Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined May 8, 2017

I don’t think I’ll ever forget about this manga. I know it’s cliche to say this, but this manga felt more like an experience than just manga. There was something inherently realistic about these two main characters, and I loved how the author captured the complexities of their personalities and their relationship with one another, their insecurities and fears, their love for another and their ability to stand up for themselves and their relationship. I teared up a little reading this last chapter. Unlike other time skips, this time skip actually felt meaningful in the way it reminded us of Maki and Midori’s love; it didn’t show us the main characters in the present, but you can feel their presence in Kon. You can feel the impact that the two main characters have for Kon, to the point where Kon secretly hated herself for not standing up for them. Unlike other time skips, we are reminded of how Maki and Midori ended up finally married as Kon’s running away parallels theirs, and through the act of inheriting this memory of theirs through seeing the photograph of them together, Kon sees that no matter how big the world is, no matter how much society will reject them, their love is so big, so defiant, so durable that it does not matter how society perceives them as long as they have their family.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Well, I'm a little late in commenting, but... tbh Ran said in the credits pretty much everything I could have said myself. I don't have anything to add... except, maybe, that I for one was on the God Please Let Them Be Happy side from chapter 1 -- and I have the posts to prove it!

From the first page to the last one, there was nothing but goodness and awesomeness in this manga. Some final words to summarize my take on the completed story:

joined Jan 13, 2015

Well that was definitely a roller coaster ride of emotions. No wonder this work had 1.2k comments. Lol it was good. If the work had people discussing it this much, whether it be good or bad discussions, that only meant that the work stirred up something inside you, which makes it a win for the author in my book. Too bad that husband person didn't die tho, i know some people will say that's too mean, but he definitely deserved it. I've been bullied a lot when I was in high school, but very recently i started to realize that wanting revenge on them or wanting to see their lives ruined is only making me lose out more on my life that they already have taken. It was super traumatic, but in the end it's all in the past now. Thinking about it and letting it weigh me down is only making them win even more, so I just started thinking that I'm better off moving on with my life and not letting it define me. That husband guy bringing it all the way to his adult life, letting it mold him, and then making it so that he looks down on people, is really pathetic. I'd be much softer if he was just suffering on his own, but the fact that it affects others is what makes it so disgusting. The one girl he broke up with is prolly not the only one that he dumped just cause girls were "easy" (they're not lmao). So thought he really was wasting oxygen just by virtue of existing. Series was pretty good, 8/10 since im not a fan of the art. Not saying it isn't good, just that i prefer other art styles :D

joined Jun 7, 2019

Kon's personality is the same as Maki's hahaha that shows that parents are not the ones you share blood with, parents are the ones who raise you

Well, it's fiction. AIUI, scientifically, Big 5 personality traits are half genetic, half random. In general kids don't have the same personalities as their parents or their siblings. Though obviously culture, habits, and attitudes can be shared via upbringing.

According to a study, adoptive children are more like their adoptive parents, personality and those things are acquired in the environment you are raised and thus you incorporate things from your parents (or anyone who has a close relationship with you)
Things like intelligence are inherited (although education also influences)

joined Jan 18, 2016

‘S good stuff. Nice art, nice story. I can whine about the time skip but I felt like it was alright. Glad that Midori left that excuse of a guy.

joined Sep 22, 2015

I thought I would never see the day when I would love the ending more than the journey or the main characters themselves. I'm not even sure if that makes sense; it even sounds strange to me.

This is a testament on how this ending was so unconventional and ingenious at the same time in the yuri genre. Bravo!

joined Nov 27, 2017

Stuck the landing. Adding it to my list I pull out whenever someone comes to me for a recommendation.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Series was pretty good, 8/10 since im not a fan of the art. Not saying it isn't good, just that i prefer other art styles :D

I'd put my rating right about there, too, for much the same reason. Overall the series was very good, and sometimes, especially in the fluffier moments, the art style fit quite well. But the flowing insect-antennae eyebrows were always a little distracting, and I thought the art tended to clash a bit during the more angsty and dramatic scenes, and those kinds of scenes were pretty important to the story.

But that's not really a major complaint. This was a very satisfying series, more solid and thoughtful than I thought it was going to be at first.

last edited at Dec 9, 2020 8:59PM

joined Apr 17, 2017

It was top-tier for me, probably because I thought the art style was really engrossing on its own, and the story was very well-developed. This is a series I'd really like to see published in English. What company would do that? Seven Seas? Viz? Yen Press? I think Viz is kind of ideal in terms of quality––they sometimes take shorter stories and publish them as single, high-quality volumes, like they did for Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams just recently. Though Seven Seas did a nice single-volume collection of Fragtime, too. I'd like to send a request to one of the companies, but I don't know which one would be most interested in licensing a title like this one.

Capitan Shipper
joined Nov 23, 2018

I m only One Who like the design of the manga lol?

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

This made me tear up, I'm glad they got their happy ending, it wasn't looking very well in the first few chapters and in the later ones it would've hurt so much if they didn't get together in the end

joined Jun 6, 2013

I don't know why it's so hard for me to accept that Midori turned out bisexual in the end when in high school she said we gotta grow up someday and can't be together anymore. Just makes me feel like she never was into Maki ever. So I read the whole manga feeling that way. Like fuck off straighty... Then again, I didn't understand my sexuality for a while, and have been in a relationship with men cuz it's better than being alone... I also kind of hate myself for that though and am taking it out on Midori.

Like Maki though I'm still in love with my best friend from middle school. Fucking 30 and can't or don't want to get over it. Jeez... If only such things actually happened.

joined May 25, 2019

It was good.

joined Nov 21, 2020

LOL the credits

joined Nov 21, 2020

This was such a good read!!!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

The art is still frikkin' wild, but the story and pretty much everything else in here is top-notch too. I'm so happy I was recommended this. Really impressed with Battan's ability to weave in and out of different perspectives and story beats without it ever interrupting the general flow of the manga. By the end, it felt like almost everyone directly touched by this romance had been given an opportunity to shine. Major bonus points for including multiple coming out scenes! The series really does the Adult Life tag justice.

Meanwhile I feel so blessed?? Not only is everything about the JP production top-notch, but then we get such a strong cast of scanlators working the whole way through as well? I'm eternally impressed by the dedication and skill Ranka and Martin bring to every release they touch. Thanks so much to both of them for all their work! Really glad I read this, made my 2020 a better year.

last edited at Dec 28, 2020 9:46PM

joined Feb 12, 2021

That was amazing. I cried three times reading their story. And the art was beautiful.

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

I finally managed to remember the name of this manga that I loved after being reminded of it by a recent one shot, so I felt like bumping it's thread.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I m only One Who like the design of the manga lol?

Nope, I loooooove the design of this manga. Everything about it. Like the way they draw the eyes, the lips, the noses, the proportions, the ways the paneling is set up, and the sparkles that shine during the ethereal dream like sequences, the way they smile at each other, the way the hair moves, the clothing, everything about this manga is totally magical

joined Mar 26, 2021

Realllly liked this ending. Would have loved to see a shot of our mcs, but just the way it was told was superb. Gives enough info to know that everything worked out. Love the way the trip got referenced. The arts sooo fucking good too ( tho It does suffer a bit from same-face syndrome).

joined Sep 26, 2020

This is FINALLY out in print in Japanese, or at least the first half or so is:

Haven't gotten it yet to find out if there's any new content in the print edition. But I will! Still one of my favorite manga in, like, ever.

joined May 2, 2019

I found out about this today and decided to read it in one sitting since it was pretty short.
It's been a year since the last chapter was posted (a year and a week to be precise) and the comment section has been, understandably, quiet.
I come here today, one year from the "future" just to say "thank you" to everyone involved in this comment section. The manga was pretty nice but the real gem in the rough were the comments. I read all of them and it's been glorious.
I don't think I've ever seen so many bad takes one after another in a single comment section, let alone a single reply chain between two people. You turned my night of binge reading into a truly majestic experience.

last edited at Aug 25, 2021 4:42AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I found out about this today and decided to read it in one sitting since it was pretty short.
It's been a year since the last chapter was posted (a year and a week to be precise) and the comment section has been, understandably, quiet.
I come here today, one year from the "future" just to say "thank you" to everyone involved in this comment section. The manga was pretty nice but the real gem in the rough were the comments. I read all of them and it's been glorious.
I don't think I've ever seen so many bad takes one after another in a single comment section, let alone a single reply chain between two people. You turned my night of binge reading into a truly majestic experience.

Thanks for pointing out that if everyone had read this in one go instead of serially, their takes would have been different, or at least better informed.

You know--by definition.

joined Jul 23, 2020

I don’t think I’ll ever forget about this manga. I know it’s cliche to say this, but this manga felt more like an experience than just manga. There was something inherently realistic about these two main characters, and I loved how the author captured the complexities of their personalities and their relationship with one another, their insecurities and fears, their love for another and their ability to stand up for themselves and their relationship. I teared up a little reading this last chapter. Unlike other time skips, this time skip actually felt meaningful in the way it reminded us of Maki and Midori’s love; it didn’t show us the main characters in the present, but you can feel their presence in Kon. You can feel the impact that the two main characters have for Kon, to the point where Kon secretly hated herself for not standing up for them. Unlike other time skips, we are reminded of how Maki and Midori ended up finally married as Kon’s running away parallels theirs, and through the act of inheriting this memory of theirs through seeing the photograph of them together, Kon sees that no matter how big the world is, no matter how much society will reject them, their love is so big, so defiant, so durable that it does not matter how society perceives them as long as they have their family.


this series cured my cold :')

joined Aug 27, 2021

Ok... I'm just at chapter 7 seven right now. I'm not trying to sound rude but... The blonde hair girl is naive and a bit dumb, I also wonder if she did got a nice guy to begin with will she ever look back and go back to the mc? Like this kinda of people just regret things if this aren't what they expected.

last edited at Oct 21, 2021 11:39AM

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