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joined Mar 6, 2021

Panel 2.

Sorawo being literally dazzled by Toriko will never not be funny.

What's funnier is Sorawo wonders how Toriko can always pick her out from a crowd, while from Sorawo's POV, Toriko walks around with light emanating from her. Seems like she can pick Toriko out from a crowd too.

Yeah, but "she's so plain, unlike Toriko", obviously! lol

Toriko was so cute in this chapter though, I love her.

joined Mar 6, 2021

The thing is in this case, the cut is way too obvious. Generally speaking, they managed to cut at a place where is does feel more natural. In this case, they could have just cut at the page where Miyagi says "I'll buy you for 5000 yens" and it would have been fine.

That's kind of what I meant by "shorter but complete chapters". I didn't mean that they should try to fit the same amount of story of a longer chapter into a shorter one, but rather, that they should make sure that each chapter (which would be equivalent to a part of a longer chapter) feels complete on its own, by ending them at appropriate points.

While I understand that it may be common practice to separate chapters in parts, I still believe that it is to the detriment of the quality of storytelling. Especially in cases such as this one, where they don't even seem to have considered whether the cut-off point makes the least bit of sense. I felt the same about the "friend who steals all my firsts", or whatever it is called.

On another note, having read the wn up to the amawashi translation, I agree with the person who said that it is similar to AdaShima in some ways, but a whole lot more horny. It's not just the alternate pov's, either; the introspection and the oftentimes detached narration really reminded me of Shimamura, especially. They just give-off similar vibes, somehow.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I don't like when half chapters are released. They feel obviously incomplete (because they are, of course). I'd prefer it if they released a full chapter every two months, or shorter but complete chapters each month.

And before anyone jumps in to say this, I will be reading it every two months regardless, if this continues to be the case. I just think they're ruining the pace and make the series less enjoyable by doing this, so I'm not sure if this is a good call on the publisher's side.

Frostbite discussion 22 Jul 02:39
joined Mar 6, 2021

This is a sad story for the main character but at one point, one must also learn to protect themselves... So much red flags, starting by the fact that she already got scammed once by her...

Yeah, in a way it was to be expected that she would steal her money eventually.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Oh shit is this twat going to steal/destroy her notebook? WHY, even?

I thought it would be going in the direction of them forming a band or something, but I suppose this is possible as well.

Anime season 27 Jun 07:59
joined Mar 6, 2021

This is kind of random, but I've been rewatching Gundam: Witch from Mercury, and I just wanted to talk about the brilliance of a specific scene in episode 12.

I am referring to the scene where Suletta's mother has just killed some dudes and is trying to calm Suletta, who has been quite shaken by the sight. She talks about how it was a necessary kill in order to protect Suletta and goes on to say that Suletta should use Aerial to do the same for the people she loves. The scene ends with her extending her hand to Suletta, who —notably— moves from the shadow where she was hiding into the light, while they both recite the motto "move forward, gain two".

At first glance, it appears like a rather standard scene in action anime, where the protagonist is scared, but remembers the people they need to protect, thus gathering the strength to keep fighting. I'd like to point out the music though. Ιt, too, mostly sounds like a generic soft piano score that you would expect in such a scene. However, if you pay attention, it sounds somewhat... off; τhe melody doesn't seem to follow the pattern I would expect, with a few odd jumps, thus creating an underlining sense of unease.

This scene is brilliant, because it tries to manipulate you, the same way that Prospera is manipulating Suletta. The music and the use of lighting seems to paint a positive picture of this interaction. However, if you pay more attention to the gestures, the music, the dialogue and, as the audience, having already witnessed the mother's manipulation tactics in previous episodes, it becomes clear that things aren't what they seem. Which is a great way to build the ground for the post-credit final scene of the season, where Suletta's gesture is mirroring her mother's, but is instead met with horror.

Sorry for the wall of text, it was just too great a scene.

Citrus + discussion 25 Jun 19:07
joined Mar 6, 2021

How was this extra more lovey-dovey than the last twenty chapters combined?

I find funny that people are saying they don't care about them when one of the things people criticized of citrus was the addition of new characters who vanished after their story was done. Personally, I thought it was a nice coda to their story.

While I get what you mean, when the story of the main cast has been on the back burner for this long, it's only natural that readers don't care to revisit two random characters that appeared in a volume three years ago. In my opinion, the problem with citrus wasn't so much that the new characters disappeared, it was that they appeared in the first place, whenever the author didn't know how to continue the story. The fact that they disappeared immediately after the conflict was resolved only confirmed that their existence had no real purpose, but it wasn't in itself the problem.

That being said, I think these characters in particular were more interesting compared to others we've seen in the past, so perhaps there is something more they can offer. However, it's been so long since we last saw them that I barely remember them, if I'm being honest.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Except the "college break" is actually Xiaoyang running away from home and "people that enjoy their company" are annoyed with it. Xiaoen's immediate reaction to getting the message that Xiaoyang is over at Wang's pastry shop is annoyance, which she does not drop even when coming face-to-face with Xiaoyang. Her parents do not approve of Xiaoyang coming over either. Once Xiaoen was out of the room, their facial expressions and their words left absolutely no doubt that this is not something they enjoy, they are just putting up with it because they are too nice to tell the kid to piss off.

Xiaoyang's "college break" also included him deliberately coming over penniless, in order to force Xiaoen to take care of him, and has no qualms accepting food on the house at Wang's pastry shop (after, again, deliberately not taking any money with him).

Overall impression leaves very little to interpretation, this is a person who is abusing other people's hospitality and is definitely inserting themselves where they are not wanted. I did not find him quirky nor enjoyable, likely because I get irked by people who do not respect others' privacy, and Xiaoyang's behaviour sits pretty squarely in the disrespectful territory. I am 100% with Yunduo on this, it seems she is simply saying what everyone is thinking. Notably, Xiaoyang agrees with her, so I am kind of perplexed why some readers here are glossing over pretty much all of this and are essentially rewriting what was presented in the actual story (so we get a "college break" with "people that enjoy their company" instead of a freeloader who ran away from home with no money in order to force people who are not even his family to take care of him, despite literally none of them, including the freeloader himself, being happy with it).

I am honestly surprised how most of this seems to have flown completely under the radar here (I did not check the Forum in general in nearly a year, until today). It seems the issue of Xiaoyang's gender completely overtook the discussion when he was introduced.

Thank you for this. I was so surprised by people misinterpreting the interaction with Yunduo, but didn't have the time to write a response. I admit I had forgotten a couple of details myself, but it was definitely obvious that his presence is not wanted. While people may like him and they clearly care about him, it seems that they have only been putting up with this behaviour. Not one of the characters seemed all that happy to have him there (not even the shop owner, really). I agree that he's been quite annoying so far. I'm waiting for the explanation to see how much of this might be justified.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Is it okay that I still don't like Shion? I don't really understand what Mona sees in her. This was a lovely chapter though.

Apollonia discussion 24 Jun 04:12
joined Mar 6, 2021

Uploader artificially backdating the releases (even though they were all just added less than a week ago) so that only a few show up on the front page and everyone thinks it's always been here and can just ignore it

You bring no smiles of joy to anyone's face by doing this, and instead bury a cool series. Why shoot yourself in the foot this way?

That's just the system that Dynasty follows. All chapters are dated according to their original release, regardless of when they were uploaded on Dynasty. This comic has been on webtoon for years.

joined Mar 6, 2021

(not the anime or the official translation though. Can you believe those morons really translated "The Whispered Voice Requires Self-Responsibility" as "The Whisper is At-Your-Own-Risk"? Absolute clowns.)

Are you talking about the official translation of the manga here? To be honest, I find both of these titles kind of weird, but I don't know what the original Japanese title was.

The anime was definitely trash though, sadly.

joined Mar 6, 2021

There is no yuri more peak than this.

Well, this sure is a statement.

I think this work is interesting in its own way, but I I find it hard to take it seriously, to be honest. I can't imagine people really behaving like this, it feels very exaggerated. That being said, it has been entertaining so far and I am curious to see where it will go.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I get the feeling that there is more to their relationship than we've seen so far. The protagonist claims that she wants revenge and has been preparing to kill her for years, but she also seems to be weirdly attached to Obsidian, for reasons as of yet unknown to us readers. She says "you're always like that", which would imply that they know each other, have spent time together, more than just those two scenes we've seen. I think she cares for Obsidian, but was betrayed by her, which is why her actions don't always match her words and why her attacks never lead to anything.

I do get what you mean though. I definitely expected this to be more serious when it started. And I do think it would've probably benefited from it.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I think the premise and character dynamics were interesting, even if not anything revolutionary. However, the execution could have been a bit of better. There were a few pages that seemed disjointed to me.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Kozakura to Sorawo: I wish I could be your anchor to this side.

This is basically a love confession and Sorawo has zero reaction to it lol

I didn't read that as a romantic confession necessarily. I thought it was more in a motherly(?) sense. Besides, I thought it referred to both her and Toriko. To me it read as: I wish I could be the one you both would want to return to, but I know you are that person to one another, so you need something else to to keep you in this world.

Yeah, I saw it the same. In that same conversation she was talking about how focused both Sorawo and Toriko are to the otherside and how necessary it is for them both to find and maintain a connection to the real world. I don't know about motherly, but definitely friendly, since she's close to both of them. A really nice gesture. It's also a reasonable worry considering how reckless and driven Sorawo and Toriko can be.

Yeah, I was on the fence about motherly. I just see her acting as sort of a protector towards them? She often seems to consider them as two kids she needs to look out for and she's the voice of reason in the group. Which Sorawo and Toriko definitely need. I'm honestly surprised these two are still alive.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Kozakura to Sorawo: I wish I could be your anchor to this side.

This is basically a love confession and Sorawo has zero reaction to it lol

I didn't read that as a romantic confession necessarily. I thought it was more in a motherly(?) sense. Besides, I thought it referred to both her and Toriko. To me it read as: I wish I could be the one you both would want to return to, but I know you are that person to one another, so you need something else to to keep you in this world.

Now I'm thinking it's possible that she is projecting the feelings she had for Satsuki as well? They did work together after all, but she didn't manage to keep her there. So she wishes to help them avoid the same fate?

That being said, I do love to think of Kozakura as having a bit of a crush on Sorawo. And Gabinomicon makes a good point about her and Toriko's tastes aligning...

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 5:54PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Every time a scene like the one in this chapter happens, I'm immediately reminded of that commenter that said once that Sorawo x Kozakura must be the author's guilty pleasure.

Mine too, honestly.
I'm sure if Otherside Picnic was more popular, there would be fanart of these two.

Toriko's astonished face when she saw them was funny. There were some great expressions in this chapter, overall. Angry Toriko is always such a blessing, I absolutely love her. And her awkwardly trying to ask Sorawo to stay over was incredibly cute. Watching Sorawo trying to come up with excuses and then realizing that she made a mistake and can't back out was fun as well.

last edited at Jun 3, 2024 11:15AM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Wish it would get back to Evie bullying Elsa¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Those were the days...

I think the world building in this story is... not its strongest point. I'm having a hard time following the plot, but I haven't enjoyed it as much lately to take the time to reread it. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who had no idea who this Olivia was, at least.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I don't understand why people always comment on the "her eyelashes are so long" line. Well, I do, because it is literally in every yuri manga out there... but there is a reason it is. Who doesn't like beautiful eyelashes?

I wish there would be mentions of eyebrows as well, though. In all the lesbian media I've consumed, Japanese and western, I may have come across a comment on eyebrows once. People don't appreciate eyebrows as much as they should, honestly —my real life friends included.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I think if you're going to make a pottery scene you should commit to the disgusting dirty hands.

Still Sick discussion 24 May 15:16
joined Mar 6, 2021

I know this has very little to do with the story, but I always get so happy when I read this and see a protagonist working as an engineer. It's cool.

joined Mar 6, 2021

"But there is also still something akin to "love" at the root of her obsession.

Edit: I find yuri with characters who feel strong, obsessive versions of "love" to be compelling. Take for example the character in my avatar who did nothing wrong.

Also, (im)patiently waiting for this movie.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

just because you are AOK with garbage behavior from others as a form of “love” cuz that’s what Ume did to wakaba, that DOES NOT translate to actually LOVE for fuck sakes! THAT is way Wakaba SAYS that ain’t “love” it’s like you LOT chose TO IGNORE what Wakaba said she doesn’t believe Ume is actually in love with her cuz who in hell DOES THAT TO THEIR LOVED ONE!!!

Wakaba doesn’t consider this garbage toxic and twisted form of obsession as “love” as any sane human being should DO!

do you get it now? just because YOU and others accepted this type of toxic behavior as “love” doesn’t mean is actualy valid for Wakaba!

Wow okay, this sure is a passionate response, certainly not what I was expecting when I wrote this.

I never said that Umezono loves her, did I? I said that she made her feelings clear and "whether Wakaba should accept those feelings is another story". I think you should try to focus on what people are actually saying and not what you think they're saying, before aggressively responding to them like this. And maybe don't start accusing people of being okay with abusive behaviour just because of a comment on a silly manga?

(To clarify: I would call Umezono's feelings an obsession rather than love. That being said, I can understand why people may use the word "love", and there is no reason to attack commenters either way.)

last edited at May 22, 2024 3:18PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Is Wakaba just completely stupid? I don't understand why she doesn't get it, when Umezono basically spelled out her feelings to her in this chapter. Whether she should accept those feelings is another story, but acknowledging them shouldn't be that difficult. Umezono already gave her answer as to why she treats Wakaba like this, so Wakaba still thinking that she must hate her seems incredibly stupid to me.

I thought this line was a bit funny. Like an arm is absurd, but your dignity is a completely normal boundary XD

joined Mar 6, 2021

I absolutely love this series. It has a quietness to it that I don't encounter often, even among slice-of-life stories. The characters are adorable, but still believable as people, contrary to a lot of comedy and cgdct series. And the art is very pretty as well.