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joined May 29, 2021

These two don’t even know each other. Nekomata actually does have some chemistry with Nichole and Anby. As for Ellen? Maybe Corrin or Rina. Or I guess her school friends. Or even Belle. You can pair any of the girls with Belle though.

joined May 29, 2021

Read the comments first to see which way this would go. Glad I didn’t read it. We should have a “yuri doesn’t win” tag.

joined May 29, 2021

Double date arc start?

joined May 29, 2021

How come no one ever uploads Stellefly content here? There's so much more. I literally see new stuff every day and unlike Robinfly they actual interact.

joined May 29, 2021

This was adorable. Simple sugar with no added complexities. Sometimes you just want a cute by-the-numbers love story.

joined May 29, 2021

Are this and False Marigold running at the same time or is one of them way older and only now getting translated?

False Marigold has reportedly concluded with chapter 15 aka 3 volumes worth, so this is the only series they're working on rn

Huh that’s only five chapters out from where we are. Guess it’ll be a quick wrap up. Hope it’s satisfying. I’ve liked that one.

joined May 29, 2021

Are this and False Marigold running at the same time or is one of them way older and only now getting translated?

joined May 29, 2021

This is either gonna get really wholesome or really kinky...

joined May 29, 2021

Erika when she does something good while harboring a small feeble thread of self interest in her heart: god im such a monster, literally irredeemable

I think there’s a reason for that self loathing still. I’m still suspicious that Erika was somehow responsible for Aya disappearing in the first place. Not in like an active way, but I strongly suspect she made a tanbata wish for Aya to disappear…and it worked. She then, possibly, wished her back when she saw Koto couldn’t move on.

joined May 29, 2021

You just know she had Stelle do this when she was in the Stelleron Hunters the first time.

joined May 29, 2021

Predictable and boring outcome.


Nice to see the anti-poly posters are being as petty and awful as ever. Very funny to accuse people of being porn addicted while commenting on how the plot of the porn manga should go.

Citrus + discussion 19 May 19:53
joined May 29, 2021

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now.

It’s been on the back burner for years.

Citrus + discussion 19 May 17:09
joined May 29, 2021

So are we just dropping the Harumin and Matsuri stuff?

last edited at May 19, 2024 5:09PM

joined May 29, 2021


Why do you say this?

joined May 29, 2021

^^ I can't bare to play the other paths any more lol

I have actually never played the other routes. The second I found out there was an Edelgard path, I beelined for it!

I played all four routes and there was a different lesbian option I did for each one (Dorothea on VW, Mercedes on AM and Rhea on SS). However Edelgard seems to fall for Byleth no matter what route you’re in so CF is always my favorite. It’s a shame the game didn’t give it as much love and it’s a shorter route. Still…Edelgard.

joined May 29, 2021

It's really kinda crap that THE relationship that has been built throughout the whole manga, Satsuki and Akira, just does not get any showing not just at the very end but for the last 5 chapters.

I wasn't expecting a confession but there really should've been some sort of acknowledgement to just how valuable that relationship has been to Satsuki.

Instead we get all the focus put on Komachi for 5 chapters, who's presence has been more of a background thing for much of the manga, and an end entirely focused on her.

It's a real shame.

I agree. Akira was Satsuki's main support system for like...90% of this manga. She got all the screentime and all the hints. Komachi faded into the background after the initial chapters only to act vaguely sinister on occasion until this ending where she hijacks everything and Akira...just kinda sits in the cuck shed getting no lines and being Miho's babysitter. And with the knowledge that the extras are entirely Satsuki and Komachi focused I can't be anything other than salty.

joined May 29, 2021

The extra is mainly about Satsuki and Komachi. It's broken into two parts

Well that's disappointing.

joined May 29, 2021

Yes apparently the latest chapter is the ending. It feels a bit rushed to be honest and Akira got totally shafted (she gets like two lines and doesn't talk to Satsuki AT ALL). I'm hoping the extra chapters give us more but after the ending I'm not expecting a whole lot.

joined May 29, 2021

Well, anyway, my earlier thesis that Kiwi has won the shipping war still stands, and I am very okay with that. :-)

Personally I think the manga has been entirely unambiguous with this. Sayo and Utena just have compatible kinks. There's not much in the way of actual romance between them. Utena and Kiwi, on the other hand, have had several chapters specifically about their feelings. The relationship dynamics in the manga seem extremely obvious to me. Hell, Kiwi has even started playing with Azur/Sayo in her own way to bond with Utena.

joined May 29, 2021

Man I love Penacony so far. It's so much more interesting than the Lao Fu. I'm a fan of the perspective switching, myself. Definitely gives the opportunity to tell some good character stories, which I think they did here. As for Firefly, I expect her personality is more or less genuine. There's just anther layer there. But, uh, I definitely brace for more shippy moments in 2.2 with her and Stelle. Just a feeling.

joined May 29, 2021

Akirabros not like this…

joined May 29, 2021

Well, I'M excited. And I definitely think the two protagonists are probably once again trademark demi/aces, because they're both following manga to try and figure out what's coming a lot more naturally for everyone else.

That was really just Crescent Moon. Trying Out Marriage was just a slow burn because one girl was always in love and the other just took most of the manga to realize she was too. I don’t think they’ll have any problem kissing after the manga ended. In this manga, with two cheek touches in a single chapter I wouldn’t be surprised if this one had more physical contact in general.

joined May 29, 2021

No no no, you can’t have a plot like this without more tags!

joined May 29, 2021

Yup that ending quote cinched it for me Jun is about to be shot down. And she’ll smile and say it’s fine like every single other one of these bait characters that have existed forever. All that threesome baiting was just bait in the end. Disappointing to say the least.

last edited at Mar 8, 2024 6:36PM