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joined Jul 31, 2019

stay calna

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 4:23AM

joined Jul 15, 2016

I love how her shoulder angel and devil were both on the exact same page, the angel just wanted her to give a heads up before taking a peak.

So they are basically not an angel and a devil, but more like Paragon and Renegade...

joined Dec 3, 2010

This chapter is actually more interesting and sweeter than I thought it is o_o...

joined Mar 4, 2017

I am loving this!

joined May 15, 2021

By the Force that scene was absolutely beautiful. Manatsu’s honesty a real one.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Inside of you are two Manatsus

One of them is gay and down bad. The other one is also gay and down bad.

joined Dec 28, 2017

Cute... And really lovely art

joined Mar 22, 2013

I didn't expect this comic to be so sweet. It's adorable!!

joined Jun 21, 2021

i love her dum lil face. Not a single thought behind it

joined Oct 20, 2017

It's not like limited POV is that rare in yuri manga, but keeping the thoughts of a quiet and aloof girl like Sumie obscured creates an uneasy mood. The reader sees tiny glimpses of her memories but those too are presented without any commentary from her. (And I think this is cool, to be clear.)

joined Aug 29, 2019

Man, this one is coming along incredibly well. Love it!

joined Apr 10, 2023

Idk if that’s a crush, or a sister or an ex girlfriend. But I kinda get the feeling that this girl ain’t a virgin which is why she’s doing this 7 day dating thing like impulsively. Trying to be an adult but having flashbacks to someone saying otherwise ….

We know exactly who that character is, it's her tutor from when she was in middle school, she's in one flashback panel in chapter 1. Most likely Sumie just had a crush and got rejected, she's smart and has a lowkey personality so people assume she's more mature and capable than she really is, like with the teacher assigning her to take care of Manatsu. There's absolutely nothing to imply the thunder thing is being contrasted with her sexuality instead of just the different maturity of her personality. Why the hell would you jump so far past what's available to predict something darker like that?? And she's not acting precocious or anything, she's seventeen! That's a perfectly fine age to get a fake girlfriend, that's no need to guess some dark reason for it.

PS anyone jumping straight to "grooming" with what little of Sumie we know (she's smart, gay, liked her tutor when she was in middle school, and will presumably have sex soon with her same age girlfriend) might just be a homophobe.

last edited at Dec 9, 2024 9:24AM

joined Feb 28, 2013

I am really liking this, Manatsu is such an adorable idiot. I know Sumie is the end game for her in this, but if the author doesn't end with them together, she's the type of girl that would easily pull other girls. She has that kind of dumbass rizz.

joined Jan 14, 2020

It's not like limited POV is that rare in yuri manga, but keeping the thoughts of a quiet and aloof girl like Sumie obscured creates an uneasy mood. The reader sees tiny glimpses of her memories but those too are presented without any commentary from her. (And I think this is cool, to be clear.)

hey I haven't talked about Blue Star recently

But seriously, that is a similarity. The Blue Star "camera" mostly follows Umi, though sometimes Shou and occasionally others, but the Blue Star "thought stream" is only Umi. Which can create an uneasy mood, because just like Umi, we don't know (not directly) why Shou (or anyone else, but Shou's the main one and quiet and aloof) is doing something.

joined Oct 6, 2014

Man this is great. The facial expressions are wacky and interesting, you don't often see that in characters. Makes me think of a more tame version of futari monologue.

It's also pretty nice to see her really get into the relationship. Looking forward to see how it progresses.

joined Sep 21, 2019

It's always the traumatic private tutors, isn't it

joined Mar 4, 2018

i love her dum lil face. Not a single thought behind it

Agreed. What I would do for one more go at young, innocent love. So intoxicating.

joined May 3, 2020

this has definitely been my favourite manga this year. I keep rereading it, not just because of Manatsu's ridiculously expressive emotionw, but also, because of Sumie's slow and subtle ones.

By the end of chapter three, we are basically certain that Manatsu has fallen for Sumie. (Whether it's love or lust is debatable). at the start of Chapter 4, she reaffirms that it's okay if it's temporary

by the end of chapter 4, it looks like Sumie is falling for Manatsu, too. just look at that subtle smile:
And, i mean, who wouldn't. Despite how different the two are, Manatsu treats her as a peer, and is ready to protect her when Sumie needs it. And she would never belittle her.

Makes me wonder if either of them will dare to step thru the pile of complications they are building over their seven days if dating, confess their feelings on day eight?

joined Oct 20, 2017

It's not like limited POV is that rare in yuri manga, but keeping the thoughts of a quiet and aloof girl like Sumie obscured creates an uneasy mood. The reader sees tiny glimpses of her memories but those too are presented without any commentary from her. (And I think this is cool, to be clear.)

hey I haven't talked about Blue Star recently

But seriously, that is a similarity. The Blue Star "camera" mostly follows Umi, though sometimes Shou and occasionally others, but the Blue Star "thought stream" is only Umi. Which can create an uneasy mood, because just like Umi, we don't know (not directly) why Shou (or anyone else, but Shou's the main one and quiet and aloof) is doing something.

Oh, nice. I never noticed that Shou didn't get to narrate, perhaps because her behavior is a lot easier to read; clearly troubled and isolated.

this has definitely been my favourite manga this year. I keep rereading it, not just because of Manatsu's ridiculously expressive emotionw, but also, because of Sumie's slow and subtle ones.

By the end of chapter three, we are basically certain that Manatsu has fallen for Sumie. (Whether it's love or lust is debatable). at the start of Chapter 4, she reaffirms that it's okay if it's temporary

by the end of chapter 4, it looks like Sumie is falling for Manatsu, too. just look at that subtle smile:

And, i mean, who wouldn't. Despite how different the two are, Manatsu treats her as a peer, and is ready to protect her when Sumie needs it. And she would never belittle her.

Makes me wonder if either of them will dare to step thru the pile of complications they are building over their seven days if dating, confess their feelings on day eight?

Sumie may be catching feelings, but I'm not totally sure if that's a smile on the last page. To me her lips look more compressed, which in this context suggests she wants to say something but pushes it down. I'd also assume the thought of falling for Manatsu would make her anxious, since her reasoning for the time limit was to "end it before things get complicated".

As for what happens at the end of the seven-day period, if Manatsu does not manage to catch on to Sumie's unresolved anxieties, she will probably end up spilling the beans. This may even be prompted in a situation where they're about to sleep together (provided that the flash-forward on the first pages of chapter one is not a red herring), and Manatsu wants to confirm that Sumie feels the same way before they take that step.

In any case though, I have a feeling that Sumie will not go for it, at least not quite yet. The narration being so consistently limited to Manatsu (combined with the little flashbacks from the enigmatic Sumie) is building a kind of tension that is just begging for a switch to Sumie's perspective after the story reaches a turning point.

last edited at Dec 13, 2024 12:28PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Sumie may be catching feelings, but I'm not totally sure if that's a smile on the last page. To me her lips look more compressed, which in this context suggests she wants to say something but pushes it down. I'd also assume the thought of falling for Manatsu would make her anxious, since her reasoning for the time limit was to "end it before things get complicated".

It does very much look like "oh no, I love her"

joined Dec 28, 2017

Ahhh love this manga. It won't get cancelled right?

joined May 3, 2020

given the premise, we're probably only gonna get 8 chapters, so it's very unlikely to be cancelled.

if it turns out very popular, it might be renewed for another season

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well if it's only for 7 days there's obviously no time to waste :P

Also gosh the expressions are always so silly and cute in this, I really hope they continue everything after their initial plan as well. They're adorable together.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

What makes this great is that neither of them are scheming. In the LNs, it's classic that one of them is more experienced or more sure of themselves so they put the other through the wringer until they admit they are attracted, or even attraction is partly manufactured. Neither the gyaru nor the yūtōsei are doing that, they're both just getting swept away. Which makes it romantic.

Also, she's gone the opposite way from Naoko Kodama - who started with things like Renai Manga - the fluffiest yuri manga in history - got more angsty with Cocytus - got more angsty yet and more gritty about characters in NTR, etc.

This mangaka started out with a lot of red-flag romances and then arrived at this fluffy series that is nonetheless interesting.

Ugh, I'm scared my poor little gyaru baby is gonna have her heart broken.

It's the yūtōsei that's wide awake shocked at how much she likes your little gyaru baby! She is just as much at risk.

last edited at Jan 6, 2025 4:15PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ugh, I'm scared my poor little gyaru baby is gonna have her heart broken.

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