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joined Feb 28, 2013

I wonder if we're going to get a harem/poly ending like I Won't Sleep With You For Free.

joined Feb 28, 2013

^that too

joined Feb 28, 2013

yup, she either has a ween, or is using it as a finger condom to prevent causing nicks and scratches from fingernails.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Fun thing I noticed, whenever Yellow (who I can't see if she has a name yet), catches Rei's attention, Rei's eyes have a touch of yellow in them.

Also, when it comes to colorful yuri, as much as I love Green Yuri, my heart will always belong to the Red+Blue=Purple Yuri (Kill Me Now)

last edited at Mar 20, 2025 12:34PM

joined Feb 28, 2013

Kinda amused that I'm (185.4cm) taller than all three.

The wife wants me to cosplay as Ninety-Nine.

I ship my FChief with Nox, because I'm weak.

last edited at Mar 17, 2025 2:19PM

joined Feb 28, 2013

NGL, kinda wanting Sol to be the center of an idol harem.

Out of the two, I'm kinda leaning for Hoyoung so far. I don't dislike Chan, just feel like Hoyoung will be a lot more forthcoming than gestures wildly whatever the hell Chan is doing.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Everyone trying to defend the mom here is honestly...

Okay so, I understand and validate that the mom is mad and frustrated that her daughter and lied and didn't do trust her.
But what reason did the mom give to trust her at all?
She forced her daughter to stay in the closet for years, gave her no support despite expecting her to be top of her class, constantly fought with their partner in a place where their child could hear, and each time that the mother did find out about them dating, their only solice and happiness since the beginning of the story when the parents were yelling and she snuck out in the middle of the night to be together, her mother calls homosexuality a disease and demands they never see each other again or threatens to send her away.
This is classic abusive relationships 101.

I was thinking the same thing when I was reading the comments supporting Luxi's mum. I was like, did we not read the same manhua? She has been probably the worst example of a mom that I've seen for a while in a Yuri manga/wa/ua. I guess I got spoiled but the better/supportive moms.

joined Feb 28, 2013

That awkward moment when you've been hurling yourself at the wall of denseness for months, and suddenly she's your girlfriend.


I had to take a little breather, because I was kinda annoyed with Liaoliao's "well, duh" response to the genuine "What are we now?" question. It's like; girl, you are the last person to treat someone like they're oblivious.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Lovely. Things that look hand-drawn are starting to be rare treats.

Kinda confused by this. Nearly everything is hand-drawn when it comes to manga/manhwa/manhua. Could you mean, more of a traditional style or media, like pen and tone instead of digitally? Even that can be replicated in ClipStudio and Procreate.

Art nerding aside, while I tend to do more polished work, I too prefer the more sketchy and “traditional“ style work.

joined Feb 28, 2013

who here amongst us supposed adults has not uprooted their life (several times) to follow the woman they love to another country throw the first stone

I am in this picture, and I don't like it.

When I saw this chapter on her Insta, my wife and I were geeking out like the weird gremlins we are. NGL, I hope Joe goes to LA with Kanna, Mistuki is in the perfect place to take over the record store.

joined Feb 28, 2013

My wife does that with our plushies. She’s feeling called out right now.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I absolutely love that Jiang Si is a dumbass.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Boooyaaahhh!! More ABO yuri!!!

Wicked Spot discussion 18 Jan 13:20
joined Feb 28, 2013

Aaahhh!! They’re in Salem!!!! This ought to be fun.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Jung Xiu - "Who else would I be bound to, if not her?˘

Me - sobbing mess on the floor

joined Feb 28, 2013

gaaahh, I love this so much. Ming and Lan are so damn cute, and I love how Mother just got roped into a corner by the Emperor, she looked like she ate a whole ass lemon.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Okay, I want a 10 volume series of them growing up, getting married and running a kink-friendly bar with 3 cats and a kid at home.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I feel so bad for these idiots

joined Feb 28, 2013

I am totally stanning Wang Shu rn. Chick is bad ass and knows what she wants.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I am really liking this, Manatsu is such an adorable idiot. I know Sumie is the end game for her in this, but if the author doesn't end with them together, she's the type of girl that would easily pull other girls. She has that kind of dumbass rizz.

joined Feb 28, 2013

YES!! Mitsuki said exactly what I was feeling.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I know omega-verse plays it fast and loose with the rules so it can be hard to know what type they're going for at first. In this case whatever is going on down there it's either magically gone or waaaay different than standard since she is hiding as a "beta" fashion model who does photoshoots including swimwear. The majority of time it seems like she can physically pass without any concerns.

Generally, when it comes to AFAB Alphas, they will generally have a retractable phallus. It's either a clitoris that becomes erect, or is in the urethra area. Tho there are some who do AFAB Alphas as futa or trans women without bottom surgery. There are very few hard and fast rules in ABO/Omegaverse work, outside of the Roles, heat/rut, scenting etc.

Source: currently working on an ABO/Omegaverse webtoon and did way too much research.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I have to say, I appreciate the introspection of "okay, what if I do fall in love with this person, and I go back home... what happens to their feelings and life?"

joined Feb 28, 2013

Going to bed in full makeup is a choice...

I was about to post the exact same thing, my skin is screaming just thinking about that.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Yeeeesss! Thank you for posting this here. I'm caught up via MD, but will definitely reread here for the updated translations. Thanks bunches for that.