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joined Jan 26, 2019

I would absolutely love for Diana to win this love triangle.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Obviously we're not going to agree on this, but I do think your analogies here are not particularly fair. A name is much more personal and important than a greeting. You really don't see any difference between saying a character's name correctly and how someone says good morning? Names are usually pretty important in many stories. And I've absolutely seen films where a person saying someone's name correctly is a part of the plot. Which doesn't imply anything about this manga, but it will just be a character detail, but I do feel like you're being dismissive too early.

People use nicknames, pet names, suffixes and other such things to alter how they address someone all the time. It personalizes interactions, but unless a name has story significance it is simply not an important matter.
Your entire conceit here is that it matters because it somehow shows a lack of interest or investment from Diana, as she doesn't care about Natori's corrections, but that just appears so basic that I cannot help but call it as I see it... overanalyses.
Not that I am a stranger to such myself.

Also, unrelated, but "I just tried to perhaps broaden your perspective" is incredibly condescending. You don't know me or my perspective from reading a couple of comments I've made here. Let's not go there please.

That is your opinion. I phrased it completely neutrally actually, in fact to avoid you feeling attacked.
Maybe such a defensive reaction shows a cetain dissonance between how we perceive things, but it is obvious to me that none of us can see the full picture of things at all times, especially when locked on a very particular detail like this. You may not have been aware the Natori and Natalie are pronounced nearly the same in Japanese. Or some outside input could have allowed you to change your perspective.

That is what broadening one's horizons is. It is unfortunate that you consider it a condescending concept.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Obviously we're not going to agree on this, but I do think your analogies here are not particularly fair. A name is much more personal and important than a greeting. You really don't see any difference between saying a character's name correctly and how someone says good morning? Names are usually pretty important in many stories. And I've absolutely seen films where a person saying someone's name correctly is a part of the plot. Which doesn't imply anything about this manga, but it will just be a character detail, but I do feel like you're being dismissive too early.

People use nicknames, pet names, suffixes and other such things to alter how they address someone all the time. It personalizes interactions, but unless a name has story significance it is simply not an important matter.
Your entire conceit here is that it matters because it somehow shows a lack of interest or investment from Diana, as she doesn't care about Natori's corrections, but that just appears so basic that I cannot help but call it as I see it... overanalyses.
Not that I am a stranger to such myself.

A name by itself might no have story significance, but different people using different names for the same person usually does. Not always, but often. Also, yeah, if in real life someone was corrected on a pronunciation and did nothing about it, it would seem rude to me. I don't really see an issue there.

Also, unrelated, but "I just tried to perhaps broaden your perspective" is incredibly condescending. You don't know me or my perspective from reading a couple of comments I've made here. Let's not go there please.

That is your opinion. I phrased it completely neutrally actually, in fact to avoid you feeling attacked.
Maybe such a defensive reaction shows a cetain dissonance between how we perceive things, but it is obvious to me that none of us can see the full picture of things at all times, especially when locked on a very particular detail like this. You may not have been aware the Natori and Natalie are pronounced nearly the same in Japanese. Or some outside input could have allowed you to change your perspective.

That is what broadening one's horizons is. It is unfortunate that you consider it a condescending concept.

Ok so I'm not reading the Japanese, but someone in the comments on page 9 said this:

ナタリー na-ta-rii vs ナトリ na-to-ri
Not the same pronunciation, the last two syllables are different

I don't know what it looks like in the raws, but if it's coming up in the translation it must be different enough.

Lastly, sure, broadening one's horizon by looking at outside perspectives is nice, but when you put yourself in the position of broadening someone's horizon explicitly, unless you're literally their teacher, it comes off as condescending. It's one thing to display information from another perspective, it's another to tell someone explicitly that you're going to broaden their horizon with your perspective. There's a lot of assumptions there that depend on you knowing more than me and being more correct, which inevitably come off as condescending.

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 1:12PM

joined Sep 19, 2021

Ohhh my god it's like 1 in the morning here and I'm just squirming like crazy. I just, cannot resist. The manga is so gay and I'm here for it ahhhh it feel soooo good.

joined Dec 27, 2020

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 2:16PM

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

A name by itself might no have story significance, but different people using different names for the same person usually does. Not always, but often. Also, yeah, if in real life someone was corrected on a pronunciation and did nothing about it, it would seem rude to me. I don't really see an issue there.

The author gave their reasoning. Any further speculation or issue from your side are you own. Do as you must.

Ok so I'm not reading the Japanese, but someone in the comments on page 9 said this:

ナタリー na-ta-rii vs ナトリ na-to-ri
Not the same pronunciation, the last two syllables are different

I don't know what it looks like in the raws, but if it's coming up in the translation it must be different enough.

Obviously they are not the exact same. But if you are unfamiliar with Japanese names, then it sounds awfully similar. I already mentioned the context of a Western fantasy setting being more favorable of Western names. No need to repeat myself further.

Lastly, sure, broadening one's horizon by looking at outside perspectives is nice, but when you put yourself in the position of broadening someone's horizon explicitly, unless you're literally their teacher, it comes off as condescending. It's one thing to display information from another perspective, it's another to tell someone explicitly that you're going to broaden their horizon with your perspective. There's a lot of assumptions there that depend on you knowing more than me and being more correct, which inevitably come off as condescending.

I used the word "perhaps" quite purposely to make it not an absolute cerrtainty, but you are just looking to be offended now and I have no patience for such things. Think of it what you will, this is too irrelevant to me to pursue further.

joined Oct 14, 2014

why is there an argument in the comments over a running gag

joined Sep 6, 2018

Diana is not a yandere, just a shonen protagonist who's getting deprotagonized and doesn't know how to deal with it.

that's such a sick idea, i love genre play like this.

although, wasn't she an otomege protagonist, not a shounen one?

why is there an argument in the comments over a running gag

you've been here since 2014 and you're still wondering that? XD intense, multi-page forum arguments over pedantic shit is a cornerstone of Dynasty culture.

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 3:32PM

joined Jun 12, 2021

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

More writers have the balls to go poly than to have a clear-cut ending where one love interest is picked and the rest are cleanly kept away without wishy washy ambiguity.

joined Apr 19, 2018

My lord, the Yaoi hands in chapter 5, pg 171(?)

joined Dec 20, 2018

although, wasn't she an otomege protagonist, not a shounen one?

I actually commented the same at first. Then deleted the comment after checking the first chapter to be sure, and in a rare case the game is not described as an otome game this time after all.

Although this still doesn't necessarily make it shounen, of course.

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 3:50PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

You're all constructing love triangles and poly endings and whatnot, while I'm here thinking that with how things are going, the prince is going to kill Diane instead of Lapis :P She's pulling out knives and shit now, dangerous stuff.

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 3:50PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

More writers have the balls to go poly than to have a clear-cut ending where one love interest is picked and the rest are cleanly kept away without wishy washy ambiguity.

The truly ballsy ending is where pretty much all of the budding romances at the start, end in misery, debauchery, and human failure. It's a shame more realistic stories like Scum's Wish aren't more popular.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

"Balls" whatever. I have nothing against polyamory or people writing about it (except that I think there's a tendency to do a really crappy job), but the vast majority of people aren't poly and aren't really attracted to it, so they have no compelling reason to write or read about it. It's a small minority interest, it is likely to stay that way, so there will be some fiction written about it, but not very much, and that too is likely to stay that way. Saying people don't have the "balls" to write polyamory is like saying people don't have the "balls" to write stories about accountancy, or keeping reptiles as pets. Both of those happen now and then, but there will never be a revolution after which they achieve their rightful place with just as much stuff written about them as about sports or crime.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I love characters who are absolute cinnamon rolls but also Will Not Hesitate To Cut A Bitch
Still rooting for Poly, but with the Prince turning out to be a relatively decent sort, and Diana acting more violent this chapter, kinda wondering if this is headed toward her being turned into the new antagonist over time... Would be an interesting direction to turn the tables like that.

Wouldn't be an Isekai without a love triangle where one girl is inevitably going to get hurt. Especially since most of these writers never have the balls to go with the polyamory ending

More writers have the balls to go poly than to have a clear-cut ending where one love interest is picked and the rest are cleanly kept away without wishy washy ambiguity.

Please tell me where this supposed trove of poly stories is, because I'd love to read that.

Though based on you saying wishy washy ambiguity, I think you're talking about something completely different.

last edited at Mar 31, 2023 5:47PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

Diana is not a yandere, just a shonen protagonist who's getting deprotagonized and doesn't know how to deal with it.

that's such a sick idea, i love genre play like this.

although, wasn't she an otomege protagonist, not a shounen one?

In the original, the MC summons three dragon and uses them to battle another mage, fairly early on. I suspect it was at least a little bit more combat oriented then the typical romance. (It's actually described as an RPG app in the first chapter.)

With that said, Diana jumping to using cutlery to defend Natori struck me as a bit odd, particularly when she when she repeated the act with a fork hidden behind her back. It's not just the tendency towards violence that makes it odd, either. Cutlery just doesn't make for a good armament, especially when you have magic, and I'd have to imagine even an empty hand would be more useful than a fork, if she really thought she might need to defend Natori from the prince.

I wonder if her behavior was meant to foreshadow something about her past, or the state of the world, rather than her current mindset.

joined Feb 5, 2020

Do you know what a triangle is?
It's a polygon.

joined Feb 3, 2021

[...]Saying people don't have the "balls" to write polyamory is like saying people don't have the "balls" to write stories about accountancy, or keeping reptiles as pets. Both of those happen now and then, but there will never be a revolution after which they achieve their rightful place with just as much stuff written about them as about sports or crime.

There should totally be more stories about accountants. The shit we get up to up to something else! /s

But seriously, my tax professor had some of the craziest stories ever about his time representing clients in Las Vegas.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Honestly, the Villainess doesn't get my heart racing or anything, she's a little too... porcelain perfect? She has very little texture to me. Diana is a much better choice at the moment.

joined Mar 8, 2022

So the MC is in a love triangle while the prince will cheer from the sidelines

joined Aug 20, 2022

Rare occasion in which a love triangle doesn't annoy me. I know it's probably headed towards Natori and Lapis, but Diana's feelings and protectiveness are just so charming to me. Lady knight type characters are my jam.

joined Aug 5, 2020

This makes for an interesting contrast to This Isekai Maid is Forming a Union. I'm not sure how the protagonists of each series would feel about each other.

link to that? that title sounds very interesting

joined Feb 27, 2020


last edited at Mar 31, 2023 11:30PM

joined Mar 25, 2020

ooooh! what is to become of this wavering-to-the-side plot that the MC can slightly predict? i am excited to see where all of this goes. despite all the treatment this running villainess isekai trope is getting, i am patiently anticipating the next chapter and want to know more. MORE I SAY!

joined Jan 5, 2020

I only made this a count to comment on like a really really good story "Hana Ni Arashi" and now I've found something that can make my day. You guys fight a lot, I like to read lol.

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