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joined Jul 25, 2014

The plush is centurii, the one holding it is Legate (who I think is centurii's sister and parental figure) so she's just being overly proud of centurii.
Dark hair is preatorian who based on previous pics is generally depicted loving or backstabbing Legate, sometimes both at the same time.

joined Jul 25, 2014

She's the woman from
here, I think.

last edited at Jul 15, 2024 11:22PM

joined Jul 25, 2014

^^And there is a chance she told her purposely expecting this outcome.

joined Jul 25, 2014

She created the first Shipper.

joined Jul 25, 2014

It crossed my mind, I wonder how they'd deal with it if Nozomi needs medical attention (as can easily happen with babies).
Since Mirai legally don't exist in the present so it could complicate things if they need a medical professional.
I suppose she might have some future medical material on her, but still.

Apollonia discussion 07 Jul 15:56
joined Jul 25, 2014

Chapter 45: The coyotes put up more of a fight than I expected. Turns out Perry wasn't the only one worth something.
Just being able to take some of Tess' punches, I guess Marcus isn't called "the mountain" for no reason.
Sadly for thems, they have a tendency to make rash (and sometimes unlucky) decisions. Taking in that idiot Cullen, who is clearly more trouble than he is worth, insulting Tess within Perry's earshot, talking smack about Lacey Jones (and cheating in a fight), trying to take over towns by force and using the diplomatic approach once settled in instead of the other way around.
Sam should have planned ahead a bit more.
Really, even without the Apollonia crew showing up, causing so much noise would've probably attracted the attention of Mad Dog sooner or later. And if his nickname is anything to go by, that would have been bad news for them.

(ch46:Well, Alma call them out on this, and it looks like they did attract the attention of Mad Dog.)

PS: Funny enough, despite their nice suits and surface of gentlemanly behavior, dandies (and former dandies) seems to have the worst track record of calling women B*tch or Wh*res. I wonder if this is a general trend with the gang or just a few isolated cases.

last edited at Jul 7, 2024 4:20PM

joined Jul 25, 2014

^^like a lot of things with mythology depending on the version and whoever is telling the story, yeah this is a thing. But he is more a exception, with Artemis not being into romance otherwise being a pretty consistent attribute.

joined Jul 25, 2014

That Gobblin is such a troll and a gremlin.

Apollonia discussion 28 Jun 15:53
joined Jul 25, 2014
Ah! I knew it. Showing the abs really do establish that she is the most trustworthy person around!
Hey, that's basically what she said.

Apollonia discussion 25 Jun 22:32
joined Jul 25, 2014

Chap 22
Damn,Perry is fast. Being able to keep up with Molly like that.

joined Jul 25, 2014

I love how they can speak so easily with each other now. Rereading earlier chapters, you can really notice how the distance between them have closed.

joined Jul 25, 2014

I discovered today a classmate from Highschool that i had no idea was into girls was a lesbian.

She said that at the time she had only recently figured she was into girls and had only told some of her families members and her closest friends. So it wasn't surprising if none of us had noticed.
For context, i came across her in town and she was doing some shopping with another girl from the same class, who more or less everyone observative enough knew -or at least suspected- was a lesbian (she wasn't screaming it everywhere, but she wasn't exactly subtle about it). (In my case, i did knew for sure since i did saw her coming out of the restroom stall that one time).
I didn't remember them particularly hanging out back in the days, so i asked if they were friends, they just told me they are a couple.

They explained that they met again by coincidence a couple years ago (after the end of the lockdowns) at a party through friends of friends and find themselves as they were now getting along super well, and started going out later. They were cute together

While the first girl (well, woman, now) looked mostly the same but more grown up. The second one have changed quite a bit and is less tomboyish. Wearing some light make-up and having her hair done instead of the mostly unkempt style she had in second year and dressing up more compared to the flannel shirt or jersey over plain t-shirt she used to wear. she style had a bit of a androgynous style, but more like the "cool handsome lady" anime characters :D. So i didn't imediately recognize her.

Apollonia discussion 23 Jun 22:01
joined Jul 25, 2014

Read up to chapter 9 so far, I figured the real requirement to join the Apollonia is to have great abs. The others are suspicious of Molly because they haven't gotten the occasion to see her stomach.
That was the goal of the medical exam. Which is why doc is kinda more open, he got the opportunity to verify. But at the same time he is still warry because her abs could use so more workout.
Tess is proudly letting everyone know at all times that she is the most trustworthy person around.

I gotta say,  pretty satisfied to have uncovered that plot thread.

joined Jul 25, 2014

I can't post on any of the forum topics (except this one it seems?)
I don't know exactly when the issue started, but I know I posted normally Wednesday
And have been unable to post at least since Friday.

Nevermind, it seems to be working, now.

last edited at Jun 23, 2024 10:01PM

joined Jul 25, 2014

^I'm interested in that as well. A friend wanted some action serie to get into Yuri, but i didn't have much that fitted the criterias. (though my friend is older than your sister so adult content wasn't necesarily out of the question, just not the blatant fanservice shots or design, due to personal taste)
That's a though one indeed.
Action Yuri are often very fanservice-y. Action and sports mangas are generally aimed at male audience, so if someone publish a action Yuri serie they'll also attempt to appeal to male readers, and the cheap way to do that is fanservice (or Moe, but action-Moe that's not limited to subtext if anything is also pretty rare). And that's when they're not primarily a fan-service show in the first place that just have girl on girl because it's hawt.
Heck non-fanservice-y sport or action mangas with female protagonist aren't so common even without yuri.

I also have no idea what have a physical release in german or english.
Maybe someone more familiar with Manhua and Manwha than i am know some good one who have a physical release.

Apollonia discussion 18 Jun 23:42
joined Jul 25, 2014

^I mean, you could say that of every setting/genre.

Best guess is the author made a Space western because they like that genre (or thought there weren't enough yuri in that genre).
Being in a given genre isn't cliche on its own. Whether it is or not I'll see after reading more but that's another point.

joined Jul 25, 2014

^haven't read run away with me so I don't know how heavy the drama is, but

joined Jul 25, 2014

Werewolf, Witches, Vampires GhostsI... expect GRS to have completed a Monster Mash before long.

joined Jul 25, 2014

That page 2 Koga. She's under heavy stress. :'D
Freckles Kouhai-chan is cute, but it is more prudent to stay away.

joined Jul 25, 2014

Nah, clauclau's level of tsunness is only going to make her a bottom in some pairings.
The kouhai didn't consider other factors, too.

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 10:51PM

joined Jul 25, 2014

Fufu is a asshole. She clearly noticed XiaoPei wasn't alright, yet she complained about it in a backhanded way that make herself look good.

Remember kids, when you are in a shitty workplace just keep working hard and one day you too will be rewarded! ^^#

The chapter didn't say that, though. Xiao Pei is shown being in a shitty position, but it wasn't framed as a "what to do". If anything, if we want to overinterpret it as a message, it would be a critique of how people in showbiz (or other jobs) acts toward help. The people overworking her weren't treated as being in the right.

joined Jul 25, 2014

I'm not sure That level of adorableness is legal.

joined Jul 25, 2014

Love to occasionally see some old pairing.

joined Jul 25, 2014

Yotsuba not having big shiba inu eyebrows in her human form emotionally shake me.

joined Jul 25, 2014

^she time traveled to wrestle Amazon.