Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Dec 11, 2017

Claiming that you know those people and that they are cheating on someone else and that you took the pic because of this reason (to use it as evidence when/if you rat on them) actually makes it even worse.

I...don't see how?

Nobody likes a snitch.
(Broad generalization, I know; but traditionally it's been always like that. Ymmv.)

But the argument being made was that snitching because a friend is being hurt by the behavior you're snitching on is worse than snitching for literally no reason.

I can't see any rational, ethical justification for that.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Something I don't get: they're acting like it's the first time they make love, and Maki even says it's the first time someone who's not family sees her naked -- implying she's a virgin or something.

But I'm sure Maki, in chapter 1, seemed way more competent when it came to these matters. She met Midori again, and Midori kissed her on the mouth as a goodbye... and so, for their next date, Maki had her nails cut short -- which I read as a hint that she was expecting some good old second date sex.

Yeah, but in chapter 1 she didn't know about the fiancee yet. She didn't get the wedding invitation until that "second date". Going into that, she was hoping to rekindle the relationship and turn it into something serious. Doesn't mean she's had sex before, it just means she's aware of how it works and was hoping for it. Their relationship when they were kids was pretty innocent, and she never got over her heartbreak. She's also deep in the closet and is strictly platonic friends with the only other lesbian we've seen her interact with. I'm pretty sure she never had another girlfriend after Midori. There's definitely not anything that implies she had a sexual relationship with anybody.

And, in chapter 3, didn't they have sex that night? I mean, when they slept together at Maki's place? Or did I completely misunderstand everything about that scene???

She was saying it was the first time anyone has seen her that naked, as in completely naked in both the most emotionally and physically sense of vulnerability.

Well, also, I'm fairly sure they did -not- have sex in chapter 3. They kissed, but that's it. I don't even think they had sex during their trip. Midori didn't really commit to the relationship until the previous chapter and Maki isn't the sort that would put herself out there if she thought she was gonna get hurt.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Translators are right about the Doumyou scene.

joined May 8, 2017

This chapter was so good.

joined Apr 22, 2019

God this is the cutest stuff man im
My leopard gecko crawling on my phone rn is happy for them too

joined Oct 30, 2018

Always so satisfying seeing a couple go through the shit hole and come out still together. I'm just so glad they're finally getting over things, ya know? Though parenthood is gonna be a bitch. Ten bucks someone's gonna give the kid shit for having two moms

Probably won't happen in the next chapter, which I think is gonna be a light timeskip to when the baby is born (Midori had better not ****ing die during childbirth-), but given the nature of things it's probably gonna happen somewhere down the line

joined Mar 10, 2018

A sweet scene after bitter angst. Tastes great.

joined Jun 17, 2018

I can't hold back my tears ;; So happy for the two.

joined Dec 11, 2017
joined Sep 1, 2017

That was a surprisingly sappy wrap up, for such a grity drama / romance.... Almost too sappy. It was just a bit too convenient how Midori and Maki each had a chance to demonstrate that they have overcome the character flaws that have been plaguing them all series, with just a page or two of exposition.

joined Sep 13, 2018

God I fucking teared up during this chapter. The shit about Maki going with the flow in a lot of her life hit like home and then the shit her mom says on page 12 just made me so happy. I don't want to see this series go, but I'm glad it happened ;w;

God this is the cutest stuff man im
My leopard gecko crawling on my phone rn is happy for them too

Your leopard gecko has very good taste in yuri and you should reward them for it.

joined Feb 21, 2019

Several people on Mangadex somehow think that punching your fiance in the face doesn't make you a piece of shit.

They obviously have a personal stake in defining down “piece of shit.”

(We don’t even need to go to “punching your pregnant fiancé in the face.”)

I mean, I guess in certain situations, their logic of "you aren't a piece of shit if you're punching a piece of shit" does hold (like, only fascists would call people who punch fascists "pieces of shit", after all), but, in most situations, punching a piece of shit in the face just makes you, at the very least for a few short moments, a piece of shit, too.

Punching your pregnant wife is so different than punching a nazi it shouldn’t even have to be stated

joined Feb 21, 2019

That was a surprisingly sappy wrap up, for such a grity drama / romance.... Almost too sappy. It was just a bit too convenient how Midori and Maki each had a chance to demonstrate that they have overcome the character flaws that have been plaguing them all series, with just a page or two of exposition.

Every other character shitting on them and saying they won't work out, so sappy and kawaii

joined Mar 3, 2019

It's different from the conventional "happy ending". I like it.

I guess that's how good relationships start to last; world throws some shit at you and people shit on you but you guys are still together making things work.

joined Sep 8, 2019

Run away with me, girl...

No it's like

Run away with me, "feel"

joined Nov 24, 2017

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

There is only one chapter remaining.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Why are people acting like this is the end of the story?

TBF, this story could end on this chapter and it wouldn't be a bad ending. plus it just kinda feels like an ending. makes you wonder if the last chapter will be a time skip than a chapter that wraps up all the loose ends.

joined Sep 11, 2014

That was nice! I was worried we'd have to deal with homophobic parent trope after the previous chapter but the mom was surprisingly accepting. I'd like the store girl who had a crush on the dude to reject him/tell him off after finding out he was abusive and then the story could wrap up nicely

joined Sep 1, 2017

That was a surprisingly sappy wrap up, for such a grity drama / romance.... Almost too sappy. It was just a bit too convenient how Midori and Maki each had a chance to demonstrate that they have overcome the character flaws that have been plaguing them all series, with just a page or two of exposition.

Every other character shitting on them and saying they won't work out, so sappy and kawaii

What our you talking about? Whem Maki stood up to her mom. proving Maki had developed a will of her own. Her mother accepted Midori into the family. And when Midori stood up to that bitch, proving she wasn't drifting from person to person out of fear of being alone anymore the bitch sent them flowers, as "congratulations for the happy couple".
Happy ending. I suspect there will be an epilogue chapter, or an extra or two, but the main plot seems to have been pretty much all wrapped up with a cute little bow.

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 2:10AM

joined Dec 29, 2019

In my eyes, this is a masterpiece. I really hope that an official release in English or Spanish will be announced in the future, or both, I would buy both. These last chapters have been fantastic. And the scene with Midori's co-worker, I didn't imagine that she would solve it like that, but now I cannot think of anything more appropriate. Can't wait for the last chapter.

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 2:39AM

joined Apr 17, 2017

Regarding it wrapping up too neatly, and the happy ending falling outside of the range of tone the story offered up until now:

the confrontations in this chapter make sense to me because the undercurrent of the whole story is basically challenging you to trust what the main characters are saying they'll do. You're always thinking Midori will run back to Tazune and leave Maki with nothing but bitter memories. The narrative is always hinting that Maki won't be able to stand up for herself, that she'll just take it. In the flashbacks we're constantly treated to this sort of "primal scene" of the story, wherein the promises the two girls have made to one another are all piece-by-piece reneged upon by both of them. And in this chapter, you get the sense of how other people in their lives constantly think of each of them as flighty and insubstantial. Maki's mother isn't angry at Midori; she thinks her daughter won't be up being Midori's wife. The other shopgirl, the sort-of romantic rival, thinks of Midori as callously throwing away the chance she would have liked for herself. In this way, the dramatic tension of the story, which has flirted with more grounded issues of "can they tell each other how they feel?" and "is he going to hit her again?" has actually been, from the jump, about how serious the girls really are about their convictions. So I think the point of this chapter is to have the characters who have floated around the margins of the story, watching Maki and Midori from afar, serve as the audience surrogates, and answer the question that could have been on all our minds in nearly any given chapter of the story up to this point: aren't they really just running away again? And I think the author is particularly generous to us at the end of the chapter (thank goodness, because I was suffocating through every chapter of them enjoying an idyllic vacation together, convinced this was going to end in some kind of sorrow), because what we get is confirmation from Maki and then from Midori that no, in fact, this isn't them running away, but rather facing their problems head-on. It's an about-face that has been building––and I think, in micro-sized ways, developing––since the first chapter. Part of my like for this ending certainly stems from the release of so much angst over the story up until now (it really felt like it could have been a story like "The Postman Always Rings Twice" until about midway through), but I think the drama has also, in a stealthy way, remained true to itself––it's just that the story's actual shape wasn't wholly visible until nearly the end. The dramatic stakes were always the girls facing off against their own timidity and insincerity, and by sticking together, they win (at least, I hope they win; I have a feeling the last chapter will tie things up with Komari and with Midori's baby)! And I feel pretty good about it.

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 2:43AM

joined Feb 23, 2016


joined Dec 13, 2015

I cried so hard...

This chapter was WHOLESOME

joined Oct 22, 2018

God this is the cutest stuff man im
My leopard gecko crawling on my phone rn is happy for them too

Ah, I see they're a gecko of culture.

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