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joined Jul 23, 2013

Since, it's implied that Aya was either being abused or at the very least had a bad home life. Even if Erika had something to do with her time skip and Aya found out, I think Aya might actually be thankful that Erika "saved" her from that situation. That's just a possible guess, in my opinion.

joined Jul 23, 2013

With the way this story's been going I feel like the Idiot couple and Lots of kissing tags should be added.

joined Jul 23, 2013

I wanna ruin our friendship

joined Jul 23, 2013

Sees Love Triangle tag
Sees 2 of the 3 characters on the cover art practically cuddling with each other
First POV is talking about her normal life, as she's talking with the third character
Second POV is the new girl flat out talking about love at first sight and saying the first character is extraordinary, as the other character has her face blurred out
Both POVs end at the same moment, looking at each other, with both characters being equally infatuated with each other
Third POV opens up with her talking about being the childhood friend.

Nah you're done. The pairing is already decided. At least she has sports, I guess. The funny thing is that the new girl is talking about how everybody else looks the same in their uniforms and she falls in love with like the least different looking Japanese girl ever.

joined Jul 23, 2013

Ch 8 tries to promote Erika as some kind of antagonist, but all it did for me was cement my opinion that Koto is the worst. Trying to fill the void that Aya left with literally anyone, to the point where she tries asking out her own friend just as an idea. I just wish Erika said yes to Koto, just so their relationship could've fallen apart and Erika could move on.

I was kind of hoping for Erika x Aya, early on. Cause, it would be the most unexpected and would be the most different from where their feelings start (Erika likes Koto, Koto likes Aya, and Aya might like Koto back). But, it seems like at this point that's not going to be a plausible route. So, I just hope Erika ends up happy, with someone that's not Koto. Now, I'm kind of rooting for the "No one gets together" route. All the pairings seem like bad ideas at this point.

joined Jul 23, 2013
Dear mother of god, the booty levels are through the roof!

joined Jul 23, 2013

I like how their reactions are like saying "Is that a camera?!"

joined Jul 23, 2013

I'm cool with their new ex-enemy, tanuki mascot. But, it kind of feels like they should've gotten friendly with each other like a few chapters after their fight, not 9. He just shows up and is like "Yay! Cooking time! Uh-Oh! Hinata's got a cold! I should get her sister, Mikage, to help."

Love Bullet discussion 01 Dec 01:21
joined Jul 23, 2013

This seems fun, but considering the concept I have a feeling this series could have a ton of heartbreak/shipping wars for random characters. For now everything seems light and happy, especially with the collateral couples. I'm just worried about any chapters/missions that result in a failure.

joined Jul 23, 2013

I thought Koto POOFED away in the last panel and time skipped like Aya. I audibly said "No...."

Happiness discussion 16 Oct 22:46
joined Jul 23, 2013

I don't know if it's just me, but they felt out of character to me. I was guessing Marisa was a doll Alice built after the real Marisa died. Especially after they started going towards the "I'll die way before you will." themes.

joined Jul 23, 2013
Fuck off!

EDIT: I guess it was still a cute chapter. Also, Ian and Ed are nice to have show up every now and again.

last edited at Sep 7, 2023 11:04PM

joined Jul 23, 2013

Okay so this page and the next
Gives us a few pieces of the puzzle. Aya was last seen the day of the Tanabata Festival, but Aya remembers it being the day before the festival when she ends up in the future. Erika supposedly had a conversation of some kind with Aya on the day of the Tanabata Festival, and may be the last person who saw her before she disappeared. But, Erika is also curious about what Aya did after leaving said conversation, so it's unlikely (but NOT disproven) Erika was directly involved.
Very interesting.

joined Jul 23, 2013

There's definitely Time Travel shenanigans at play here. Aya seems confused, as well. So, she probably doesn't know what's going on. Erika seems kind of heartless, so I'm suspicious of her at the moment. The title seems like it's explaining the solution, but let's see how things play out.

joined Jul 23, 2013

The sudden love rival feels a little shoehorned, but I'm interested to see where this goes. I haven't read a yuri story with a "Now I have two dates for the prom!(school festival)" setup. I think it would be pretty funny if they do have Minami bounce between dates with the two.

last edited at Aug 3, 2023 4:49AM

joined Jul 23, 2013

If you look up "Lois Target Lady" and watch the scene this is based on, the whole bit kind of feels like one of the writer's Yuri One-shot idea.

joined Jul 23, 2013

This pairing isn't getting the attention it deserves. These two are great together.

joined Jul 23, 2013

When the main couple aren't idiots and properly communicate.

joined Jul 23, 2013

Can't stand sharing anymore I bet

I hope not. I'm still expecting an orgy. I'm hoping they at least start an open relationship with the rest of the club.

joined Jul 23, 2013

I just beat all of Street Fighter 6's arcade stories. These two definitely have some thing between each other. Each character gets to face their unique rival as a final boss, instead of a universal boss character. These two both get each other as their final fight. Marisa even calls to Manon and is like "I know your into the same EXACT thing I am!". She either talking about fighting or fucking, but it was definitely gay.

joined Jul 23, 2013

Even the Afterword is super wholesome.

joined Jul 23, 2013

Damn. Here I was expecting a new story arc and all of a sudden we're about to hit the end.

joined Jul 23, 2013

I'll still keep reading to see where this story goes, but I'm really not feeling this Baba inclusion. Wasn't the whole point of the first chapter that you need to leave someone who keeps charming you after hurting you? I understand they've explained that they have a history together and the girl doesn't want to throw it all away. But, to still be THIS close and even have the main character who publicly chewed him out be like "Wow! He's pretty fun to talk to! No wonder he was so popular with the girls he cheated on my crush with. Hyuk-Hyuk!" Like, where are we going?

joined Jul 23, 2013

You know, for being a manga where the main premise sounds like it should have the Bullying tag: It has some of the most wholesome and honest characters and interactions.

last edited at Apr 8, 2023 3:34PM