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joined Mar 28, 2015

My personal theory is that the current Aya is a product of Koto's obsession.

It doesn't explain everything, but "Aya" only reappeared when Koto came back to visit Urihata's school, "Aya" doesn't remember what happened on Tanabata day because Koto's memories of her only go up to the previous day. "Aya" is very in love with Koto, which may be wish fulfilling on Koto's part. There's that scene also where Koto thinks about a play and says that Aya said exactly what she expected. Koto looked unstable mentally after Aya's disappearance.

For all we know, the actual Aya got "abducted" by her mother on Tanabata day and was not especially in love with Koto. There was no time travel at all and an "Aya" popped up because of Koto's obsession when she came back to Urihata.

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

joined May 9, 2017

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

It's not like I don't like you theory, but we've seen Aya interact with the police, former classmates and a lot of other people when Koto is not even present. I think this was done precisely to tell us that she is not an illusion.

Most people are pretty hard on Koto, I feel like. I'll admit that stuff must be pretty hard for Aya, having to act as an adult with still being a child. But Koto had to live 7 years not knowing what happened to her first love. She could have been adducted, murder... This is I think a way more traumatic experience that was Aya is currently living (not that is a competition of course). I wonder if Koto is not stuck with her 14 yo self as well in a way.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Aikosaurus posted:

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

It's not like I don't like you theory, but we've seen Aya interact with the police, former classmates and a lot of other people when Koto is not even present. I think this was done precisely to tell us that she is not an illusion.

I didn't say she was an illusion.More like an avatar of Aya summoned by Koto's obsession (and maybe also Erika's wish for this obsession to be resolved).

"Rewinding a day, going back home from school and suddenly, facing Koto and Erika 7 years later on the road" doesn't explain anything at all.

The missing tanabata day and what Aya and Erika discussed are still mysteries.

last edited at Jan 26, 2024 5:54AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Nene posted:

Kumagaya saw her, like everyone else not in the know, as what she really is: a 14 yo girl.

Things will obviously change when she sees her resume (which says she's 21 yo).

I just recalled that you can only have a part-time job in Japan starting from 16yo (ie, high school).

Before that, kids can't be hired.

So, since Aya was looking for a part-time job, Kumagaya must have assumed she's 16 or 17.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Manifesting a person is as supernatural as time travel :p

joined Oct 24, 2023

Aya is obviously only attracted to adult Koto's appearance, which really makes me feel some bad things would happen ahead.
Remember what she thought in chapter 6?
There're two red flag involved:
①Aya loves present Koto
②Koto would still love Aya in the future

It would be really ironic if Aya one day find out she actually loves Koto from the past. You can't call them the same person since Koto has changed that much in seven years. Aya just hasn't acknowledged that. But one day she will.

My personal theory is that the current Aya is a product of Koto's obsession.

It doesn't explain everything, but "Aya" only reappeared when Koto came back to visit Urihata's school, "Aya" doesn't remember what happened on Tanabata day because Koto's memories of her only go up to the previous day. "Aya" is very in love with Koto, which may be wish fulfilling on Koto's part. There's that scene also where Koto thinks about a play and says that Aya said exactly what she expected. Koto looked unstable mentally after Aya's disappearance.

For all we know, the actual Aya got "abducted" by her mother on Tanabata day and was not especially in love with Koto. There was no time travel at all and an "Aya" popped up because of Koto's obsession when she came back to Urihata.

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

My personal theory is Aya would time travel back to her own time eventually.
That explains why she didn't have memory on Tanabata day.
For why she disappeared back then.
She decided to stay at the future because she had fallen in love with present Koto and can't give up the connection already built with other people.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 10:35PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I still think there is more what truly shocked Koto, not just Aya's disappearance and lost love. And it must be connected with her writing and "wishful thinking".
She stopped to write completely, turning to play tennis???
It's not simple for someone to leave things they love. That's why I sad last time that her current behavior reminds me of feeling sense of guilt.
But now, after Aya appeared again, she could feel relieved (and that's what Erika counts on)

last edited at Jan 29, 2024 11:30AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

I like Erika's maturity. She had an inferiority complex towards Aya but didn't let it drive her, she realized what Koto was going through and did what was best. And with her lines at the end, I'm sure she feels like a villain, but there's nothing wrong with her watching over Aya and Koto.

It's a bit strange because she's not the usual "helpful friend" that helps a relationship progress in most stories, but it might be because there isn't anything that can be done to help them.

joined Jul 6, 2020

They should send the girl back to school and not force her to view herself as an adult und take a fucking job.

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 6:09PM

joined May 28, 2020

So Erika wished Aya would come back, just so her and Koto would properly fall apart, so she could properly have Koto for herself without the lingering regrets?

I still don't know what this story is aiming for, but this feels like a very raw deal for Aya.

joined May 11, 2023

Yeah. Erika seems like a extremely unsympathetic person after the last chapter.

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 6:46PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Erika is a really interesting, layered character to me. She does good things for selfish reasons, she supports both Koto and Aya and encouraging them to communicate properly but does so bc she's under the assumption that their relationship is doomed either way.

Her motivation may not be very sympathetic, but her feelings are her own and she's still being a good friend despite them. Really neat, all these characters have some good depth to them

joined Oct 17, 2017

Damn she's kind of a huge dumbass huh

joined Aug 13, 2021

So Erika wished Aya would come back, just so her and Koto would properly fall apart, so she could properly have Koto for herself without the lingering regrets?

I still don't know what this story is aiming for, but this feels like a very raw deal for Aya.

To be fair, who could have expected actual time travel to happen? In a way, it was also a wish to have her best friend she longs for to get closure.
But now... yeah, Erika is jealous of Aya and feels like she's living in her shadow. But what can Koto even do? I agree that Aya has been dealt poor cards by the gods. I don't know how this story's gonna conclude...

joined Oct 24, 2023

I can't really blame on Koto for what she did because she's just doing her best to move on. (except that shitty move towards Erika, ofc)

Koto was totally a mess after Aya disappeared. To think you finally managed to date the girl of your dream, then the girl fucking dead out of nowhere. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
Not to mention her so called best friend also ran away from her just to get some relax (damn you Erika, Aya would never do things like that. That's exactly why Aya beats you every single way in my mind). What can you expect her to do? She must find a way to release the pain or she would commit suicide eventually.

And Erika was clever enough not to accept Koto's offer. It would be the fucking hell getting reminded your girlfriend actually loves someone else that's not you every waking moment. You can't even get pissed since you are the one who agreed to be such a doormat. Then you would be dumped anyway as soon as she finds out she still can't stop missing Aya (what a fucking surprise).

But that doesn't change Erika is the most pathetic person in this manga so far. Because…WHY YOU STILL LIKE KOTO after that shitty move she took???
She clearly didn't give a fuck about what you think and obviously wouldn't hesitate to break your heart as long as she can get over her long-dead girlfriend.
Please have some dignity, don't act like this person who doesn't even care one bit of you is the love of your life. Koto is the problematic one here, yes.
Consider she definitely knows how you feel while saying "why not try going out with me" "I'm lucky to have you as my best friend" etc.
However, you are the one who let her WALK All OVER you!!!

I am starting to think what makes Erika loves Koto oh so much. Just can't image what kind of love can last that long when there's no any feedback.
(Koto's love is making more sense to me because Aya did love her back seven years ago)
It's really creepy tbh.

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 8:37PM

joined May 3, 2014

I like Erika's maturity. She had an inferiority complex towards Aya but didn't let it drive her, she realized what Koto was going through and did what was best. And with her lines at the end, I'm sure she feels like a villain, but there's nothing wrong with her watching over Aya and Koto.

It's a bit strange because she's not the usual "helpful friend" that helps a relationship progress in most stories, but it might be because there isn't anything that can be done to help them.

oh please give me a break! Erika is mature? BRO! in this situation she is sooo god damn selfish she ONLY thinking of when will you two break up so that Aya can SUFFER SOME MORE for my plan is to FINALY get in the pantys of Koto!

how’s that NOT A VILLIAN!?? she is UNHELPFUL! and only stay on the side lines thinking ONLY for herself and NOT EVEN KOTO! cuz she has to deal with Aya! that is an level of selfishness you can’t joke about! she only wanna see Aya suffer cuz what in hell do you think Aya will feel? did Erika EVER not once care about how she will feel? in this CHAPTER we finaly got Erika advising Koto and how to deal with Aya!

YAYA not trying to just push them to break up like she originally “helped them”, this chapter makes it clear one Erika saw Aya return, she was making SURE that Aya talked with Koto not for good reasons but to make Koto move on from her past romance, cuz Aya is a child now! that’s been confirmed in the last chapters!

Erika confimed she wanted to do only one thing!
Watch Aya and Koto break up so that Erika can open her legs for Koto! that is the only thing she cared about! and she is making it CLEARLY by this chapter, so yeah! i really hate Erika immaturity!

And I’m happy Erika feels like shit now! good!

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 9:11PM

joined May 27, 2019

I like Erika's maturity. She had an inferiority complex towards Aya but didn't let it drive her, she realized what Koto was going through and did what was best. And with her lines at the end, I'm sure she feels like a villain, but there's nothing wrong with her watching over Aya and Koto.

It's a bit strange because she's not the usual "helpful friend" that helps a relationship progress in most stories, but it might be because there isn't anything that can be done to help them.

oh please give me a break! Erika is mature? BRO! in this situation she is sooo god damn selfish she ONLY thinking of when will you two break up so that Aya can SUFFER SOME MORE for my plan is to FINALY get in the pantys of Koto!

how’s that NOT A VILLIAN!?? she is UNHELPFUL! and only stay on the side lines thinking ONLY for herself and NOT EVEN KOTO! cuz she has to deal with Aya! that is an level of selfishness you can’t joke about! she only wanna see Aya suffer cuz what in hell do you think Aya will feel? did Erika EVER not once care about how she will feel? in this CHAPTER we finaly got Erika advising Koto and how to deal with Aya!

YAYA not trying to just push them to break up like she originally “helped them”, this chapter makes it clear one Erika saw Aya return, she was making SURE that Aya talked with Koto not for good reasons but to make Koto move on from her past romance, cuz Aya is a child now! that’s been confirmed in the last chapters!

Erika confimed she wanted to do only one thing!
Watch Aya and Koto break up so that Erika can open her legs for Koto! that is the only thing she cared about! and she is making it CLEARLY by this chapter, so yeah! i really hate Erika immaturity!

And I’m happy Erika feels like shit now! good!

Who hurt you?

joined Feb 18, 2013

Man, people are really fucking mad at Erika for being outwardly perfectly supportive.

joined Aug 4, 2018

So Erika wished Aya would come back, just so her and Koto would properly fall apart, so she could properly have Koto for herself without the lingering regrets?

Erika wanted to win Koto's heart in a fair way, beating Aya in a proper competition. She's the kind of person who hates cheap tricks and sneakiness. She was already competing with Aya in middle school, trying to make a place for herself in Koto's heart, hoping that one day Koto would look her way and choose her over Aya. When Aya vanished without a trace, competing against her became impossible. Years went by, and it looked like nothing would ever dislodge Aya's ghost fom Koto's heart. Erika wished for Aya's return, yes, but as an adult, a grown-up woman who could give a reasonable explanation for her disappearance and then either start things anew with Koto or give her proper emotional closure. The last thing Erika expected was this time travel crap, hahaha.

This chapter was awesome and Erika is now even more of my favorite character than she was before. Let's hope big dummy Koto will see the light in the end!

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 10:16PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Awwwww yeahhhhh that's the angst I'm here for mmmmm delicious

joined Aug 25, 2020

I am surprised at how many people hate Erika. I know her actions are wrong, but the way she handles the situations is very interesting to me. And like some said. She is a well layered character with gray morality.

Yet reading this recent chapter made me more intrigued by her.

Like the only endgame I wish for honestly is for none of those pairings to end up together so.... making the title make sense bcs the triangle will be broken xd.

joined Oct 15, 2021

this drama is thick and juicy can't stop slurping it up

joined Jan 14, 2020

I am surprised at how many people hate Erika. I know her actions are wrong, but the way she handles the situations is very interesting to me. And like some said. She is a well layered character with gray morality.

Which actions are wrong, even? She's done all the right things, AFAICT. It's just that she also has selfish thoughts. Which I can't blame her for.

joined May 27, 2019

I am surprised at how many people hate Erika. I know her actions are wrong, but the way she handles the situations is very interesting to me. And like some said. She is a well layered character with gray morality.

Which actions are wrong, even? She's done all the right things, AFAICT. It's just that she also has selfish thoughts. Which I can't blame her for.

Agreed, the heart wants what it wants and Erika’s doing her best

joined Oct 16, 2013

Erika is best girl, ever since chapter 1. She is the most interesting character out of the three (probably because we have gotten the most insight to her as a person) and I really hope she gets her happy ending (not with Koto).

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