Forum › Posts by C6H12O6

joined Oct 24, 2018

C6H12O6 posted:

I'm amazed this series reached a happy ending
My only problem is that it was so short, they wrapped things up and mended their relationship in the span of a few pages, which is probably unavoidable because it got axed or something.

Why are people insisting it was axed? Do you have reading comprehension problems?

It's been repeated here several times that IT'S A STANDALONE VOLUME that was published as is.

So no, there was no ax, the author told the story they wanted to, in the constraints of one volume. That's all.

Thank you for clarifying then. So yeah, axed or not, I don't like this ending and pacing led to it in one last chapter after all.

joined Oct 24, 2018

imagine holding beef with some mfk for 5 years just because she trashtalked your favorite anime lmao
so based

joined Oct 24, 2018

I'm amazed this series reached a happy ending
My only problem is that it was so short, they wrapped things up and mended their relationship in the span of a few pages, which is probably unavoidable because it got axed or something.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Usui Shio is such a great writer...

joined Oct 24, 2018

they're so cute I giggle like a teenage girl whenever they appear and unintentionally flirt with each other T.T

joined Oct 24, 2018

This one is cute but should it be tag yuri? It’s just about 2 dumbasses messing around lol

joined Oct 24, 2018


joined Oct 24, 2018

This chapter is so good
With how things are going however, it seems like this manga is going to reach the end in about 1-2 volume. Backstories to build up climax were there, doubt it will be around for long D:
Also, what kind of jerk ass elementary kid call their classmate “slut”

joined Oct 24, 2018

This comic is turning into BDSM guidance book (with pictures to demonstrate) real quick

joined Oct 24, 2018

I think the most interesting detail of this manga is that Kyouko got angry, not for her father's sake or being disappointed with her mother's immoral (and illegal) adultery with Sayuri, but mainly because of her concern and care towards Sayuri. When a child prioritized her crush over her family life, something had been broken and gone wrong within that household, whether they recognized it or not. I'm not sure if this was implied intentionally by the author but it sure is fun to think and speculate about. Gotta love when an underlying issue taking place in character's life appeared through the way the main story was conveyed instead of getting spelled out clearly.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Minami's group of friend felt like a wasted potential tbh
They are the best part of this manga. They provided enough support, as long as Minami needed or asked for it but they also maintained a good boundary with Minami's personal life. They didn't treat her love life like some sort of amusement to gush for.

last edited at Jan 30, 2025 11:21AM

joined Oct 24, 2018

Romantic ship aside, I really enjoy the chemistry between Yamada sibling and Yuu-Mahi (fake) twin. Kaoru is a shameless, overconfident womanizer when she's outside but when she's at home, she pushes Honoka in any way possible, takes any chance to bond with her (aggressively trying to get in the bath with Honoka), happily dressed Honoka up when she asked for her help. She always shows unfiltered, uncalculated admiration towards Honoka. Honoka, on the other hand, while looks undeniably annoyed with Kaoru's antics most of the time, she still trusts her sister a lot, looks out for her and even goes along with her sometimes.
At the start of the manga, Yuu disliked Mahi twin a lot (because they were really loud and kinda weirdly childish, she couldn't click with them). However, as time passed, they naturally grew on her and started to consider her their big sister/mother figure. Yuu let them cling onto her as well. It was unusual for Yuu since she's a grumpy cat, ice cold queen type of person. Hella adorable.

joined Oct 24, 2018

The way Akebi blushed as she looked at Erika put on the shoe for her
And the way Erika grabbed Akebi's hand and touched Akebi's feet, with the utmost gentle and caring gestures
I cant with these two anymore

joined Oct 24, 2018

Erika what a fine ladykiller you are

Cocytus discussion 17 Jan 11:45
joined Oct 24, 2018

Oh the first story sure hit hard. It’s a real struggle to try to fit in, especially in a scummy and toxic environment where you have to fake everything and keep up with a facade so you don’t end up being the odd one out. Shiina is a teenager, I can see Shiina considering her school life as her “world”, the society where she has to adapt to exist. That would explain why she was tormented so much when she had to choose between her school life and her true feeling. Neither of them would bring her peace of mind.

last edited at Jan 17, 2025 11:45AM

joined Oct 24, 2018

chap 21 proved that if the VP were less of a weirdo they would have been dating already

joined Oct 24, 2018

Really love how their definition of "she makes this world for me" isn't "only she is my world" but more like "she stepped in and expanded my world". Takamine's life doesn't revolve around Sakura exclusively and vice versa, Sakura doesn't think of Takamine as the only one who matters in her world. However, both of them still has great impact on each other's life decision. Sakura gave Takamine a new hobby, thus influenced her in trying new things and meeting new people, making her own world to become more colorful and rewarding. Takamine, in turn, encouraged Sakura to step outside of her comfort zone and move forward once again, as she knew Takamine was there, rooting for her and supporting her. Their relationship was built on mutual admiration and gratitude, along with the inspiration they both gave and received from each other, giving them a needed push to grow as human being.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Also, my take about erika feeling like she had no right to confess was because she had ulterior goals for aya and koto getting back together. She knew it wouldn't work out between the two, and she was hoping it would finally get koto to move on so she could confess. 

Another Erika's defender trying to find a way to excuse the terrible thing she had done back in middle school lol.
Let me remind you. Erika has been tormented by her guilt in the past seven years. You can see in chapter 8 she also didn't think she has the right to confess when she and Koto were high school students.

Why are you offensive??? The guy didn't even try to defend her. They only explained their take about what motive for Erika's action was. How was that excusing and defending to you?

Also I don’t mean to sound rude by saying this, but after reading the discussion about Erika in this forum, I feel more confused than informed. The discussion about whether she is or isn’t manipulative or selfish etc are slightly distorting my perception of her. At this point, instead of speculating about what might happen, I’m more curious to see how the story unfolds with each update and being surprised along the way. :D

I felt the same way. The first 20~ discussion posts were fun to read but at some point the discussion about Erika always running at the same 2 spots, whether she is a super terrible human being or she didn't do anything wrong. At some point everyone started attacking each other personally :/

last edited at Dec 29, 2024 6:56AM

joined Oct 24, 2018

Kyouko's life sucks so much that it became ironically funny

joined Oct 24, 2018

bro and the mc from Zettai BL should swap place

joined Oct 24, 2018

God, this motherfucking school. Jesus fuck. Why would they assign an orphan a task that involves doing activities with family???? Even if she ,gets along with someone well enough to do that task do they even know how much it hurts to be reminded of such circumstance??? Goddamn it’s so mean, so brutal, heartless. Authorities in this school should burn in hell.

It is certainly insensitive, but I think that in the specific case of Nanase, someone must have decided that a hard shove is what she needs to change her perspective. Yes, she does not have any relatives, and that sucks ass. But on the other hand, she has, at the present moment, multiple opportunities around her to create a life where she is not alone anymore, and she does not seize those opportunities because of the bad fortune she had experienced in the past. Nothing she does will give her her biological family back, but she can still find a new place for her to belong, if she reaches out to others. The assignment is mean, but it may prove to be the bitter medicine she needs.

That medicine is way too bitter it became bullying at this point. It's like strict Asian parents method on raising kids. Take it further one more step, cross the line then it's basically abusing children.
With that being said I'm leaning toward "someone swapped Hanako's and Nanase's role" theory. The school still sucks ofc, but at least it would be less brutal than whatever is happening rn.

joined Oct 24, 2018

God, this motherfucking school. Jesus fuck. Why would they assign an orphan a task that involves doing activities with family???? Even if she gets along with someone well enough to do that task do they even know how much it hurts to be reminded of such circumstance??? Goddamn it’s so mean, so brutal, heartless. Authorities in this school should burn in hell.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Might be a bit late to join this discussion, but anyway
I think the one thing about this manga bugged me the most is that how it depicted cheating. Cheating and two-timing appeared way too romantic and cutesy, even with a little to no amount of guilt Youko had it was brushed off so easily under the name of "love". The second thing is that the "supposedly to be" drama trio lacks too much depth in their character, especially Boyfriend-kun. He exists only for a sole reason to make Youko to feel guilty, and, even then he wasn't that strong of a reason to make her feel bad. He has no traits, no personality, no feeling of his own. Such a boring existence. It bothers me so much that what could be a good triangle love that portrays teenager's ugly side, selfishness and complex, conflicting thoughts and emotions was executed so badly due to writing choice. It's not about how a manga MUST be about goody two shoes human being, it's about how flat the story and its character went with this manga. Heck, most characters from Kuzu no Honkai are way more terrible in their personalities than Youko, yet I still enjoyed Kuzu no Honkai a lot. Because its characters feel "alive", they are jerks but they still have struggles, they still have their own lives and their emotions to deal with. Sadly it's not the case with Motto Hanjuku Joshi. Every single character feel so flat, drama happened because the plot said so.
To be fair Motto Hanjuku Joshi isn't bad, objectively. I'd put it around average in quality compared to romance manga in general. It's just that Hanjuku Joshi was so damn good and Morishima Akiko is one of the better mangaka in yuri sphere, therefore, I had higher expectation, ended up feeling dissatisfied and disappointed.

last edited at Dec 20, 2024 10:39AM

joined Oct 24, 2018

Now that the heat has died down I just want to say Hinori and Tsubasa jumping straight towards Minami to hold her because they thought Minami was going to give up everything is pretty sweet. And Hinori's angry kabedon in her attemp to persuade Minami lmao

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 9:16AM

joined Oct 24, 2018

Meguru’s disgust towards sexual desire and lust must have been related with her parent’s divorce. Maybe she had witnessed how lust brought her family down, had to live in a broken household, which explained her resentment about sexual desires in human being. Now she’s traumatized and only believes in plushies.