Forum › How to Break a Triangle discussion

joined Aug 13, 2023

This. Aya's disappearing was prolly the worst thing that could happen to Koto - and to Erika.

If Aya had died or broken up with Koto, there would've been a period of verklempt feelings and then Koto would've moved on.

If no disappearance had ever happened and everyone's life continued normally, then Erika could have fought Aya for Koto fair and square.

Yeah, it's the worst thing that could've happened to all three of them - Aya herself is probably stuck in the worst situation of them all, right now. I'm rooting for the happiness of all three of them, but with things as they are, it's hard to imagine that they'll find it in each other, unless Koto and Aya each have a major change of heart to live their lives outside the shadow of their school romance years and years ago..

joined Dec 23, 2018

For Aya is good to distance herself from that for now unhealthy situation between her, Koto, and Erika.
With that part-time job she will get the chance to think more clearly.
And probably find a great confidante in Kumagaya, who will be objective because she is not involved "in the matter".

I'm also little afraid that she would steal Aya from Koto (even for a short time).
Kumagaya looks to me like someone who won't mind that age gap.
Not that she would intentionally seduce Aya.
She just gives impression that she knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it.
And if some chemistry happens with Aya, she would not restrain.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I really hope you are talking about amnesia.

What? I recall no amnesia in Bloom. (And no, I'm not making a joke.)

joined Dec 23, 2018

I really hope you are talking about amnesia.

What? I recall no amnesia in Bloom. (And no, I'm not making a joke.)

Touko was playing a girl who forgot who she is, and people who "knew" her were trying to give her the picture who she "really" was.
And all of them have subjective perception of her. (Yuu was playing a nurse, and Sayaka was her girlfriend, I hope you can recall now)

That's somehow similar thing with Aya now, who forgot one whole day.
Both characters (imaginary one for shcool play in Bloom), and Aya here have some case of amnesia, and struggle to fit in new unexpected circumstances in life.

joined May 29, 2022

In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein und das heißt: ERIKA!

Bruh I stand by Erika no matter what! I just have a soft spot for unrequited love… well after this chapter, clearly Erika definitely without a doubt now was the reason Aya disappeared and the reason why now she reappears.

And yes I also agree that Erika is the most interesting character as of now. And yea she shouldn’t end up with Koto (she deserves better and prob won’t anyways) I hope she finds her happiness with someone else.

last edited at Feb 12, 2024 3:38PM

joined Apr 25, 2020

Oh damn the character of Erika is so well fleshed out, it feels so real, all of her feelings, insecurities, dialogues and lines of thought, it's all so realistic!! Maybe it's because I identify a lot with her but still I feel she's a great character

joined Jan 14, 2020

Touko was playing a girl who forgot who she is, and people who "knew" her were trying to give her the picture who she "really" was. And all of them have subjective perception of her. (Yuu was playing a nurse, and Sayaka was her girlfriend, I hope you can recall now)

Oh, play amnesia, right. Thanks.

If Erika made Aya vanish, is this veering into The Melancholy of Erika Suzumiya? We've got the melancholy down pat. Tanabata, too...

last edited at Feb 12, 2024 5:07PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Tbh, l don't know if l should support Aya x Koto pairing now.
Adult Koto never really did anything good for Aya since the poor girl came back, not even a minute. All she fucking cares is whether Aya is gonna leave or not.

I know she has the "trauma" but that shouldn't be the excuse for not helping Aya to overcome the situation the poor kid faces now.

Maybe Koto also has a hidden agenda. The more Aya can't blend into the society, the more she won't leave her. The more Aya can't live without her, the more she won't break up with her.
If my guess is true, then Koto truly doesn't deserve Aya at all.

last edited at Feb 12, 2024 10:24PM

joined Sep 19, 2021

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

joined May 9, 2017

The ebook of volume 2 was released in Japan a few days ago. It's available on apps like Pikkoma (ピッコマ), where individual chapters are also being released, and it's also available on Amazon.

The author said a physical release will probably depends on the sells of the ebook, and a physical release will allow for a broader audience. Kabocha is a small author, so every sales counts. It's time to show some support :)

Just search for 三角形の壊し方 on Amazon or Pikkoma and you'll find it.

joined Feb 22, 2023

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

joined Jul 6, 2020

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

joined Nov 13, 2022

The hollyhocks in the final image!!!!

joined Jan 22, 2017

I guess it would be the easiest if Aya went to school again and meet new people. Or hang out with the helping lady at least. I don't see how anyone involved in the triangle could build a healthy relationship with each other.

last edited at Feb 13, 2024 6:41PM

joined Mar 9, 2013

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

To expand on this. Aya is displaced out of time, she is a literal child but just as pressing is that, even with Koto and Erika by her side she doesn't fit in. Her closest friends are separated from her by several years, we saw during her job hunt that she had no answer when they ask why she doesn't have a work history or why her education stops at middle school.

Aya's situation is super scuffed and unless they can throw her into the past the gap will remain and I'm not sure how easily it'll be to reconcile.

All of this aside... god Erika deserves the world like come the fuck on.

joined Oct 24, 2023

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Does Aya really want to be treated as an adult? (She called kumagaya お姉さん in chapter 7 )
Why is Aya so eager to find a part-time job?
They just don't fucking care.

That's why I really hate some people who side with Erika.
All they care is when the two are going to break up so Erika can finally be with Koto. Ignoring the fact that Koto might not choose Erika even if Aya doesn't exist at this manga from the start.

Only see Aya as an OBSTACLE infuriated me so much that I can't help but start to dislike Erika though is not her fault at all.

last edited at Feb 14, 2024 6:34AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I think we all forgot about one small detail which could be actually the clue where the story will go.
It's when Aya said (talking to Koto in ch 7 pg 22 about taking a job) :
"She (Kumagaya) said there is some kid around my age working there"

And maybe it is the best solution, to connect Aya with someone her age!

We are all focused pairing her with (now) adults, expecting of those adults somehow to help her. But they can't really, it's a generation gap now between them and constant reminder of what is lost.
Aya needs someone of her age to connect and fit into new reality.

She said it's a KID, so we don't know is it a girl or a boy, would it be friendship or possible romance, etc.
(And we also got the answer how Aya feels about herself, she simply can't feel herself as someone who is 21 years old)
Anyway, connection with someone of her true age opens so many new possibilities where the story could go and it's too early to predict with certainty.

last edited at Feb 13, 2024 8:49PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Yeah. She needs to change that asap.

If you look at the history of mankind, you'll find millions of children who were forced into an adult's role because of circumstances out of their control.

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

Complaining about the unfairness of it all will do no good.

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Getting a job will help. Making adult friends who will treat her as one of them will help too. That new lady will be good for her, I think.

joined Jul 6, 2020

new bonus chapter and god damn it you saeki sayaka ass motherfucker im so emotionally invested in Erika's wellbeing I'll cry if anything bad ever happens to her

joined Aug 4, 2018

new bonus chapter and god damn it you saeki sayaka ass motherfucker im so emotionally invested in Erika's wellbeing I'll cry if anything bad ever happens to her

You and me.

joined Jul 6, 2020

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Yeah. She needs to change that asap.

If you look at the history of mankind, you'll find millions of children who were forced into an adult's role because of circumstances out of their control.

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

Complaining about the unfairness of it all will do no good.

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Getting a job will help. Making adult friends who will treat her as one of them will help too. That new lady will be good for her, I think.

What are you talking about? Of there is another choice. She can finish her education. They live in Japan not some civil war torn country.
Yeah, let the 14 year old make some adult friends, great idea.

joined Oct 24, 2023

What are you talking about? Of there is another choice. She can finish her education. They live in Japan not some civil war torn country.
Yeah, let the 14 year old make some adult friends, great idea.

Like l said.
They don't really give a fuck about Aya's interest.
All their focus is on when Aya is going to fuck off so Erika can finally have her chance with Koto.

It's useless to argue with them.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Yeah. She needs to change that asap.

If you look at the history of mankind, you'll find millions of children who were forced into an adult's role because of circumstances out of their control.

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

Complaining about the unfairness of it all will do no good.

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Getting a job will help. Making adult friends who will treat her as one of them will help too. That new lady will be good for her, I think.

You're absolutely right and I'm shocked some people don't get something so evident. The authorities won't let a 21-yo woman enroll in a middle school, simple as that. Some posters seem to think that if you tell everyone that you're a time traveller you'll be accepted as one, tadah! Problem solved! Omg, srsly, I read this and I wonder which world these guys come from. (Not the same one as me, that's for sure!)

There ARE ways for a 21-yo who dropped out of middle school to complete her education. There are night schools for adults in Japan. Key word: for adults. All the other pupils will be grown-up men and women, and she'll be treated as a grown-up herself. Whatever Aya does, whichever path she chooses, society will see her as an adult and she'll have to live with it. I can't wait to see more of her and Kumagaya interacting, it will be like a breath of fresh air and much better for her than her actual situation.

joined Jul 6, 2020

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Yeah. She needs to change that asap.

If you look at the history of mankind, you'll find millions of children who were forced into an adult's role because of circumstances out of their control.

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

Complaining about the unfairness of it all will do no good.

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Getting a job will help. Making adult friends who will treat her as one of them will help too. That new lady will be good for her, I think.

You're absolutely right and I'm shocked some people don't get something so evident. The authorities won't let a 21-yo woman enroll in a middle school, simple as that. Some posters seem to think that if you tell everyone that you're a time traveller you'll be accepted as one, tadah! Problem solved! Omg, srsly, I read this and I wonder which world these guys come from. (Not the same one as me, that's for sure!)

There ARE ways for a 21-yo who dropped out of middle school to complete her education. There are night schools for adults in Japan. Key word: for adults. All the other pupils will be grown-up men and women, and she'll be treated as a grown-up herself. Whatever Aya does, whichever path she chooses, society will see her as an adult and she'll have to live with it. I can't wait to see more of her and Kumagaya interacting, it will be like a breath of fresh air and much better for her than her actual situation.

She already got interogated by the police. So the authorities accept her story.
Also holy fuck, you sure are condescending.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Are you from ancient Sparta? what a nonsense you talk about?
We are talking here about yesterday 14 years old child who was told that she is from today 21 years old, and it happened literally in just one day for her.
What do you expect? What responsibility of an adult a 14 yo child has to deal? Adults also need a period of adaptation in cases of changed circumstances, how could you expect of 14 yo child to "fast grow up"?
She, by herself said "other kid my age", so she does not get that she is 21 yo now. She is just a normal 14 yo girl.
You speak like it's her fault what is happening to her.

She is not deluded or self-pitiful. She gives her best to fit, but world rejects her (a hole in education between her real age and her "new" age)

I did not see such cruelty and mercilessness for a long time.
I regret seeing your words!

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