Forum › Jewel of You Extra discussion

joined Nov 21, 2018

Extra to Jewel of You, which was posted onto Dynasty in 2019!

joined Jul 31, 2022

Yuri indeed did not win :(

joined Sep 10, 2022

The original story ended with them clearly as friends but I'd hoped she would have come to terms with her unrequited love sooner. Still a marriage is a big deal, representing the "final nail in the coffin," if we want to call it that; so it's understandable that she'd feel this way. At least she found value in this period and as Fuwako said in the original: they'll be together forever, one way or another. Nice little addition to what was always a bittersweet oneshot.

last edited at Jul 14, 2024 9:21PM

joined May 29, 2021

Read the comments first to see which way this would go. Glad I didn’t read it. We should have a “yuri doesn’t win” tag.

joined Sep 15, 2020

I read the prequel, I saw the tags, and yet I still do this to myself! This one surprisingly did not hurt as good as I thought it would :p it just hurts!

joined Oct 14, 2014

sharknado reference overrides the angst imo

joined Dec 9, 2023

Ah okay this makes the ending of jewel of you make more sense
Also were these omakes made at a later time than the initial anthology? The art style has notably changed so that's the conclusion I came to

Thanks for the translations !!

joined Oct 1, 2022

Very masochistic. You had to walk away or get over that. If it were me, I'd walk away and get over that unrequited love. I couldn't bear to stay friends while I still like her.

joined May 3, 2014

oh sorry this is just the type of garbage made to twist the knife in her heart as a leabian you got REALLY low chances of the women you fall in love go turn gay when you know she is straight

oh and also i won’t be reading this one LMAO

last edited at Jul 15, 2024 6:05AM

joined Jan 31, 2015

Still a marriage is a big deal, representing the "final nail in the coffin," if we want to call it that...

A very bent nail, if you ask me. And I could easily see her husband becoming jealous of the ladies' relationship. I love Usui Shio's works, but this seems a messy ending all around.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Still a marriage is a big deal, representing the "final nail in the coffin," if we want to call it that...

A very bent nail, if you ask me. And I could easily see her husband becoming jealous of the ladies' relationship. I love Usui Shio's works, but this seems a messy ending all around.

Maybe messy is the point, relationships do be like that sometimes~

joined Jan 31, 2015

Still a marriage is a big deal, representing the "final nail in the coffin," if we want to call it that...

A very bent nail, if you ask me. And I could easily see her husband becoming jealous of the ladies' relationship. I love Usui Shio's works, but this seems a messy ending all around.

Maybe messy is the point, relationships do be like that sometimes~

Oh, don't get me wrong; that's a big part of what I love about Usui's stuff. I'm just observing that it ends on a very unstable note. It's not a complaint.

People are going to continue the story in their heads, regardless of the author's intent. It remind me a bit of an assignment I had in class once. We had to write a story without a conclusion, but where the story could logically proceed to a good ending, a bad ending, or maintaining the status quo.

joined Sep 10, 2022

A very bent nail, if you ask me. And I could easily see her husband becoming jealous of the ladies' relationship. I love Usui Shio's works, but this seems a messy ending all around.

I don't see it as messy. Their friendship isn't inappropriate, so why would the husband worry? Her friend is straight and has no romantic feelings for the MC. There's no mess there except for our MC who has to move passed her feelings. People do that all the time and remain friends.

They had their inflection point when MC confessed (last chapter). She was rejected but remained friends. They worked through it and moved passed it. Now they are "fine" and MC has already begun to accept their time for what it was, rather than what she wished it were. That's a healthy direction.

last edited at Jul 15, 2024 11:56AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Man, I can't tell if Fuwako is dense as bricks or a total asshole.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Thank you. ;_;

joined Jan 18, 2021

What a horrible ending! Just like all of mine.

joined Oct 17, 2017

Wah... an extra knife turn lol Couldn't she have at least met someone new at the wedding!!

joined Mar 25, 2019

The comments are less of a shitshow than what I would've expected

joined Feb 25, 2023

"That's all it was. But even this love had its value."

That's how it goes sometimes. Don't tell me you guys have never had straight friends you've crushed on :p

I don't enjoy reading about truly one-sided love very much (I got enough of that in high school), but the hurt feels good sometimes. And it's Usui Shio, I've never read anything from her that was bad.

joined Mar 10, 2013

I enjoy it as a story but it makes me angry as a person haha

joined Jun 19, 2020

Read the comments first to see which way this would go. Glad I didn’t read it. We should have a “yuri doesn’t win” tag.


joined Apr 11, 2022

Staying friends after getting rejected is one thing. Now the mariage is coming, and if she would rather be single for life just to stay friends again, then yeah, pure masochistic and this story isn't worth my time.

Also, can't help feeling Fuwako is so selfish here. Instead of ending their "friendship" and set Arisa free, now it's like she is trapping her forever with those lines in the main story. Arisa deserves someone that loves her back, not someone that will keep eating her heart from the inside, unless someday she will just say fk it, cut tie and move on.

last edited at Jul 16, 2024 4:52AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Staying friends after getting rejected is one thing. Now the mariage is coming, and if she would rather be single for life just to stay friends again, then yeah, pure masochistic and this story isn't worth my time.

Also, can't help feeling Fuwako is so selfish here. Instead of ending their "friendship" and set Arisa free, now it's like she is trapping her forever with those lines in the main story. Arisa deserves someone that loves her back, not someone that will keep eating her heart from the inside, unless someday she will just say fk it, cut tie and move on.

I guess everyone is a villain nowadays.

last edited at Jul 16, 2024 6:54AM

joined Mar 31, 2023

Maybe messy is the point, relationships do be like that sometimes~

Came here to say the same thing.

joined Apr 11, 2022

I guess everyone is a villain nowadays.

Don't need to be villain to be selfish lol. And I mean, she could just not realize it herself. Characters want to keep in touch out of good nature, despite hurting the other side even more aren't rare. Guess it's more like she is "unconsciously selfish".

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