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joined Jul 31, 2022

Yuri indeed did not win :(

joined Jul 31, 2022

Fuki, my queen!

joined Jul 31, 2022

Yay! Finally a work that properly portrays them as switches!

Right?! Topina is nice but the switch was incredibly hot. It was a breath of fresh air!

joined Jul 31, 2022

As per usual, here I am getting emotionally attached to characters I have never seen the source material for, simply because my appetite for yuri is insatiable.

Seconded! You really should check it out. It's one of my favorite animes and the leads are too damn cute!

joined Jul 31, 2022

Years later and this is still a top notch story. Hnnnnnnnnnnnng!

joined Jul 31, 2022

YO! AYAME?! She's got some weapons!

joined Jul 31, 2022

The art is fantastic. Also, this was terribly cute. Definitely felt like Takina.

joined Jul 31, 2022

The annnnnnnnngst was really good early on! The "twist" had no impact and was solved too easily. Natsuki sucked and she wasn't believable at all. Disappointing.

last edited at May 11, 2024 7:15PM

joined Jul 31, 2022

Well, this may be subtext for now, but those interlaced fingers and the loving way the heiress girl's curves are depicted say to me it ain't gonna stay that way.

Truth. Hopefully, we can move past the subtext barrier because my little himedanshi heart was burning with this one!

joined Jul 31, 2022

Wakaba not realizing that Komaki is just into her and really jealous/immature sure is a dynamic lol. I'm not sure who's the less mature one between the two of them at this point

Insert el dorado gif haha


Anyway, Komaki is fucking wild. This psuedo dubious-con stuff really isn't my jam but I just can't look away. They are both in love and Komaki is just vindictive and Wakaba is the densest material on earth. Incredible.

joined Jul 31, 2022

Why do so many lesbians go to mixers for straight people? It's almost it's own sub-genre at this point.

They said they were short and just grabbed an underclassman. She probably couldn't refuse or felt obligated to go.

joined Jul 31, 2022

I like this dynamic, but it needs more than just the dynamic

Agreed, though I wonder if there will be a continuation. If there is more, I hope its a more that just teasing.

joined Jul 31, 2022

Pandacorya with another absolute banger!

joined Jul 31, 2022

So basically we'll get a Stockholm syndrome love over a love that feels way more natural. Why is sensei not saying anything at all? Did she just dash for the door while we weren't looking? Imo quality just completely tanked here.

joined Jul 31, 2022

Aww, missing one thing that would have made this an 11/10 manga.

Where's the Kronii x Kronii rizz?

She kisses the picture she drew of herself, which is pretty close imo

Pretty based of her too

That was Moom. I was expecting Kronii x Kronii but this was perfect nontheless

joined Jul 31, 2022

Lol I've NEVER screamed out loud in anger over a manga before today...

joined Jul 31, 2022

Was a delight to read. Completely satisfied! Nice headcanon I am building with the co-worker!

joined Jul 31, 2022

That was nice. I really liked this story.

And screw anyone who was upset they didn't get together. One is an ADUKT and the other is a CHILD.

A child that is undergoing pretty significant psychological distress and in desperate need of an adult in her life that loves and accepts her.

Honestly, to anyone HOPING to see that shit, cry more.

Uh, I am pretty sure it's realistic to want to see them get together or at least struggle with a mutual attraction in a manga with the tags "yuri" and "age gap". IMO the MC sucked but she did help Kazuha when she needed. It was an ok story made worse by it becoming complete yuribait. The tags need to be changed.

yeah i realy start to hate the whole Yuribait crap, how “yuri” for some reason on SOME authors! they think is about any type of relationship between Women/girls! LIKE BROTHER! no one wanna see Friendship when you throw Yuri tags AND age gap! were THAT is used TO MEAN an age gap in an Romantic/Sexual Relationship!

...That's what Yuri means though? Unlike over here, the definition of Yuri is simply much more broad in Japan, including any kind of strong relationship between girls/women, romantic, platonic or otherwise.
You can't fault authors for using a genre tag for their work as intended in the industry/region they operate in (and similarly ppl over here wo apply the same tags to works based on what the author uses, before it's finished). I understand being disappointed and all but honestly, this sounds like a you problem with how you manage your expectations regarding the genre.

Nothing in this manga was super bait-y in regards to a possible romantic relationship between the two leads, imho. There have been far more egregious examples of that in the past.

I mean that's a valid argument. "Intense Friendships" is a subsection in yuri (quite rare on this site). I prefer my yuri to be love. But I guess if I want to bring up tags, I guess there's no romance tag on this series. Hm I need to see how many yuri on here have the romance tag tied to it.

joined Jul 31, 2022

That was nice. I really liked this story.

And screw anyone who was upset they didn't get together. One is an ADUKT and the other is a CHILD.

A child that is undergoing pretty significant psychological distress and in desperate need of an adult in her life that loves and accepts her.

Honestly, to anyone HOPING to see that shit, cry more.

Uh, I am pretty sure it's realistic to want to see them get together or at least struggle with a mutual attraction in a manga with the tags "yuri" and "age gap". IMO the MC sucked but she did help Kazuha when she needed. It was an ok story made worse by it becoming complete yuribait. The tags need to be changed.

joined Jul 31, 2022

I have thoughts! They're all over the place though:

I know this is a bittersweet situation for them all but Koto is really dropping the ball on some things here. I know it's Aya's own insecurities and not wanting to be a burden that's forcing her to get a job. But Koto needs to do a little better herself. How have they not talk about how they refer to each other? I honestly see a split up happening whether temporary or not. This new girl who showed up. I wonder if she's really there just to give Aya a job?

joined Jul 31, 2022

Why do so many manga have the "Let's have some fun and play with..." character that drags everything to hell.

The plot device with no substance. To me, it seems like a character you don't have to think about much as an author. They're just chaos and a way to push the characters along.

joined Jul 31, 2022

Honestly, I hope this girls' night shows her that it's not worth it, and she leaves and starts spending more time with the big sister, she already seems better than the other two, at least until now.

The big sister is the epicenter and engine of all this. Seems like she's the worst one. She showed some of her manipulative behavior a couple chapters ago and she's the one messing with her sister and this short haired girl, both of which seems to be coping with her behavior. Kawako is clearly crushing on our MC and seems the most worried for her but just acts tired and defeated by everything.

Right?! Why would she leave a problematic situation to go into a cataclysmic situation? Kawase seems to be beaten down by her sister. Possibly used to her sister taking everything and becoming the loser.

joined Jul 31, 2022

Some say Milady is still running to this day!

Cute story. Kirika def has warped ideas in her brain but she's 15, she'll learn! I wish this was like a 5 chapter mini series!

joined Jul 31, 2022

I love age gap stories but I think such a huge age gap like this ultimately hurt the story. It was still a pretty good cosplay manga though. Hope to see more from this artist. Maybe one with more spice and

joined Jul 31, 2022

"I'm writing a story about time travel, what should I name the female character from the future? Hmm, "Future" has a nice ring to it" - approximately every mangaka who has ever written about time travel

And Kako means past.

and Nozomi is "Hope".
The hope between past and future. On the nose much? lol