorry. Next

To slam or not to slam you with a door...

Also,it should be obvious,but the story is about her being second fiddle both literally and romantically,she wants to flirt with her too.

She's gotta woman up,grow a pair of ovaries,and express her feelings before she catches her having another make out session.

Which would probably take the course of the entire story regardless of how long it is.

And that means more short sighted people I can hit with a door!

will you have the same werd agressive reaction if some one drop the manga but with solid reasons??? buecause if so……that is just unhealty and werd as hell to bash people if they havw solid reason on way they drop an story, the reason way I read comments is to see people reaction to the story, BUT to also see if the story is going into an direction i might not like so people giving solid reasons way they drop the story is a good thing for making such decision myself

The fact that anyone at all drops what they started is a cowardly act that needs door bashing.

Hell,the rebellious one is going to see her music to the end of it despite simply going with the flow.

Regardless of the direction the story takes,simply stopping becuase you don't like it is invalid,there are no solid reasons for it,you're refusing to see what the original creators are going for,to see how characters overcome the issues they may face,the big ol' twist that catches all off guard,and so much more.

joined Nov 12, 2020

People can drop a manga for any reason they want. But if you announce publicly you're dropping a manga with a Het tag for no other reason than it has het in it, I reserve the right to make fun of you for entering an Italian restaurant and complaining about all the pasta and pizza in the menu.

just hope for your sakes you don’t live in the extreams, no one has to 100% like het or gtfo when reading an yuri story, its to early to see how the story end because hell the story can fall flat on it’s face in half of an chapter or even ONE paige can change the story for the worst, it’s hard when the manga is ongoing.

That's as bad as judging a book by its' cover.

There are only two options,you either silently leave without causing anyone else to have secondary thoughts without even reading the comic itself,or you stand within door bashing range.

Speaking of complaining about Italian food in an Italian restaurant,there was once a National Geographic series about a cruise liner,they had a pin board in the staff room that contained the most obsurd complaints the ship has ever gotten,the biggest being the time when several Germans complained that there were too many Italians...on an Italian cruise liner staffed by Italians...

joined Jun 10, 2023

Someone explain the timeline to me? It's like half of the story is told in flashbacks and I can't piece them together.

At least I'd like to understand the succesive stages in the relationship between the two female leads, how everything developed and changed, since they first met up to now.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Lets have more bisexual characters, let's gooooo

I'm down for this, enemies to lovers but gay is always my vibe. So far it's running a bit slow, but as long as we get there then all's good with me

joined Mar 28, 2015

The way she brushes her teeth and wipes her mouth after the kiss probably hints that going out with him isn't that thrilling to her.

Her motive is probably to quell her feelings for Katagiri, or as a rebellion against something (her family?).

joined May 3, 2014

Sorry. Next

To slam or not to slam you with a door...

Also,it should be obvious,but the story is about her being second fiddle both literally and romantically,she wants to flirt with her too.

She's gotta woman up,grow a pair of ovaries,and express her feelings before she catches her having another make out session.

Which would probably take the course of the entire story regardless of how long it is.

And that means more short sighted people I can hit with a door!

will you have the same werd agressive reaction if some one drop the manga but with solid reasons??? buecause if so……that is just unhealty and werd as hell to bash people if they havw solid reason on way they drop an story, the reason way I read comments is to see people reaction to the story, BUT to also see if the story is going into an direction i might not like so people giving solid reasons way they drop the story is a good thing for making such decision myself

The fact that anyone at all drops what they started is a cowardly act that needs door bashing.

Hell,the rebellious one is going to see her music to the end of it despite simply going with the flow.

Regardless of the direction the story takes,simply stopping becuase you don't like it is invalid,there are no solid reasons for it,you're refusing to see what the original creators are going for,to see how characters overcome the issues they may face,the big ol' twist that catches all off guard,and so much more.

holy jesus get over your HIGH HORSE you are embarrassing yourself, wtf take is this??? who are you to be an ass to others because they don’t fallow your mentality?? bloody hell wake the hell up this is the most BRAIN ROT of the year

joined Nov 12, 2020

Sorry. Next

To slam or not to slam you with a door...

Also,it should be obvious,but the story is about her being second fiddle both literally and romantically,she wants to flirt with her too.

She's gotta woman up,grow a pair of ovaries,and express her feelings before she catches her having another make out session.

Which would probably take the course of the entire story regardless of how long it is.

And that means more short sighted people I can hit with a door!

will you have the same werd agressive reaction if some one drop the manga but with solid reasons??? buecause if so……that is just unhealty and werd as hell to bash people if they havw solid reason on way they drop an story, the reason way I read comments is to see people reaction to the story, BUT to also see if the story is going into an direction i might not like so people giving solid reasons way they drop the story is a good thing for making such decision myself

The fact that anyone at all drops what they started is a cowardly act that needs door bashing.

Hell,the rebellious one is going to see her music to the end of it despite simply going with the flow.

Regardless of the direction the story takes,simply stopping becuase you don't like it is invalid,there are no solid reasons for it,you're refusing to see what the original creators are going for,to see how characters overcome the issues they may face,the big ol' twist that catches all off guard,and so much more.

holy jesus get over your HIGH HORSE you are embarrassing yourself, wtf take is this??? who are you to be an ass to others because they don’t fallow your mentality?? bloody hell wake the hell up this is the most BRAIN ROT of the year

I can be whoever I want to whoever decides to show contempt despite obviously knowing,as per the tags,what they're getting into.

I don't care what convoluted reasons you have,saying them only makes you stand within door bashing range,and I am not going to give up the opputunity to bash you with a door.

Double door bash time for cowards who don't finish what they start.

joined Apr 19, 2018

This manga feels like it has potential but at the same time feels so empty/rushed, with a lot of ideas but none of them actually developed or executed right, I don't know man

This I felt

Someone explain the timeline to me? It's like half of the story is told in flashbacks and I can't piece them together.

This too

last edited at Jul 20, 2023 6:47AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This manga feels like it has potential but at the same time feels so empty/rushed, with a lot of ideas but none of them actually developed or executed right, I don't know man

Well it's passed 100 chapters and going, so it's developing it's story with some purpose. What ideas feel undeveloped so far? I feel like their dynamic is pretty clear, there's a lot not said but what's not said seems intentional so far.

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