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joined Mar 23, 2022

Yesssss bae todah rezcueeeee!!!

last edited at Jun 16, 2024 5:16AM

joined May 9, 2017

Thanks for the translation, always so quick!

I've catched a mistake in the last panel though. What the Japanese means is more along that line "somehow, the gap is huge for both of them". Not "in between them".

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Thanks for the translation, always so quick!

I've catched a mistake in the last panel though. What the Japanese means is more along that line "somehow, the gap is huge for both of them". Not "in between them".

Thanks. You're right, I read a bit too fast.

The meaning is that they both have a huge gap in their personalities.

One is cool when singing and awkward otherwise

The other is aggressive towards the kouhais, but sweet towards Koga.

joined Jul 15, 2016

If Hime is so into gap moe, she better not to fall for both Koga and Aya. Her heart may not be able to handle it.

joined Jul 8, 2019

"They both have a huge gap"
"And she also has a huge cudgel hidden somewhere."
"Yes, let's GTFO before she brings out the violence, murder and more violence tags, shall we?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Oh, no! Fans!

joined Sep 28, 2021

That one panel on pg 2 where hime looks like Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai

joined Dec 13, 2014

Oh snap she's popular now!

joined Feb 1, 2021

These last couple of chapters have been really cute

joined Aug 12, 2019

oooh snap. here comes the one fan gushing over Koga.

joined Jan 15, 2021

Did a binge read from the beginning, it's interesting to see how much the characters have changed without changing at all. I'm really impressed with the character development with so few pages and panels. Kinda makes me want to make all the other manga artists read this and then let them rework their series into something better, (shorter, concise, and focused).

joined Feb 17, 2013

Poor Koga....

joined May 2, 2018

Did a binge read from the beginning, it's interesting to see how much the characters have changed without changing at all. I'm really impressed with the character development with so few pages and panels. Kinda makes me want to make all the other manga artists read this and then let them rework their series into something better, (shorter, concise, and focused).

I’ve seen people say this manga is mostly swag with no story, but you can really see how the characters have been developing over time. It is so much easier to notice if you read the whole thing in one go rather than four pages a week.

joined Jul 25, 2014

That page 2 Koga. She's under heavy stress. :'D
Freckles Kouhai-chan is cute, but it is more prudent to stay away.

joined Jan 15, 2021

Did a binge read from the beginning, it's interesting to see how much the characters have changed without changing at all. I'm really impressed with the character development with so few pages and panels. Kinda makes me want to make all the other manga artists read this and then let them rework their series into something better, (shorter, concise, and focused).

I’ve seen people say this manga is mostly swag with no story, but you can really see how the characters have been developing over time. It is so much easier to notice if you read the whole thing in one go rather than four pages a week.

I'll admit I started reading a while ago if only because of the green accents in an otherwise black and white manga, and got hooked on the story. I like to go back and re-experience the beginning every now and then just to see if I missed something (and I almost always find something I did miss), and usually find a deeper appreciation for the work as a whole afterward. I liked it a lot before, and now it's in my all time Top 10 favorite manga. Period.

last edited at Jun 17, 2024 6:39AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

While I know what the title is referring to ("gap moe") I can't help thinking of it as referencing thigh gaps. In the eyes of these kohai, Aya and Mitsuki look like bowlegged cowboys

joined Jun 17, 2021

Aww, Made for each other.

joined Jan 30, 2017

No rivals allowed.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Love rival incoming perhaps?

Doubt it. If I had to bet, I'd say she's more likely to go from crush to fan to shipper.

joined Jan 29, 2023

somebody's gonna be looking to turn the OTP into an OT3

joined Jul 8, 2019

No rivals allowed.

"No rivals?"

"No rivals... alive"

Damnit, Robert Vaughn, get out of my head!

Love rival incoming perhaps?

Doubt it. If I had to bet, I'd say she's more likely to go from crush to fan to shipper.

She can either forget the crush or be crush... ed.

last edited at Jun 17, 2024 3:14PM

joined Sep 21, 2019

That angry kabedon freaking cracked the door frame

joined Oct 20, 2017

Shout out to yuri girls named Hime

gotta be one of my favorite genders

joined Aug 23, 2018

Did a binge read from the beginning, it's interesting to see how much the characters have changed without changing at all. I'm really impressed with the character development with so few pages and panels. Kinda makes me want to make all the other manga artists read this and then let them rework their series into something better, (shorter, concise, and focused).

I’ve seen people say this manga is mostly swag with no story, but you can really see how the characters have been developing over time. It is so much easier to notice if you read the whole thing in one go rather than four pages a week.

I still feel like this one is just swag without story lol but thats just me. Fun to check out once in a while and read a bunch of updates tho.

joined May 3, 2014

Did a binge read from the beginning, it's interesting to see how much the characters have changed without changing at all. I'm really impressed with the character development with so few pages and panels. Kinda makes me want to make all the other manga artists read this and then let them rework their series into something better, (shorter, concise, and focused).

I’ve seen people say this manga is mostly swag with no story, but you can really see how the characters have been developing over time. It is so much easier to notice if you read the whole thing in one go rather than four pages a week.

I still feel like this one is just swag without story lol but thats just me. Fun to check out once in a while and read a bunch of updates tho.

it’s very slice-of-life story with very short chapters, but even if it was full chapters with the amount of slice of life we get will still be an story with just swag? OFC it has an story! it’s slow burn and unfortunately only a few pages

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