Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Jun 12, 2015

How would you have ended it?

Dunno. Making an ending for an axed series is hard. But timeskip ending is the laziest one. Anyway, this ending would be better if we could at least get a glimpse of Maki and Midori's life during that 10 years timeskip. Something like a quick composition of panels ala "show don't tell" with them raising this kid. And then what we got in this chapter. It would be more consistent.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

Chill. Japan don't care about mangadex readers.

joined May 28, 2018

Eh, better than I expected after first couple of chapters. I kind of liked that it ended on a time skip. I dunno about character design choices, personally I didn’t like some of it much, but overall art is very pleasant. I especially liked usage of this sparkly effect in frames. Nice composition too. Art is strongest suit of this story and I will be really interested in what artist do in their next work.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 11:01AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

NGL, this comment made me re-read all the posts in the forum from that time Badis acted like a complete incel/femcel (depending which gender they are). However, the number of posts shown under their avatar made me suspicious, and I soon learned that they are just a little bit worse than I thought.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Such a surprise ending, but so well executed!

joined May 11, 2018

Pathetic ending.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

lmao yess I love this. Speak your truth

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 12:02PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

I actually like the way this time skip was handled, and the bold choice to focus on just their child was pretty unique and interesting.

joined Dec 13, 2019

I dont see why people hate this ending so much. For me its a win! They officially got married and raised the baby together <33!!

joined Aug 17, 2019

Simple end yet quite fulfilling.

What's else is there to like.

joined Aug 13, 2020

ok so the pregnant sex was bcos they axed it huh

It didn't seem axed to me at all. It was a complete story about a girl running away with an engaged love-interest and successfully stealing her away from a bad situation. It is not like they could have ran away forever, and I don't think it was ever planned to last forever. I thought it had ended with the previous chapter, so having a decent epilogue chapter is nice.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 1:24PM by

joined Jul 29, 2017

It didn't seem axed to me at all. It was a complete story about a girl running away with an engaged love-interest and successfully stealing her away from a bad situation. It is not like they could have ran away forever, and I don't think it was ever planned to last forever. I thought it had ended with the previous chapter, so having a decent epilogue chapter is nice.

Totally agree--I was surprised to see another chapter. I thought it ended great before, and the final chapter was also excellent--as has been said, it shows that Maki and Midori have a successful but realistically bumpy future life together.

And Kon is a little grumpy cutie.

joined Apr 15, 2011

ok so the pregnant sex was bcos they axed it huh

not really seeing that as the reason. even if the series hadn't been axed, i'd say eventually, there would have been a sex scene. plus i'd argue they'd just had a very tension-filled encounter with Tazune. once that tension was over, Midori felt she could freely to give herself to the person she loves. at least that's my take. would be interesting if this topic came up and was answered by Battan on pixiv or twitter.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 1:42PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

This was at times a hard thing to read, and yet ultimately fulfilling. And that final chapter was truly a thing of beauty.

joined May 20, 2019

How would you have ended it?

Dunno. Making an ending for an axed series is hard. But timeskip ending is the laziest one. Anyway, this ending would be better if we could at least get a glimpse of Maki and Midori's life during that 10 years timeskip. Something like a quick composition of panels ala "show don't tell" with them raising this kid. And then what we got in this chapter. It would be more consistent.

First, the series wasn't axed. I was 4 volumes long, but 16 chapters was all it needed to tell it's story. Not every yuri series needs to be 8+ volumes.

Second, I think it was a bold and original choice to not show our protagonists at all during the timeskip (though we did get to hear Midori's voice). Learning about how their family is still facing challenges from the perspective of their daughter was highly effective, and her attitude in this chapter was very much consistent with the series' themes of running away from your problems before accepting them, realizing you're not alone, and dealing with societal expectations.

Timeskips may be a trope, but trope and cliches can work if executed in an original way. And I think this is one of the best written timeskips in any manga I've seen. Perhaps even better than Bloom Into You's.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Timeskips may be a trope, but trope and cliches can work if executed in an original way. And I think this is one of the best written timeskips in any manga I've seen. Perhaps even better than Bloom Into You's.

I'd agree with that, only in the sense that YagaKimi didn't really have much last-chapter work to do--while readers would have welcomed a view of the two of them together at pretty much any future point, we already knew that Yuu and Touko were going to be fine months, years, or decades out the timeline.

This chapter allowed us to infer a whole lot of Maki and Midori's life together while acquainting us with a character we had only known as Midori's bump previously. We know that M&M are still close friends with Komari, that the two of them still are very different people (uptight Maki and laid-back Midori), that Tazune is in Kon's life, that Komari made her peace with her hometown, etc.

None of that was exactly mission-critical except the fact that they stayed together after the "wedding," but it tied things up nicely while still showing us something new.

joined Dec 29, 2019

An unexpected way to end a series, but I really liked it. It showed us little pieces of info for almost every character and I appreciate that.

joined Nov 8, 2017

And I agree with everybody else—one of the best timeskip endings I can recall.

Better than Kimetsu's, that's for sure.

I liked Kimetsu but the ending was so dumb.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Timeskips may be a trope, but trope and cliches can work if executed in an original way. And I think this is one of the best written timeskips in any manga I've seen. Perhaps even better than Bloom Into You's.

This chapter allowed us to infer a whole lot of Maki and Midori's life together while acquainting us with a character we had only known as Midori's bump previously. We know that M&M are still close friends with Komari, that the two of them still are very different people (uptight Maki and laid-back Midori), that Tazune is in Kon's life, that Komari made her peace with her hometown, etc.

None of that was exactly mission-critical except the fact that they stayed together after the "wedding," but it tied things up nicely while still showing us something new.

Exactly. It didn't spoon-feed us a collage (graphic exposition) on everything that's happened in the years since. Rather, it tapped into the essence of "show, don't tell" by setting the stage and simply implying everything that's out of view. It was an incredibly efficient use of story telling that encompassed far more than would have been laid out by following the main couple without it feeling forced. I would call this the best-quality chapter in the entire series. Rather than feeling rushed (as some are implying that the series was axed), this feels like it's been thought through for months.

joined May 1, 2013

Love it, love it, love it. This is some of the most graceful writing I've seen in a manga in a long time.

I love Komari trying to stave off her impulse to argue and explicitly connect the dots, because her empathy tells her that won't be effective, and because she knows the image in her photo will do the job better than talking could. It doesn't mean anything if the Cool Aunt connects with Kon; she's gotta see her parents get her.

(I also love her saying she's in the second half of her 20s, despite it being made clear she's 30)

Oh, and I love the way the dad's brought up. He's still around, but Kon very quickly points to something he bought her as evidence he cares.... something utilitarian that anyone would need.

It's a real victory for the offbeat art style, too, especially that final page.

joined May 25, 2014

(I also love her saying she's in the second half of her 20s, despite it being made clear she's 30)

Ages 20-29 are the first half of your 20s, 30-39 are the second half. XD

joined Jul 1, 2015

the ending was good and im glad theyre together but i wanted to see them as an old couple :( even just a cameo lol

joined Jul 22, 2017

I think that literally may have been one of the best epilogues I've ever seen or read or heard. A lot of emotional content in just one chapter that shows that the characters' lives are continuing to evolve but that the central conflict is truly resolved.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

This has me curious what Mangedex had to say about this manga, I once made the mistake of reading the comments for FukaBoku on there, so I can imagine it wasn't anything good.

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Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Ugh. Time skip ending. How original. No wonder this manga wasn't popular.

Wasn't popular with who? Incels? Misogynist assholes who lurk on mangadex? People who can't deal with reality? Yeah, I wouldn't want my story to be popular with those people, either.

This has me curious what Mangedex had to say about this manga, I once made the mistake of reading the comments for FukaBoku on there, so I can imagine it wasn't anything good.

Honestly it's not that bad. I think like here, most of the people that were leaving shitty comments have either come around or left entirely.

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