Inee's reaction to the sudden influx of western support is so wholesome.
Many series are not suitable for Japanese tastes, but are quite suitable for foreign tastes. So if there is no group translating early, it will be easy for them to be axed before foreign people know and support them.
Even when the story can appeal to a local audience, it's very easy for the serie to just not meet that audience, with how many mangas are published every month in Japan it's easy for one serie to get drowned in the mass. There might be people who would be interested in it, but just don't know it exist/don't read the specific magazine that publish it.
That goes doubly so for a Manga that doesn't rely on a stock plot like Isekai, since readers can't just say "it's [...] type of story with [...] gimmick, and easily spreads the word of mouth.
Dynasty-scans is a big site that focus on a specific type of content, meaning that basically every hardcore western yuri fan will eventually land there and knows about every new serie, when there are probably Japanese yuri fans who have no idea it does.