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joined Jun 17, 2020

Can someone explain the ending for me??

joined Feb 9, 2015

That's an impressive ending. The writer truly shows how they became a real family.

joined Sep 29, 2018

Can someone explain the ending for me??

There’s been a biiig 13 year timeskip and Midori’s child, Kon, runs away from home after getting into an argument with Maki. Kon feels out of place in school due to her classmates’ homophobia toward her family. Kon internalizes this homophobia in that she doesn’t want to be ‘weird’ and left out, so her relationship with them (especially Maki) is strained. Maki’s friend, Komari finds her and takes her in for a bit. After sum stuff, she shows her a picture of Maki and Midori on the beach, causing Kon to break down. She’s angry at herself for not defending herself and her parents and admits she doesn’t hate Maki. In the end, she acknowledges her parents’ hardships to be together. When Komari takes that picture of Kon, it’s a final reminder that Kon is truly Midori and Maki’s child (really liked this line so I stole it from @johnb’s post above).

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 3:08AM

joined Apr 22, 2019

I really fucking love this series vjdngnskgjsjcn
joined Aug 15, 2020


Bruhh seeing Komari all grown up and confident, still havin her passion for photography; beautiful. Not to mention we get to see the kid and glimpses of the past, tying them all together. Thank you for all your work on this series.

Wish we coulda seen Maki and Midori one last time tho.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Pretty good chapter to wrap it all up.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Holyshit I do hope this would be on sale online somewhere translated. Ltd buy it in a heartbeat

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

It’s 5:30 AM, I haven’t slept, and now I’m crying. A productive night.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Credit where credit is due, apparently Tazune turned out to be a decent father and is even "forgiving" enough to both not fuck with the gay duo in revenge AND still stay in contact to have a presence in his daughter's life. (Even if separated and presumably without custody of the child.)

Doesn't undo what a shit he's been, but it's great to see a narrative acknowledge that bad people aren't necessarily 100% bad in everything they do or incapable of positive change. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.

Maybe after 13 years he's actually a decent person, or maybe he's the same old shit just seen through the eyes of his child who wants him to be a good guy, but either way he's not just some cartoon villain swept under the rug.

joined Jan 20, 2014

oh my gosh i loved the ending, made me teary seeing the last bit of it T_T

edit: now time to reread it all in one go :D

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 5:41AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

So that picture was taken at the Angel Road at Shōdoshima. I suspected as much. I might be going there next time i get a chance to visit Japan. And while I'm there, I may as well check out some locations from Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san too

joined Jun 7, 2019

Kon's personality is the same as Maki's hahaha that shows that parents are not the ones you share blood with, parents are the ones who raise you

joined Jul 29, 2017

Credit where credit is due, apparently Tazune turned out to be a decent father and is even "forgiving" enough to both not fuck with the gay duo in revenge AND still stay in contact to have a presence in his daughter's life. (Even if separated and presumably without custody of the child.)

Doesn't undo what a shit he's been, but it's great to see a narrative acknowledge that bad people aren't necessarily 100% bad in everything they do or incapable of positive change. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.

Maybe after 13 years he's actually a decent person, or maybe he's the same old shit just seen through the eyes of his child who wants him to be a good guy, but either way he's not just some cartoon villain swept under the rug.

All true, but let’s not go overboard. It’s great that Kon perceives her father as being nice to her, but the divorced dad who shows off by buying the kid things the mother can’t afford is a classic split-family trope. That’s some distance from being a “decent father” (which * gag * Tazune may be; we just have insufficient evidence for it).

And I agree with everybody else—one of the best timeskip endings I can recall.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Kon's personality is the same as Maki's hahaha that shows that parents are not the ones you share blood with, parents are the ones who raise you

Well, it's fiction. AIUI, scientifically, Big 5 personality traits are half genetic, half random. In general kids don't have the same personalities as their parents or their siblings. Though obviously culture, habits, and attitudes can be shared via upbringing.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Ugh. Timeskip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 10:22AM

joined Dec 9, 2019

I didn't think it'd be a looong timeskip (10+ years!).

To be honest, this isn't how I expected the story to end. BUT all the same, it's a beautiful ending; a unique exposition of how Maki and Midori have been doing raising their daughter, very clever on the author's part I must say.

What hit me is the stark reality that for a "Gay" family trying their best to thrive in a not-so-welcoming society, the kid internalizes this. The scene where Komari shows pictures of Maki and Midori, then Kon crying her heart out cuz deep inside she loves her moms-- frickin kick me in the metaphorical balls. I had to wipe some tears. This is one of the very few Yuri/GL stories I've read that made me tear up.

Despite some oversight and shortcomings, it's still a job done well for me.

joined May 20, 2019

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

How would you have ended it?

joined Nov 24, 2017

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

Lmaaaoo dude calm down the savage hahaha i agree but damn feisty

joined Dec 13, 2019

Well thats a fucking time skip

joined Dec 27, 2014

Damn this was an amazing ride tho, definitely one of my favorite stories on here.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 9:17AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

Lmaaaoo dude calm down the savage hahaha i agree but damn feisty

Agreed, pretty ferocious. But I too have to admit that I have limited patience for drive-by dismissals based on the mere presence of a familiar trope such as a timeskip, or whatever--"Oh, here comes the ex--the series was good but now goes down the drain," etc.

If there's an argument to be made why the use of a trope is bad in a particular case, go ahead and make it, but the charge of "unoriginality" in genre fiction is the specialty of blowhards.

joined Sep 25, 2019

All true, but let’s not go overboard. It’s great that Kon perceives her father as being nice to her, but the divorced dad who shows off by buying the kid things the mother can’t afford is a classic split-family trope. That’s some distance from being a “decent father” (which * gag * Tazune may be; we just have insufficient evidence for it).

And I agree with everybody else—one of the best timeskip endings I can recall.

We don't actually have any basis to doubt his motivations in buying his daughter her backpack, it's something that a divorced parent without custody of their child would jump at the chance to do regardless of whether they have a grudge with the other parent or not. (So pretty much it doesn't speak for his human decency one way or the other.)

What is a good sign however is that Kon has at least a good impression of him. It implies that he does have a presence in her life and that he hasn't done anything overtly awful or attempted to mess with her moms' marriage. (Which is already in itself a good sign considering how angry he was at everything that happened, justified or not.)

It's still nothing concrete and he could absolutely still be a gigantic cuntwaffle who's just good at hiding it, but for what little information we have available I would say it's not unreasonable to speculate that he may in fact have turned out to be a decent father so far.

As someone with a near identical family history as Kon's, I can vouch that the "Tazune" role can absolutely change for the better and become a decent, even good, human being in the end.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 10:12AM

joined Nov 11, 2015

I honestly don't even know what to say legit...

The timeskip at the end was the cherry on the cake for sure, really showed us that, even though they end up together and happy, things just won't be perfect and i'm just so here for it.
The concept of "Happy Endings" we overall learned with Disney is so old but still so present nowadays, making it look like, after the movie ended, their life was happy and they had no problems again. The timeskip just broke that concept in half, but still showed us a happy side at the end and the nostalgia with the picture and holy damn, i loved it!

(I'd love to see adult Maki a Midori also, ngl kek)

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