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joined Sep 21, 2016

Nope, I almost fell for it with that other series. They're both very similar too. Not falling for it again but hoping for the best.

Same, I get that people are celebrating but very much expecting a "oh no, I didn't mean anything by that, oops" sort of thing from Yuzu next chapter. Would be very happy to be proven wrong though.

Oh, I have no doubt that one of them is going to try and backtrack, or run out of the room, or someone will conveniently appear to interrupt them before further progress can be made, but this will still hopefully lead to further progress (hopefully emboldening Minami or forcing Yuzu to admit she isn’t fine being “just friends”).

The big difference between this and the Rejected in a Dream is that the couple here still clearly has some stuff they need to internally push past before becoming a couple, so this’ll be forward progress even if nothing else happens. The couple in Rejected in a Dream, by contrast, were THERE. They had the mood, they had the kiss, they both knew what they wanted. All they needed was one more step to officially become a couple, and then a wall randomly appeared at the finish line to delay them.

You said it perfectly!!

joined Feb 18, 2013

The couple in Rejected in a Dream, by contrast, were THERE. They had the mood, they had the kiss, they both knew what they wanted. All they needed was one more step to officially become a couple, and then a wall randomly appeared at the finish line to delay them.

That "wall" is "they both caught a sudden case of Anime, the disease where the primary symptom is Not Fucking Talking."

I feel like Yuzu and Minami aren't going to have that problem once they finally work through their stuff-- they've always been all over each other, even from the first chapter.

joined Apr 27, 2021

The big difference between this and the Rejected in a Dream is that the couple here still clearly has some stuff they need to internally push past before becoming a couple, so this’ll be forward progress even if nothing else happens. The couple in Rejected in a Dream, by contrast, were THERE. They had the mood, they had the kiss, they both knew what they wanted. All they needed was one more step to officially become a couple, and then a wall randomly appeared at the finish line to delay them.

I would say Tsukushi does absolutely have some stuff to internally push past too, I mean that negativity she got is absolutely pathological to the degree of being self-sabotaging. That is not just a random wall but one character's very real psychological problem that has been present constantly in previous chapters too with Yuu and Sara being baffled by Tsukushi's conviction that she'd get rejected.

But I do absolutely agree with your point about this forehead kiss being progress even if there's going to be backpedaling next chapter, I fully expect some sort of mild angst coming up which will ultimately help our MCs progress with their relationship.

joined Dec 13, 2018

Considering that the color page before the beginning of the chapter already tells us that they became a couple I imagine that it will be done rather quickly and that we will have an adorable development between the two. I love the author so here you go.

fool - we stand here with all our lore

yet not wiser than before

joined Jul 29, 2022


I think plot twist will be Yuzu is 100% lesbian that why she turned him down i think from chapter 2

you hear e I say this before she in love with her

last edited at Feb 26, 2024 7:14AM

joined Sep 21, 2019


Just normal. It's okay, they just normal each other very much. Nothing to see here.

joined Jan 18, 2016

im this close to isekai-ing myself into this manga’s world and pushing those two together to kiss already!!

cutest couple but definitely the most IDIOT COUPLE LMAO

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

They're so dense. If Yuzu didn't run away there's no way they were gonna stop at just a cheek kiss!

joined Oct 25, 2022

Indeed Yuzu. Kissing your homie is totally normal BFF behavior.

joined Sep 27, 2017

My mood after this chapter:

joined Feb 18, 2013

Hinori, please fix these adorable idiots. (Preferably by kissing both of them.)

Chapter was cute as all get out, tho, thanks!

joined Feb 23, 2014

Wow, I think this is the first chapter of a yuri manga in a WHILE that actually managed to piss me the hell off, we're reaching levels of trash not thought possible here.

The YuriWitch
joined Dec 23, 2020

These two have claimed the Olympic Gold Medal for Most UseLesbians Ever.

joined Nov 7, 2022

If this is normal behavior, then we're only a few steps away from the real thing !

That's it. It was a long time coming, but now they finally turned things backwards so much that they did a 360° and actually made progress. What a beautiful disaster.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Can't wait for "Getting married is a BFF thing to do" in ten chapters.

joined Feb 16, 2016

And they were besties

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do like the "it's just normal right. That's how best friends act" I read it as that slightly sarcastic flirting. Like yeah this is just a normal thing to do hint hint.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Turns out things can get actually funny if you aren't constrained by purposefully hiding the perspective of one of the characters for like 15 chapters (yes I'm still perplexed by that). I think this chapter was my favourite one yet, it was basically like a good joke with a proper setup and payoff :P

EDIT: by the way I went a bit back and chapter 19 has duplicated pages now, page 16 in there is a copy of page 15 instead of whatever was there before (and there clearly is a page missing before the next one :P)

last edited at May 9, 2024 3:51AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Immovable idiot vs unstoppable dumbass.

joined Apr 5, 2023

I love those idiots so much

joined Jun 5, 2023

Yup, now they can do all kinds of things with each other (hold hands, kiss, doing something in bed,...) and still just be best friends.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Turns out things can get actually funny if you aren't constrained by purposefully hiding the perspective of one of the characters for like 15 chapters (yes I'm still perplexed by that). I think this chapter was my favourite one yet,

Yeap. Recent chapters are much better now that we actually have two characters going back and forth. Considering how extremely emotive she is now, it's still hard to square with how blank she was for the beginning but it's a very welcome change. Much more fun.

last edited at May 9, 2024 7:24AM

joined Apr 27, 2017

I can't be too mad at these two. They literally both kissed each other, so it's not like they're not making any progress. They'll get there eventually.

joined Oct 14, 2014

She is so fucking stupid in such a unique way. Who the hell interprets it like that LOL

joined Dec 20, 2018

This literal idiot couple...

Nice present, though. :P

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