Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Mar 16, 2018

Fuck man this chapter made me legitimately tear up from happiness

It's been a while since a work made me do that

joined Dec 9, 2019

This could well be the last chapter. Reading it felt like it's already a satisfying resolution.

joined May 31, 2019

( ಠ_ಠ)
have they paid that photographer?

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 6:08AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

( ಠ_ಠ)
have they paid that photographer?

No. Next chapter is him seeking revenge on them (steals their baby) for not paying... and then its finished

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 6:16AM

joined May 31, 2019


Service and dashing is it?
To the gulag.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

Cause there is only one chapter left

joined Nov 24, 2017

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

There is only one chapter remaining.

There is an entire chapter remaining. Hence my question.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

There is only one chapter remaining.

There is an entire chapter remaining. Hence my question.

Well, because we are essentially at the end.

The romantic tension is dissolved. The evil is defeated. With one chapter left, we are in the endgame now. There isn't going to be any big sudden crisis to derail them or anything.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm thinking we're gonna get a time skip, maybe see the Midori and Momo living happily together as a family.

BTW, I just LOVE the almost slap scene. She wasn't just telling her off, she was also warning her about him.

joined Nov 24, 2017

In a manga with fewer chapters, I would definitely agree that nothing much more can happen, but I'd like to reserve my final verdict until the final six and a quarter percent of the story is over. So many questions left unanswered, and I hope most of them will be addressed. Maybe Tazune will realize how damaged he is and seek help. It'd be great if he could have a role in the life of his child instead of having a restraining order against him if he refuses to take responsibility for his actions.

joined May 13, 2020

I'd rather see Komari than more Tazune.

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

Regarding it wrapping up too neatly, and the happy ending falling outside of the range of tone the story offered up until now:

i REALLY loved this summary. genuinely cut to the heart of the story so well and nailed the themes.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Ahhh gooood. I was laughing when the two of them wear the dress right from the store.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Translators are right about the Doumyou scene.


This manga, to the very end, kept thwarting the hopes of all those readers who, judging by previous comments, wanted the conflicts in the story to be solved through savage violence.

They never got the violent, American-movie-style resolution they wanted. Instead, the characters showed us what's the Japanese way of doing it.

joined Jun 12, 2019

This is not the end just yet right? Anyways this chapter was so cute and so good I like seeing them happy.. also she should’ve slap tf out of her like fr

joined Jan 14, 2020

Ah, the juxtaposition of the last two comments...

joined Feb 9, 2019

i am living for this comic.

joined Aug 4, 2018

In my eyes, this is a masterpiece.

Yes, indeedy. Instant classic. This manga goes right into the list of the bestest yuri stories ever -- and very close to the top, too.
I almost wish I hadn't read it chapter by chapter, as the scanlators released them... I mean, the impact would have been so much powerful if I had read the whole story in one sitting...

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Ah, the juxtaposition of the last two comments...


joined Nov 24, 2017

also she should’ve slap tf out of her like fr

How have you missed the entire point of the scene in such spectacular fashion?

joined Dec 27, 2014

Translators are right about the Doumyou scene.

Agreed. Also damn did i like this series. Will definitely revisit it multiple times in the future

joined Jul 29, 2017

Translators are right about the Doumyou scene.

Agreed. Also damn did i like this series. Will definitely revisit it multiple times in the future

I was initially of the “burn Doumyou with fire (along with Tazune)” faction, but I was very wrong about where this was going with her character. This whole thing ended up being much more sophisticated and nuanced than I expected it to be.

(The moth-antennae eyebrows still weird me out some, but I’ve made my peace with it.)

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 7:05PM

joined Nov 27, 2017

This is not the end just yet right? Anyways this chapter was so cute and so good I like seeing them happy.. also she should’ve slap tf out of her like fr

One more chapter. I'm excited. This series was great.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Is in vitro fertilization a thing in Japan for same sex couples?

joined Jan 14, 2020

Is in vitro fertilization a thing in Japan for same sex couples?

Apparently not:

Lesbian couples and single women are unable to access IVF and artificial insemination.[26]

“Traditional families” are codified in Japanese culture. Not only are same-sex marriages unrecognized by the government, but policies forbid Japan-based fertility doctors like myself from working with anyone but a straight couple, leaving same-sex couples (and straight or LGBT singles) unable to seek family-building assistance in the country.

Women could still try male friend + turkey baster/syringe on their own, I guess.

joined Nov 24, 2017

What's even worse about Japan's policy is that same-sex couples aren't even allowed to adopt children there.

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